
CIDB orders closure of construction site at SPU


The Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) has ordered the temporary closure of a hotel undergoing refurbishment at Persiaran Bertam, here for failing to fully comply with standard operating procedures (SOP).

Penang CIDB director Zahidi Hashim said inspections carried out found that the main contractor had failed to submit documents and permits related to the construction of a kongsi house (temporary workers quarters), besides also failing to furnish COVID-19 screening test results of its foreign workers.

“We also found the main contractor had failed to comply with SOPs, so CIDB has issued a stop work order until Thursday, which could be extended further if the contractor keep violating the SOPs,” he told reporters after an inspection of the worksite today.

The inspection was done with the cooperation of the police and the Health Ministry (MoH), and checks found that the rooms in the kongsi were not only small, they were dirty and lacked proper ventilation as well, Zahidi said.

Meanwhile, Seberang Perai Utara district police chief ACP Noorzainy Mohd Noor said of the more than 100 workers on site, about 60 managed to flee, while 11 who were inspected did not have valid work permits and had failed to take the compulsory screening test.

Source: Bernama


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