Some public parks reopen in Penang | Penang Property Talk

Some public parks reopen in Penang

Property News/ 23 February 2021 Leave a comment


Visitors are advised to observe strict standard operating procedures (SOPs) when visiting the public parks in Penang.

State Youth and Sports Committee chairman Soon Lip Chee said it is important to adhere to the SOPs to curb the spread of Covid-19.

“All parks under the Penang Island City Council (MBPP) and Seberang Perai City Council (MBSP) are allowed to open to the public starting from yesterday (Feb 22).

“However, please return home immediately after you exercise, and avoid social interactions and gatherings.

Soon visited the Penang City Park this morning together with Penang State Sports Council director Harry Chai.

garden-parkOn Feb 19, the Sports and Youth Ministry had announced that the National Security Council (NSC) has agreed to loosen part of the restrictions imposed on the sports and recreation sector.

Soon also advised the visitors to exercise at their own pace.

On a related note, Soon said that parks under the jurisdiction of the Forestry Department and Penang Water Supply Corporation (PBAPP) were yet to open.

“Among those that are still close to the public are the dams, the Taman Negara, and the Cherok Tokun Nature Park.

“We are still waiting for the updates from the relevant authorities regarding these parks and dams.

“Apart from that, Vision Park and Taman Ampang Jajar which are under the MBSP, are closed due to maintenance purposes,” Soon said.

He said that he had updated Penang police chief Datuk Sahabudin Abd Manan on the sports activities that have been allowed to resume in the state.

Soon also commended the visitors at the Penang City Park for complying to the SOPs.

“I noticed that the joggers here put on their face mask after completing their workout. If we continue to adhere to the SOPs, I believe we can curb the pandemic soon,” he added.

Soon also said that he would be making visits to some of the indoor and outdoor sports centre in Penang.

Source: Buletin Mutiara

  1. Loo Keh Hoon
    February 24th, 2021 at 09:11 | #1

    Good morning, I like to find out now some of the public park has reopen is it included for hiking too? Thank you

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