
SJK (C) Aik Hua’s relocation to Sungai Ara a strategic move

Property News/ 9 September 2024 Leave a comment

The relocation of SJK (C) Aik Hua from its historic location on Muntri Street in George Town to Sungai Ara has proven to be a timely and strategic move, as student enrolment continues to grow. According to Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow, the school’s enrolment has increased to 191 students since the relocation, reflecting the community’s positive response.

During his recent visit to the school, Chow emphasized the importance of creating a vibrant learning environment for students. “I am proud to witness the completion of the school’s building, which marks a significant milestone in our education journey,” he said. He further praised the new facilities, including an auditorium, which cater to the diverse needs of the students and enhance their overall educational experience.

SJK (C) Aik Hua had been located on Muntri Street for over 100 years before its relocation to Sungai Ara in March this year. Construction on the new school began before the Covid-19 pandemic. Chow, who was formerly the Member of Parliament for Tanjong when the school was in George Town, expressed confidence that the school’s reputation would continue to grow once all necessary approvals from the relevant authorities are secured.

Chow also lauded the school’s commitment to providing a platform for special needs students, enabling them to thrive in an inclusive learning environment.

The school’s board chairman, Datuk Gary Choot, expressed gratitude to Chow for his unwavering support over the years. “The official opening ceremony for the school is planned for next year,” Choot said. The visit was also attended by state Tourism and Creative Economy chairman Wong Hon Wai, headmaster Lee Cheah Liang, and school staff, including teachers.

Image source: Facebook

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