
Penang City Hall to undergo RM20 million restoration

Property News/ 28 September 2024 Leave a comment


The iconic City Hall on Jalan Padang Kota Lama is set to undergo significant repair works as part of the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) ongoing conservation initiative to preserve the heritage structure.

MBPP mayor Datuk A. Rajendran announced that the repair works, estimated to cost RM20 million, are scheduled to commence in April next year.

“This will mark the second major restoration of the building. The first took place in 2011,” Rajendran said.

Rajendran emphasised the urgency of the repairs, attributing them to internal water leaks that have led to termite infestations within the building’s structure.

“Given the extent of the damage, it is crucial that we address these issues to prevent further deterioration.

“We anticipate that the restoration process will take up to two years to complete.

“During this period, all council meetings will be temporarily moved to Komtar,” he added after chairing the regular council meeting at City Hall today.

Constructed in 1903, Penang City Hall is a prominent colonial-era landmark and holds great historical significance as one of the oldest municipal buildings in the country.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

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