
Hotel Equatorial Penang to close down by 31 March?

Property News/ 25 January 2021 Leave a comment


Equatorial Hotel will be closing the operation in Penang effective 31 March 2021.

According to a letter addressed to all employees of Hotel Equatorial Penang and signed by the General Manager, the decision is a direct result of the Covid-19 pandemic which had impacted the hotel’s businesses.

The official last day of the business is yet to be decided but will be before 31 March 2021. Staffs were assured they would receive severance payments, despite “huge losses” suffered by the hotel.

“Until we officially cease operation, all of you shall remain as employees of the Hotel and we remain committed to upkeep the strong heritage and name of Hotel Equatorial Penang”, the letter read.


  1. goomalan
    January 26th, 2021 at 09:34 | #1

    What do you expect? As long as state gov continues to side with developers, allowing them to convert land titles from residential to commercial so that they can build higher density “commercial titled” condos which will be used as condo-hotel, hotel industry in Penang will die a very ugly death.

  2. Mohamed
    January 27th, 2021 at 17:15 | #2

    Its ok,Penang development will surge.I believe Penang is the most harmonies state.I hope all the distribution of wealth must balance to all races.No bribes.I love my state Penang “The pearl” In Malaysia

  3. Pfizer
    January 29th, 2021 at 09:35 | #3

    Distribution of wealth to developers!! Hahahaha………

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