
Marina City


Marina City, a new commercial development in Permatang Tinggi, undertaken by Aroma Development Sdn. Bhd. It is strategically located along Jalan Permatang Tinggi, just a few hundred meters away from another upcoming commercial hub, PuncakCity, currently being developed by Puncakcity Development Sdn. Bhd.

This development features a total of 100 freehold commercial units, comprising 79 shop offices and 21 small-scale manufacturing units with convenient drive-thrus. The commercial offerings range from semi-detached 2.5-story units spanning 3,936 to 4,268 sq.ft. and 3-story bungalows sized from 5,200 to 6,734 sq.ft. Prices start at RM3.2 million, with anticipated completion by 2026.

Project Name : Marina City
Location : Permatang Tinggi
Property Type : Commercial
Tenure: Freehold
Built-up Size: 3,936 sq.ft. – 6,734 sq.ft.
Total Units : 79 (shop office), 21 (small-scale factory)
Indicative Price : RM3.2 million onwards
Developer : Aroma Development Sdn. Bhd.

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