
SJKC Kuang Yu broke ground on new campus at Batu Kawan

Property News/ 4 December 2022 Leave a comment


The groundbreaking ceremony of primary school SRJK (C) Kuang Yu in Batu Kawan has made it into the Malaysia Book of Records after 500 people took part in the ceremony yesterday morning.

The primary school, which has 88 years of history, is being relocated to Batu Kawan from Kuala Muda, Penaga.

Bukit Tambun assemblyman Goh Choon Aik said the setting up of the new school would take three years to complete.

“The cost of the project is about RM18 million,” he said in his speech before the groundbreaking ceremony today.

It was reported in 2018 that the then Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching had said the school, would be built on a 2.43ha plot provided by the Penang Development Corporation (PDC), and was expected to be ready three years later.

Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said the setting up of the school was delayed because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Back in 2018, Teo visited the primary school in Kuala Muda which has a low pupil enrolment. She also visited this site in Batu Kawan before proposing for the school to be relocated here so that it could continue to operate.

“An approval to build the primary school was granted by the Education Ministry in 2019,” he said.

Chow said the construction of the school was expected to start in the second quarter of next year.

He added that the Penang government allocated RM200,000 to assist the school.

He thanked and welcomed more sponsors to lend their support to the school.

Also present were state Social Development and Non-Islamic Religious Affairs Committee chairman Chong Eng, and Jawi assemblyman H’ng Mooi Lye.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

  1. savana
    July 23rd, 2024 at 15:24 | #1

    Hi, anyone can update the progress of this school construction?

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