
Authorities conduct a sudden inspection of the Air Itam-Tun Dr LCE Expressway bypass project

Property News/ 10 August 2024 Leave a comment


Following complaints received from the residents in Island Glades over the dust issue from the bypass project in the neighbourhood, a sudden inspection from the authorities was carried out by the authorities.

During the inspection, state Housing and Environment Committee chairman Datuk Seri Sundarajoo Somu, Seri Delima assemblyman Connie Tan, and a team from the Department of Environment (DOE) visited the site to monitor the situation.

In a lengthy discussion with the project contractor, Sundarajoo, who has extensive experience in site inspections, instructed the contractor to strictly adhere to the stipulated guidelines.

He advised the project contractor to address the residents’ concerns, citing numerous complaints received about potential health hazards.

Sundarajoo and the inspection team also assessed the measures that have been undertaken to mitigate the dust issue.

At a press conference after the inspection, Sundarajoo said the project contractor had undertaken various actions to tackle the dust issue.

“After my inspection, I found that insufficient water sprinkling at the site has contributed to the dust pollution.

“The contractor has been cooperative and has promised to implement additional measures to resolve the issue.

“The well-being and quality of life of residents in the neighbourhood will be prioritised at all costs. We will not compromise on this matter,” he told reporters.

by-pass-project-1Sundarajoo assured that the residents’ concerns would not be overlooked and that stern action would be taken against the contractor if the situation remains unresolved.

However, he noted that the discussion with the contractor was amicable, and the contractor expressed a willingness to address the problem.

“The situation worsened over the past three weeks due to windy and scorching weather. I have advised the contractor to use the sprinkling water system that has been prepared,” he added.

Sundarajoo has also urged the contractor to submit weekly reports to DOE, which could later transition to monthly reports. He added that he might revisit the site next week.

Connie Tan expressed gratitude for the smooth discussion.

“I have a strong bond with the constituents in the affected neighbourhood, and I will not hesitate to address their concerns,” she said.

Tan noted that the contractor had implemented various efforts, including a dust suppression system.

“So far, there has been a slight improvement compared to the previous situation, but I hope the dust issue can be reduced to a minimal level,” she said.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

  1. chita
    August 11th, 2024 at 15:57 | #1

    Dust ? What development has no dust problem ? Aiyoyo, Penang !

  2. Oh nice
    August 12th, 2024 at 11:03 | #2

    no wonder public infra take ages to complete…always get interrupted, quickly get it done and over lar….

  3. Yeoh Wei Sheng
    August 12th, 2024 at 23:07 | #3

    what project is this? available to non bumi?

  4. Islander
    August 13th, 2024 at 09:06 | #4

    @Yeoh Wei Sheng

    bro want to stay at bypass express.

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