
Advancing Penang2030: Progress and vision for a sustainable future


Penang is witnessing a significant stride towards its Penang2030 vision. A recent workshop held at the G Hotel showcased remarkable progress, with 280 projects aligned with the strategic initiatives of Penang2030 reaching completion, marking an impressive overall progress rate of 68%.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, addressing the workshop, emphasized the necessity of sustained efforts and active participation to achieve the ambitious goals set for 2030. He underlined the importance of unwavering commitment from state representatives in realizing the vision within the designated timeframe.

The workshop provided a platform for state officials to present detailed insights into their portfolios and highlight progress made so far across the four strategic themes. Under Theme A, the state’s advancement towards completing 220,000 affordable housing projects was highlighted, with significant progress reported.

Datuk Seri Sundarajoo Somu, State Housing and Environment Committee chairman, revealed that out of the targeted 220,000 units, 160,744 were either completed or in various stages of construction, with a remarkable overall progress rate of 73%. The state has also exceeded targets in urban regeneration housing schemes and Rent-to-Own units, showcasing tangible results in addressing housing needs.

The Penang2030 Dashboard System, a vital tool ensuring clear direction and prioritizing sustainable development, was highlighted during the workshop. This platform enables the public to track ongoing projects and engage actively in the state’s development agenda.

Among the distinguished attendees were Penang State Secretary Datuk Rosli Isa, Deputy Chief Minister I Prof Datuk Dr Mohamad Abdul Hamid, Deputy Chief Minister II Jagdeep Singh Deo, and various state committee chairpersons, reflecting a collective commitment to the Penang2030 vision.

The workshop concluded with a tour of Phase One of the Gurney Bay project, led by state representatives, showcasing practical initiatives in line with Penang’s sustainable development goals.

For more details and updates on Penang2030’s vision and ongoing projects, the public is encouraged to visit the official website. As Penang strides towards a sustainable future, active engagement and collaboration remain pivotal in realizing the shared vision of a prosperous and inclusive Penang by 2030.

  1. Minion
    May 13th, 2024 at 10:11 | #1

    The Greater Penang 2030

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