
The official launch of Taman Kejiranan Hillside in Tanjong Bunga

Property News/ 24 October 2023 Leave a comment

Penang Infrastructure, Transport and Digital Committee chairman Zairil Khir Johari, who is also the Tanjong Bunga assemblyman, officially inaugurated the Taman Kejiranan Hillside at Tanjong Bunga yesterday, as part of ‘My Taman, My Tanjung Bungah’ initiative.

Situated in the vicinity of Astaka Hillside and a myriad of food and beverage hotspots, Taman Kejiranan Hillside offers excellent public recreational amenities for residents of Tanjong Bunga with ease.

In his address during the inauguration, Zairil mentioned that discussions between the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and him began as early as 2022 to repurpose the site that was ill-maintained in the residential area.


To revitalise the area, a nuanced approach was necessary. Hence, the concept of a ‘pocket’ park with a botanical element was considered.

“For years, the site was neglected, and when I was approached by Zairil, the notion to introduce new elements was present. Utilising the existing space, we erected a treehouse as one of the new components,” said the architect in charge, Loh Mei Ee, when asked about her inspiration for the architecture of the park.

Other recreational amenities introduced include a children’s playground, walking/jogging paths, benches and reflexology equipment.

Not to forget, LED lamps were installed throughout the park to enable residents to enjoy its amenities at any time of the day.

More than 20 species of flowers were planted in the park, ensuring that visitors could delight in the vibrant colours of the blossoms according to the blooming season.

Moreover, these flowers release compounds that can help residents or visitors de-stress while enjoying their time in the park.

“A total of RM317,777.10 was spent on the project. Of this amount, RM170,000 came from my provisions, while RM147,777.10 was allocated by the MBPP.

“Without the support of MBPP and the efforts that went into designing the park, this initiative would not see such results,” Zairil said.

Furthermore, Zairil hoped that these uplifting efforts would benefit the community of Tanjong Bunga and contribute to the Penang2030 vision of becoming a Family Focused, Green and Smart State that Inspires the Nation.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

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