Proposal to build workers’ quarters in Penang Tech Park shelved | Penang Property Talk

Proposal to build workers’ quarters in Penang Tech Park shelved


The proposal to build a centralised workers’ quarters (CLQ) at the industrial area in Penang Technology Park in Bertam, Kepala Batas has been cancelled.

Deputy Chief Minister I Datuk Ahmad Zakiyuddin Abdul Rahman said the developer decided not to go ahead with the project after taking into account the views of the various stakeholders.

“The stakeholders include local residents, local leaders, and other technical departments.

“We are delighted to receive information from the developer to not proceed with the development of CLQ.

“We will monitor the Penang Technology Park’s project to ensure it benefits the people in the state,” said Zakiyuddin, who is also the Penang Technology Park Monitoring Committee chairman during a press conference in Komtar today.

Zakiyuddin said the developer was now in the process of working alongside the industry.

“For the time being, the state is of the view that there is a need for the industry to manage the workers’ placement and encourage the industry to consider if it is necessary to develop the CLQ,” he said.

“We will be monitoring the situation from time to time.”

Meanwhile, the public is welcome to attend the Perkampungan Khaira Ummah 2030 (KAMPUNGKU2030) event in Masjid Ibadur Rahman, Kepala Batas, starting tomorrow until this Sunday.

“Those who attend the event can gain more knowledge of the state’s initiative in religious development,” he said, adding that Penang Governor Tun Ahmad Fuzi Abdul Razak is slated to launch the event.

On a separate matter, Zakiyuddin announced that the allowance for meeting attendance for the 375 Village Community Management Councils (MPKK) in the state would be increased from July 1 this year.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

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