
Casa Tiara

Teluk Kumbar/ 27 February 2024 Leave a comment


Casa Tiara, an affordable housing development by Wisma Dayamas Sdn. Bhd. in Teluk Kumbar. Located off Cangkat Bukit Belah 2, diagonally opposite D’ Starlingtton condominium by the same company. It is just a stone’s throw away from the upcoming Penang Silicon Island, about 5 minutes drive to Penang International Airport.

This development features a 25-storey apartment tower, offering a total of 115 low-cost units and 115 low-medium cost units. Additionally, it includes a three-level car parking podium for residents’ convenience. At the ground level, there will be 14 units of shop offices.


Project Name : Casa Tiara
Location : Teluk Kumbar
Property Type : Affordable housing
Land Tenure: Freehold
Total Units: 230
Built-up Size: 650 sq.ft. & 700 sq.ft.
Indicative Price: RM42,000 onwards
Developer : Wisma Dayamas Sdn. Bhd.

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  1. WC Ong
    February 27th, 2024 at 07:23 | #1

    confirm become bangladesh nest here. bring down the standard of the good houses there only…

  2. Oh nice
    February 27th, 2024 at 08:58 | #2

    @WC Ong

    Government said since it is a low cost home you can’t rent out, not sure if they can enforce it….

  3. WC Ong
    February 27th, 2024 at 09:13 | #3

    @Oh nice

    Government said a lot of things. Government say motor cannot modify exhaust. Government say no smoking at dining places. Government said a lot of things.

  4. Oh nice
    February 27th, 2024 at 09:42 | #4

    @WC Ong

    well up to the people whether they want to bring it up to the authority responsible or just sitting there cursing all day long doing nothing…Teluk Kumbar is not a ‘class’ area anyway, a Little Dakar will do little harm but maybe add more color to it, isn’t that wonderful …LOL

  5. Danga Bay
    February 27th, 2024 at 12:18 | #5

    I don’t think so. That’s plenty of luxury development coming to Teluk Kumbar & soon it will boom like Queensbay.
    That’s platinum III/Valencia/D starlington and LRT coming up with Silicon island in progress. This is affordable house alike The Zen

    @Oh nice

  6. MajorArches
    February 27th, 2024 at 13:43 | #6

    @Oh nice
    I did the eaduan through Perumahan and guess what they say.

    First need to complaint to the JMB or MC there.

    If no action just inform Perumahan.

    Another is if got proof they will take action.

    But by all means this is a fact and those have sign the oath stating cannot rent and sell in 10 years time.

    So basically, perumahan is just pure rubbuish on enforecement.

    Complaint or no complaint still the same.

    Not fair to those really needed a house to stay and call home. Those who got it rent at a good price as well below RM1000

  7. Mohd Azmi
    March 9th, 2025 at 07:28 | #7

    Is still available.

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