
Penang to get a new international-grade racing circuit soon


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Those with a love for automotive velocity may soon get their dose of it because Penang has earmarked a spot for a motorsport racing circuit in Batu Kawan next to the State Stadium complex.

Penang youth and sports committee chairman Soon Lip Chee said a 2.8ha plot had been identified to the east of the main stadium building beside Sungai Jawi.

“The state intends to build a conducive racing circuit to unearth new motorsports talents.

“It is among the projects listed in the state Pakatan Harapan manifesto during the 14th General Election and will serve as a component to turn the area into a ‘Sports City’.

“The state via Penang Stadium and Open Space Corporation called for proposals for the project last month,” he said.

The request for proposal was published on May 17 and closed last Tuesday but the state may extend the deadline for companies.

All proposals submitted by qualified companies must meet all the criteria of Motorsports Association of Malaysia.

The requirements include infrastructure like spectator areas, parking lots and administrative offices.

“The racing circuit will be used for events and competitions at the national and international levels.

“This will stimulate the growth of Penang,” said Soon.

He said Penang had a large number of talented motoring enthusiasts but they lack good opportunities to develop due to the absence of a proper racing circuit.

“This track will serve as a permanent space for people to race legally without endangering others on public roads.

“Races can be held for motor- cycles and probably other motor vehicles as well, depending on the track design.

“We hope to complete the project within three years.

“This project will be fully funded by the private sector,” said Soon.

Interested firms can go to http://ep.penang.gov.my for more information.

Source: TheStar.com.my

  1. tahusamatahu
    June 17th, 2021 at 17:25 | #1

    Penang is only famous for E&E talents but not Mat Rempit !

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