
Juru-Sungai Dua Elevated Expressway to ease Penang traffic


The Penang government, in partnership with PLUS Malaysia, is planning a new elevated highway, the Juru-Sungai Dua (JSD) route, aimed at reducing traffic congestion at the Juru and Sungai Dua toll plazas along the North-South Highway. The 15-kilometer project is projected to cost RM1.8 billion, according to The Star.

Deputy Works Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Maslan announced on Tuesday that PLUS has completed the first of three necessary stages for the project’s confirmation. “The Penang state has formally requested the project from the federal government,” he said. “Subsequently, PLUS Malaysia presented the proposal to the Public-Private Partnership Unit of the Prime Minister’s Department in February, and discussions are currently underway. Once confirmed, the next step would involve seeking Cabinet approval.”

Ahmad highlighted the potential long-term benefits of the JSD highway for Penang and neighboring states, emphasizing that frequent travelers on this route regularly face heavy traffic. “Despite the expected construction challenges over the current highway, we are hopeful, as we can already see the light at the end of the tunnel at this stage,” he stated.

Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow supported Ahmad’s comments, noting that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim experienced the severity of the congestion firsthand during a trip in February. “I had unintentionally brought Anwar from Permatang Pauh to Batu Kawan to launch an industrial park project during peak hour, and he felt the problem,” Chow explained. “The matter was raised again in April, leading the Public Works Department (JKR) and other agencies to conduct surveys at the section.”

Chow added that the JSD highway is a top priority for the state, along with the Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, which is expected to commence construction by the end of the year. These infrastructure developments aim to significantly improve traffic flow and connectivity in the region, addressing long-standing transportation issues and supporting economic growth.

  1. Abolish
    June 13th, 2024 at 16:41 | #1

    remove sg dua toll may solve the traffic congestion also…

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