
PROPOSED: 55-storey affordable housing @ Tanjung Bungah

Tanjung Bungah/ 5 December 2024 Leave a comment


Newly proposed affordable housing development in Tanjung Bungah. Situated just a stone’s throw away from the Prince of Wales Island International School. It is also just a few minutes walk to Tenby Schools, about 10 minutes drive to Gurney Drive.

This project features a 55-storey affordable housing, comprises 360 units of affordable homes and 120 low-medium-cost units. The building includes a community facility floor on Level 10, 11 and 55. Parking is provided with a 9 level parking podium, with utility spaces also located on the ground level.

The project is still pending for approval. More details will be available upon official launch.

Project Name : (to be confirmed)
Location : Tanjung Bungah
Property Type :Affordable housing
Tenure: (to be confirmed)
Land Area: (to be confirmed)
Built-up Size: (to be confirmed)
Total Units : 360 (affordable), 120 (low-medium cost)
Indicative Price : RM150,000 (Affordable housing price guide)
Developer : (Follow us to find out more in the future)

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LOCATION MAP (approximate)

DISCLAIMER: This article is solely based on research done using publicly available data. This is not an advertisement. Any claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a project or service should be verified with the developer, provider, or party in question.

    December 10th, 2024 at 09:25 | #1

    50 storey must have sufficient multi storey car park day time cater for commercial uses and after 7pm purely for residence only.Ideally shound have ratio of 1: 5 or more

  2. Oh nice
    December 11th, 2024 at 14:42 | #2

    50 storey must have sufficient multi storey car park day time cater for commercial uses and after 7pm purely for residence only.Ideally shound have ratio of 1: 5 or more

    no worry, just park at roadside…since authority green light the project, it should be fine…hehe

  3. Saw Bee Kim
    December 23rd, 2024 at 13:54 | #3

    I am interested in this project. Kindly contact me. Thank you. My name is Saw Bee Kim. Email : sawbeekim@gmail.com

  4. Teoh Chia Ling
    December 27th, 2024 at 12:31 | #4

    I am interested in this project. Kindly contact me. Thank you.

  5. Yeoh Mei Lin
    February 7th, 2025 at 00:10 | #5

    I’m interested in this project. Do you mind give more information such as price, and what is available?

  6. Apple
    February 18th, 2025 at 13:36 | #6

    Hi, im interest this project, kindly contact me, thanks

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