Tri Pinnacle vs i-Santorini
Affordable housing is no longer a new topic for potential home buyers. So many yet it could be so few that is suitable. Today, let’s take a stroll into comparing the two most popular affordable housing projects in the north east district of Penang Island. Both projects are located within the township of Tanjung Tokong, less than 3km apart.
Tri Pinnacle |
i-Santorini |
Developer |
Aspen Group |
Ideal Property Group |
Location |
Mount Erskine |
Tanjung Pinang |
Standard unit size |
800 sq.ft. |
850 sq.ft. |
Price psf. |
RM374 |
RM353 |
No. of carpark |
1 |
1 |
Selling Price |
RM299,000 |
RM300,000 |
Upgrade packages |
RM399,000 for 2 carparks, fully renovated, IKEA furnishing and electrical appliances |
RM350,000 (2 car park, MS Grill door for main entrance, Air con piping)
RM400,000 (2 car park, FREE legal fees & disbursement for SPA & Loan, additional yard area & points etc) |
Development land size |
9.97 acres |
9.975 acres |
Land tenure |
Freehold |
Leasehold |
Total units |
859 |
2155 |
Expected completion |
Dec 2018 |
2020 |
Highest floor |
45 |
49 |
5 nearest schools |
SRJK Peng Hwa
Penang Chinese Girls High School (3.5km)
Upland School (11km)
Sekolah Tinggi Phor Thay (3km)
TAR College University (4km)
Tenby International School (4km)
Penang Chinese Girls High School (4km)
Phor Tay Primary & High School (3km)
TAR College (4.5km)
Han Ming Primary School
5 nearest eateries |
James Foo (1km)
Fatty Loh Chicken Rice (1km)
Prima Tanjung Food Court (1.5km)
Mount Erskine Food Court (1.5km)
Daorae Korean Restaurant (1km)
Old Town White Coffee (1.5km)
Pizza Hut (0.5km)
KFC (1km)
SOHO Bistro & Bar (1.5km)
5 nearest malls |
Gurney Plaza (3.5km)
Island Plaza (2.5km)
Tesco Sungai Pinang (2.5km)
Gurney Paragon (3.5km)
Straits Quay (3km)
Gurney Plaza (3.5km)
Island Plaza (1.5km)
Tesco Sungai Pinang (1km)
Gurney Paragon (3km)
Straits Quay (1.5km)
Web popularity (Past 90 days) |
16,000 pageviews |
20,000 pageviews |
Travelling to (off peak)
Penang Bridge
2nd Bridge
14km (20 minutes)
22km (28 minutes)
22km (30 minutes)
8km (18 minutes)
19km (26 minutes)
14km (20 minutes)
22km (28 minutes)
22km (30 minutes)
7km (16 minutes)
19km (26 minutes)
Project highlights
(by developer) |
First private-initiated affordable housing project in Penang
Affordably priced condominium units with condo facilities
Land tenure: Freehold
Practical & family-friendly layout
Highly sought-after location in Tanjong Tokong
Fully renovated and furnished with IKEA furnishings and electrical appliances
Lowest density in terms of Affordable Home development
100% affordable home with no mixture of low cost or low medium cost
Upscale neighbourhood
Walking distance to Tesco
Excellent accessibility
Excellent public amenities
Practical design and maximum utility of space
Wholesome living concept for the family and with open lush recreational spaces
More about Tri Pinnacle |
More about i-Santorini |
Which is better and offer better values for investment i santorini or the pinnacle…
Do you have other props to recommend?
Tri Pinnacle wins. RM400k for 800ft, 2 car parks, fully renovated and furnished.
Tri Pinnacle + points: free hold, lower density.
is very obvious la, Tripinnacle definitely win! ideal build normal development with substandard quality, imagine how would be their affordable development qualities with 2155 units? i cant imagine living with 2155 units neighborhood. it will be disaster and this developer doesn’t think about how people going to live in such a high density housings, its going to effect their brand substantially. i still feel AG is better developer but will wait for them to complete this development before giving them thumbs up. going by their brand positions and the way the company operate i feel this is kind of developer we should bet on. even IKEA & Columbia Asia choose them instead of other developer partners. that say something isn’t it?
