
Penang finalizes Mutiara LRT alignments, construction to start soon


The Penang state government has selected the best alignment for the Penang Mutiara Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) project, as proposed by Mass Rapid Transit Corp Sdn Bhd (MRT Corp). This decision was confirmed by Penang Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow during a press conference at his office in Komtar. The state government sent a confirmation letter to the Transport Ministry two weeks ago, solidifying their agreement with the proposed alignment.

Chief Minister Chow stated that the chosen alignment aligns closely with their original plan, albeit with some modifications. Notably, the original LRT line did not include an extension to Penang Sentral in Butterworth. The new alignment begins at Silicon Island and connects Penang Sentral to the Macallum area in George Town, enhancing future connectivity to other lines.

MRT Corp has since discarded other proposed alignments, focusing solely on this selected route. With all critical decisions made, the project is now in the open tender phase. Construction is set to commence once the tender process is finalized.

The Transport Ministry officially assumed control of the Penang LRT project following Cabinet approval on March 22. SRS Consortium Sdn Bhd has been appointed to build the first segment of the project, with construction anticipated to begin in September.

  1. future cop
    June 27th, 2024 at 08:13 | #1

    BW area housing price will hit record again. I am getting a unit Wellesley Residence soon, happy to be in the harbour place with LRT connect to Penang and Penang Central KTM, Buses access to everywhere of Malaysia.

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