
GBS @ The Waterfront

Bayan Lepas/ 21 March 2022 Leave a comment


A proposed GBS Cybercentre by Penang Development Corporation and waterfront mixed development at Bayan Lepas. Strategically located at the coastal area of Free Industrial Zone 4, just a stone’s throw away from Penang Second Bridge. It is aimed to bring business and leisure together with “live, work & play” concept, where it will be a convenient place to live, a suitable place to work, and an exciting place to enjoy.

The GBS Cybercentre will comprise three 12-storey office blocks, featuring a total of 66,960sqm office area. However, now it is only in its conceptual stage.

This project was showcased as part of Penang’s GBS landscape during the recent Expo 2020 Dubai.

Proposed location:

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  1. penangites
    March 23rd, 2022 at 16:30 | #1

    Propose all you want, we’ll continue to see approval pending and NGO objection for the next 20 years, then only it will finally…… drop off from the plan.

  2. ex-Penangites
    July 15th, 2022 at 10:01 | #2

    Instead of proposing new housing projects to fund the corporate’s greed, why not for once, improve the existing infrastructures, specially on transportation. Imagine a state without any railway in 2022!

  3. jack
    July 15th, 2022 at 10:25 | #3

    ex-Penangites :
    Instead of proposing new housing projects to fund the corporate’s greed, why not for once, improve the existing infrastructures, specially on transportation. Imagine a state without any railway in 2022!

    Halo, GBS is not a housing project. GBS = global business services, meaning they are building office complex. Hopefully we can attract more high value investors to set up offices in Penang lah

  4. Chaz
    August 27th, 2024 at 12:12 | #4

    Who the hell wants to invest in offices when there’s no infrastructure to get people to work!

  5. Islander
    August 27th, 2024 at 15:53 | #5


    Who the hell wants to invest in infrastructure when nobody want to work?

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