
PSR and PTMP included in Penang Structure Plan 2030

penang-2030The controversial Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP) and Penang South Reclamation (PSR) project were included as part of the draft Penang Structure Plan 2030 (PSP2030) which is now in the process of being gazetted, the state legislative assembly was told today.

State exco Jagdeep Singh Deo (DAP – Datuk Keramat) said the PTMP was taken into account when preparing the draft PSP 2030.

“The Strategic Implementation Policy was formulated to ensure that the PTMP will be the main basic reference in the implementation of any aspect of transportation plans in the state,” he said in his winding-up speech.

He said the PSP 2030 is a planning document based on legal framework and by including the PTMP into it, the implementation of the mega project will be based on various technical conditions so that it will only bring positive impact to Penang.

Jagdeep said the PSR was also included into the PSP 2030 under its Special Policy for land reclamation.

“The preparation of the draft PSP 2030, which is now in the process of being gazetted, showed that the state government did not plan any mega developments arbitrarily but instead had taken into consideration studies to ensure the implementation of the projects especially PSR adheres to all technical requirements and do not cause negative impacts on the people of Penang,” he said.

He reiterated that a series of townhall and dialogue sessions were held on both PSR and PTMP to give stakeholders the opportunity to bring forward their views on the projects.

“Both projects were carefully planned with technical expertise and had also taken into consideration feedback from stakeholders,” Jagdeep said.

The PTMP is an estimated RM46 billion mega project that includes PSR to reclaim three islands as a funding module for the whole project, Pan Island Link 1 and LRT, among other transportation plans.

The draft PSP 2030 was approved by the state planning committee on March 14.

Jagdeep said it was tabled at the National Physical Planning Council on April 18 and approved.

The structure plan governs the types of development projects allowed in the state while outlining development plans for the state until 2030.

He also said the long overdue Penang Local Plan 2030 and Seberang Perai Local Plan 2030 are now being prepared by the Penang Island City Council and Seberang Perai Municipal Council respectively to be in line with the PSP 2030.

“Both local plans are expected to be gazetted at the end of this year and with the gazettment, it will allow for better enforcement in terms of ensuring agricultural zoning are maintained and not converted for other developments,” he said.

Local plans govern the types of developments and zoning of lands in the area it covered.

Source: MalayMail.com


  1. Sam
    May 3rd, 2019 at 16:43 | #1

    Keep spinning ?Anyway,Penang is famous for that !

  2. Kckc
    May 3rd, 2019 at 19:38 | #2

    Only in penang any gov project also can be controversial.

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