
Sunny Ville Condo will be allocated RM376,200 for maintenance work under TPM80PP


The state government, through its Penang Maximum 80% Maintenance Fund (TPM80PP), has approved the application for lift replacement work at the Sunny Ville condominium in Batu Uban.

According to Jagdeep, the TPM80PP fund also caters to the eligible private housing schemes.

“Since the condominium does not fall under the low-cost or low medium-cost category, it is only entitled for a 60% of assistance from the state government.

“Out of the total cost of RM627,000, the state government will be allocating RM376,200 for the project and the balance will be borne by the residents.

“Our main objective of helping various housing schemes in the state with their maintenance work is to help ease their burden, especially during this challenging time.

“Till date, the state government has approved a total of 283 applications from various housing schemes involving 479 projects of various maintenance works costing RM276.4 million,” Jagdeep said during his visit to the Sunny Ville condominium today.

Jagdeep added that the state government has also received RM32 million (as of January) from the Federal Government for the maintenance work at various housing schemes.

“We hope that the Federal Government will keep assisting the housing schemes in Penang with the maintenance work. And we also look forward for their continuous cooperation on this matter,” he added.

Meanwhile, Batu Uban assemblyman A. Kumaresan expressed his gratitude to Jagdeep for attending to needs of the residents in his constituency.

“We have around 130 stratified homes in the neighbourhood of Batu Uban, whereby a total of 20 maintenance projects costing RM2.4 million were approved in this constituency.

“I hope that the state government will continue carrying out the good work so that more Penangites at various housing schemes will benefit from it,’’ said Kumaresan

Source: Buletin Mutiara

  1. Jinny
    July 17th, 2021 at 11:09 | #1

    Giving public money to a private condo project? Are you sure there is no conflict of interest in which one (or a few) of those DAP fellas own some units there??????

  2. Andy
    July 19th, 2021 at 08:33 | #2

    Sunnyville mgnt no sinking fung to repair the broken lift ?

  3. jack
    July 19th, 2021 at 11:46 | #3

    Boleh minta duit dari kerajaan negeri buat apa guna duit sendiri? 😀

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