
The upgraded Permatang Rawa Mini Stadium is now open


The Penang Stadium and Open Spaces Corporation (PSDKLPP) is now a custodian for the newly upgraded Permatang Rawa mini stadium in Bukit Mertajam.

The Penang government, in a novation agreement signed today, transferred the rights and liability of the mini stadium to PSDKLPP. The objectives of the PSDKLPP are to develop, manage and maintain stadiums and open spaces in the state.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, who is also the PSDKLPP Board of Directors chairman, said the journey to upgrade the Permatang Rawa mini stadium was not easy.

“There were many meetings and discussions held since 2016, prior to the realisation of the project.

“The Penang government-appointed AEI International Berhad as the implementing company for the upgrading project in 2018. The work scope includes upgrading a football field, a pavilion, a clubhouse and building five futsal courts.

“The cost of the project was RM3.535 million, and RM2.4 million was borne by the state. The remaining cost was assumed by AEI International Berhad,” he said in his speech in Komtar today.

Chow thanked the relevant parties involved in the completion of the project. It is understood that the project obtained the Certificate of Practical Completion (CPC) on Jan 14 this year, and the Certificate of Completion and Compliance (CCC) on Oct 22, 2021.

He said that the upgrading project was in line with the Penang2030 vision of ‘A Family-Focused green and Smart State that Inspires the Nation’.

The signing ceremony also saw the signing of a second supplementary agreement between the state government and AEI International Berhad, and the signing of lease agreement between PSDKLPP and AEI International Berhad.

Chow said he hoped that the state, PSDKLPP and AEI International Berhad could work towards an inclusive and comprehensive sports development.

“The upgraded facilities can nurture the spirit of sportsmanship among the people,” he said.

AEI International Berhad director Datuk Joseph Kow said that with the signing of the lease agreement, the Permatang Rawa mini stadium is being leased to AEI International Berhad for 15 years.

“We assume the operations, maintenance and the running of the mini stadium,” he said.

Recollecting the past, Kow, a former Penang State Hockey Association president, said the mini stadium was left abandoned for 15 years prior to the upgrade.

“We were then asked by the state to upgrade the mini stadium. As part of our corporate social responsibility (CSR), I decided to enter a joint venture with the state to upgrade the mini stadium.

“We have the first-of-its-kind turf at the mini stadium. The field, believed to be the best yet in Seberang Perai, is a FIFA-approved artificial turf by Limonta Sport from Italy.

“We are happy that the Penang Football Club has used our field as one of the training grounds,” he said.

He added that the mini stadium also has five synthetic futsal courts.

“We have two standard-sized open courts, an indoor FIFA-sized court and two indoor standard-sized courts.

“The facilities are well accepted by the people here.

“This project is more of a CSR from us as we can only gain back our return on investment (ROI) in about eight to nine years.

“This is because we are keeping the price rate affordable for the players,” he said, adding that sports could create a strong bond among the people.

Kow said that players who wish to use the facilities must comply with the standard operating procedures (SOPs) and must be fully vaccinated.

Also present at the signing ceremony were Penang Youth and Sports Committee chairman Soon Lip Chee, Penang State Secretary Datuk Seri Abdul Razak Jaafar, Penang Deputy State Secretary (Development) Datuk Azhar Arshad, Penang Legal Adviser Datuk Norazmi Mohd Narawi and AEI International Berhad administrative executive Kharulnisa Husna.

For more details on Permatang Rawa mini stadium, visit https://www.stadiumpr.com.my/


Source: Buletin Mutiara

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