
Phase one of Gurney Wharf project to open in July


Phase one of the Gurney Wharf project is expected to be completed soon and open to the public in July.

State Local Government, Housing, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo said phase one of the project is now almost 86% completed, with roads and lights already established.

The Gurney Wharf project, which started in 2016, is being built on reclaimed land off Gurney Drive.

“We will always respect and maintain Gurney Drive as an icon. The Gurney Drive project is to make it even better.

“We will make sure that this particular area, which actually comprises 101.8 acres, will become a place for the people of Penang.

“We have two components in the Gurney Wharf project.

“July is the target to open Phase One of Gurney Wharf. We have reached 85.72% progress. And we will see 27.8 acres just on Phase One becoming green with several facilities, including a skate park, playground, vantage point, many kiosks and the promenade.


“Let me give you that commitment. To all Penangites, our green agenda is extremely important. We shall give that utmost priority and Gurney Wharf is going to be a green lung, a new icon of Penang come July,” Jagdeep said during a site visit this morning.

He said the Gurney Wharf project is in line with the Penang2030 vision to create a “Family-Focused, Green and Smart State to Inspire the Nation.”

Elaborating on this, Jagdeep said the public park would be an ideal place for families to enjoy together after a busy day and also a green place to be under the current hot and humid weather.

He said he would seek more budget for more trees to be planted to reduce the effects of the climate crisis.

Jagdeep also explained that although the land reclamation was completed before the pandemic, the project was delayed in some ways as the pandemic had an impact on all projects where material supply was concerned.

Phase Two of the project, which is termed Priority Two, will feature additional landscaping areas, more recreational parks, a hawker centre, a viewing deck (north vantage point), public toilets, more traders’ kiosks, multi-storey car parks, open space car parks, a beach area and boardwalk, water garden and the drainage system.

The whole project is expected to be completed in 2025.

Also, present at the site visit were newly appointed MBPP mayor Datuk A. Rajendran, Chief Minister Incorporated (CMI) deputy general manager Datin S. Bharathi, and JKR civil engineer Goh Kiet Rhee.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

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  1. Chye
    May 11th, 2023 at 16:19 | #1

    Very valuable Gem for Penang !

  2. Oh nice
    May 12th, 2023 at 10:45 | #2

    a skate park ? how many people skate in Penang…LOL

  3. Islander
    May 12th, 2023 at 13:07 | #3

    @Oh nice

    We used to skate at youth park, but there is tedung with trees.
    Even we skate now i wonder who will want to skate at beach side under a big sun

  4. LL
    May 13th, 2023 at 10:17 | #4

    Good luck on opening in July…
    Over the last few weeks, suddenly news about ‘LRT’, “South Islands”, “Gurney Wharf” start popping up. Election is near….

  5. J
    August 17th, 2023 at 09:30 | #5

    @Oh nice

    You will be surprised.

  6. Oh nice
    August 17th, 2023 at 10:28 | #6

    ya, better surprise me, otherwise it will end up as picnic area for the kampong folks..

  7. Islander
    August 17th, 2023 at 10:51 | #7

    @Oh nice

    Picnic is getting more common now bruh.
    Don’t you notice Decathlon opens how many branches in Penang d, more coming.

    Skating is “playing outside”
    Picnic also is “playing outside”

    Outdoor hobby is better than staying in the air-conditional mall, so perhaps states govn can focus more on public infrastructure.
    I wish not to see more new shopping more in Penang Island already.

    It’s legit if not banned.

    I rather that to happen than seen bunch of mat rempit just like Q1 Q2.

  8. Gurney Best
    August 17th, 2023 at 12:51 | #8

    Gurney is a premium exclusive location than Q1 &Q2.
    Don’t compare as Queensbay still up to level of Gurneybay.
    Q1 &Q2 don’t think we’ll plan by Ideal as poor landscaping & road side decorations too. During night time plenty of people sitting around without control.
    The light by IJM is much better.

  9. millionaire
    August 19th, 2023 at 00:27 | #9

    @Gurney Best
    what you see right now on Q1 n Q2 road side decoration is not fully done yet.
    Got time can surf through master plan of Queens water front, there are on going projects carried out like Queens sport center, football field and international school.
    Lets see which is better still too early to tell.
    Btw I did signed up a unit in The Light City Mezzo.

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