Tri pinnacle wins!
Dont forget Tri Pinnacle got Low cost block density ~ same.
Facilities might have issue also
I vote for low dense project!
Agreed with Lee. The Tri-pinnacle project is low dense, but that area is not. Plus the road is narrow and hilly. Decide for yourself.
and don’t forget what the land used to be. Local chinese will know.
lai lai lai, sapu sapu sapu
For investment purposes, I wouldn’t recommend these properties as they’re categorized under Affordable Housing. Good luck hunting!
how about ramah pavilion?
Tri-pinnacle for me ! Cos of the lower density by about 2.5 times.
Definitely Aspen a more reliable developer than Ideal.
People buying property by “betting on”. Must have helluva money in the bank. Also some comments really never fail to astonish me. Aspen more reliable? Please enlighten me with more facts to support that. As far as I know (and trust me I do), Aspen is a relatively new player entering the property market.
Aspen is just ex-Ivory. If you were to ask me both developers are just about the same. Maybe Ideal would be slightly lower than Aspen. Aspen is the same as Ivory. OHM and VST also in the same category as Ivory. Don’t expect quality or good workmanship. That’s how they stay competitive. So what you get in return is substandard housing.
Tri Pinnacle facing low cost, no no for me…
Tri pinnacle is rm299,990. Not rm299000.
Thanks for pointing out the error, my namesake. Just goes to show the kind of admin running this site; posting info without proper verification. Perhaps those who intend to purchase the Basic unit will get RM990 subsidy by Penang Property Talk?
The comparison is misleading to us. How come the block A (LMC-390 units) for tri-pinnacle never mention about? Their total units are suppose to be 1249units (835+390). @richdad, absolutely agree your point, although overall tri-pinnalcle is still lower dense but the location sitting on is not! The place and main road at Mount Erskine is small, narrow and hilly, still consist of other projects nearby like The Peak Residence, Tmn Bkt Erskine (LMC), The Latitude, Mont Residence, Skyridge Garden which relatively just a stone throw away distance.
The reason why those LMC units were never mentioned is probably because the comparison is done under the “Affordable Housing” developement category. So by putting 859 vs 2155, it’s almost certain which any potential buyer would go for, but to use this solely to justify one’s opinion would be foolish. Also, on what basis is TriPinnacle’s design “Practical & family-friendly layout”?
Better go for Tri Pinnacle, is a bit headache to handle with gangster contractor for all Ideals Project. Buyers you may go through all the Ideal projects and get the feedbacks from the owners. Until today the Ideal developer didn’t take any action on this issue, just allow the gangster contractor to set up the booth inside the premises upon OC Obtain.
Hi Iambroke
Normally how long will the gangster contractor be there after OC? 1 year? 2 years?
Pinnacle fully renovated now Aspen selling 498.Kindly take note.
Pinnacle fully renovated now selling 498k.Kindly take note.
Do anyone know what material piping for Tri-pinnacle?
When the OC and strata tittle will get??
I think Santorini still the better than Pinnacle.
1st it is a much better location because it is at Strait Quey and Pinnacle is inside the cemetery area.
2nd is Ideal much establish developer compare to Aspen coz Ideal already have a lot of projects and Aspen is just a new developer without any record.
3th is I Santorini is build on flat land and Pinnacle is cut form hill.
4th is I Santorini is ready with a lot of Amenities like Tesco, restaurants, shop and mall. But Pinnacle is nothing there.
All this just my personal opinion.
The sad bad is i-santorini is leasehold and balance lease is approaching 80.
yes, usually leasehold premises will facing a difficulty for the loan if the lease period left 60-70 years
vote for tri pinaccle
I see Tri-Pinaccle I feel very scare as build inside of mountain.
And the overall structural building & road inside this area really the worst. Touchwood.. hopefully the whole building not collapse anytime in future…