
Part of Bukit Kukus paired road expected to be ready by October


The construction works of a section of the Bukit Kukus paired road project are expected to be completed on Oct 23 this year.

Penang Transport and Infrastructure Committee chairman Zairil Khir Johari said the project was initially scheduled to be completed on May 26 this year but was delayed due to some technical issues involving additional works and also because of the Covid-19 situation.

“Among the additional works are slope strengthening work and the redesigning of the link road from Paya Terubong based on the advice of the geologist who had inspected the project construction site.

“As of now, the section of the Bukit Kukus paired road project is 94.83 percent complete and we are confident of doing our best to ensure that the project is completed within the stipulated time.

“When completed, it will be able to solve the problem of traffic congestion at a rate of up to 30 percent,” Zairil told reporters during a site visit yesterday.

The 5.5km Bukit Kukus paired road project, costing RM545.6 million, consists of three sections. It connects Paya Terubong and Relau.

The state government, through Penang Island City Council (MBPP), is responsible for the construction of 3.3km of the stretch that costs RM275.6 million.

Meanwhile, two more developers, namely PLB Land Sdn Bhd and Geo Valley Sdn Bhd, are responsible for the remaining 1.4km (RM150mil) and 0.8km (RM120mil) stretches respectively.

It was reported previously that the other two portions by the private companies might not be ready yet this year. Instead, they could be finished in 2024.

Source: Buletin Mutiara


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