
Penang undertakes RM10mil maintenance of high-risk slopes to ensure road safety


Twelve high-risk slopes that were identified by the state Public Works Department (JKR) are currently undergoing maintenance works at a cost of RM10,002,000, Penang Infrastructure, Transport and Digital Committee chairman Zairil Khir Johari said.

The exco man, who held a media conference at one of the maintenance sites in Tanjong Bunga earlier on Saturday morning, said that the Works Ministry had approved the said allocation in February this year following the state government’s appeal to expedite the maintenance works at the high-risk slopes involving Federal and state roads.

It is understood that out of the 12 high-risk slopes, five were from the northeast district on the island, while the remaining seven were from the southwest district.

From the approved RM10,002,000, RM3,868,000 will be used to cover the expenses in the northeast district and the remaining RM6,134,000 in the southwest district.

The appointed contractor is Pintas Utama Sdn Bhd (PUSB).

“The main components include soil investigation, early site cleaning works and repairing the landslide-hit areas.

“Road users are advised to plan their trips accordingly when passing by the affected areas, and everyone needs to follow the instructions that have been set at the maintenance sites.

“Although no roads are closed during this maintenance period, the public is advised to follow the instructions to ensure the safety of all road users,” Zairil said during the media conference.

He expressed gratitude to Works Minister Datuk Seri Alexander Nanta Linggi for approving the funds to carry out the necessary works to ensure the safety of the people of Penang.

Also present were the northeast district JKR engineer Mohd Khairul Nizam Mohd Fuzi, southwest district JKR engineer Wan Eika Tansukasih Che Daud and civil engineer (roads) Rohaizi Hashim.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

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