
Northern TechValley


Slated for the second half of 2024, this ambitious 176-acre project boasts a gross development value of RM1 billion. Located within the vicinity of Kubang Semang, near Suling Hill, Northern TechValley enjoys high visibility from the Butterworth-Kulim Expressway. This move marks AME Elite’s strategic expansion beyond Johor, aiming to meet the growing demand for industrial properties in Penang.

“This venture beyond Johor will enable us to tap into new markets and meet increasing demand for industrial properties in Penang,” said the group in its latest annual report. It is also actively pursuing opportunities to extend its presence into other high-potential locations across Malaysia.

More details to be available upon official launch.

Project Name : Northern TechValley
Location : Kubang Semang
Property Type : Industrial
Land Area: 176 acres
Developer : AME Elite Consortium Bhd.

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