
Kampung Wellesley residents urged to apply for individual grants


Residents of Kampung Wellesley, a community over 30 years old, are urged to come together to apply for individual grants.

Chief Miniser Chow Kon Yeow, who visited the neighbourhood in Sungai Jawi on Saturday, listened to the grant issues faced by the Kampung Wellesley residents.

“The 106 lots in the neighborhood hold a single grant under the name of Kampung Wellesley Berhad. The residents do not have individual grants.

“Under the Land Act, signatures from the respective owners or their heirs are needed before applying for individual grants to the land office.

“We hope that they will come together and provide their signatures, as 100% agreement is required from the residents,” Chow said during a press conference during his visit.

Also present were state Local Government, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jason H’ng Mooi Lye, who is also the Jawi assemblyman, Bukit Tambun assemblyman Goh Choon Aik, Bukit Tengah assemblyman Gooi Hsiao-Leung, Machang Bubuk assemblyman Lee Khai Loon and Kebun Bunga assemblyman Lee Boon Heng.

Former Sungai Bakap assemblyman Dr Amar Pritpal Abdullah also joined the visit.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

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