
SITE PROGRESS: Sunshine Central (Oct 2022)

Property News/ 17 October 2022 Leave a comment

Sunshine central site progress

About Sunshine Central

A re-development of the old Sunshine Farlim site into a new commercial complex with business hotel and serviced residence. The entire project will be over 3.7mil sq ft of gross area, spread over three blocks of 38-storey buildings, comprises 270 units of serviced apartments, 144 units of small home offices (Sohos), a hypermarket, 300 retail outlets, a medical specialist centre, a 320-room business class hotel, and cineplexes.

Find out more about Sunshine Central

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  1. Selva
    October 17th, 2022 at 12:32 | #1

    This is one of the best development in Penang.
    Highend condo going to appreciate in Value & economy going to burst up in this area.

  2. jack
    October 17th, 2022 at 14:36 | #2

    Lol nowadays every super high density projects can be Penang’s best developments

  3. Selva
    October 17th, 2022 at 16:14 | #3

    Yes. Super high density with a proper plan from developer.
    High density meaning high business opportunity.
    That’s high class hotel with shopping mall & off course highend condo & density is very low. This is going to be prime & premium location with high class condo. It’s expecting 1M above upon completion. This is most happening place main city of Farlim.

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