
MIEA urges govt to extend housing loan scheme to M40

Property News/ 2 November 2021 Leave a comment


Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) called for the government’s attention in encouraging M40’s homeownership by extending the housing loan scheme to M40 income group as well as a move to stimulate the property market.

The recently unveiled Budget 2022 is a commendable budget as it has offered various incentives to assist the B40 income group, but Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) called for the government’s attention in encouraging M40’s homeownership by extending the housing loan scheme to M40 income group as well.

“As Real Estate Agents we did not envisage this as it did not meet our expectations of stabilising the real estate sector especially in the secondary market in a challenging market. While we realize the budget detailed the need to take care of the Rakyat especially those in the B40 segment, those in the M40 has been somewhat left out.

“The M40 is an important sector that caters for the mid segment of the property market and they play a critical role in the new properties and the secondary market. Not all property owners are financially strong,” said the association.

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