
Road project at Jalan Bukit Minyak Utama to finish in November next year


The road widening works in Jalan Bukit Minyak Utama from Kota Permai junction to the Jalan Rozhan junction in Bukit Mertajam are expected to be completed by Nov 30, 2023.

Machang Bubuk assemblyman Lee Khai Loon said the road widening works started on Jan 28 this year.

“We are confident that the project will be completed within the given time.

“The works are currently ahead of schedule and are at 3.9%.

“The 1.1km road widening works cost around RM8.49 million and are fully funded by the Penang government.

“The works will include the installation of medians on the road to help control traffic movement and avoid head-on collisions of vehicles.

“It is hoped that when the road widening works are completed, it will help to ease traffic congestion in this area,” Lee told a press conference during a site visit today.

Also present was Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) councillor Ong Jing Cheng.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

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