
Ivory Properties buys Copthorne Orchid Hotel for RM75m cash


Ivory Properties Group Bhd has acquired Copthorne Orchid Hotel & Resort in Penang for RM75 million cash to expand its land bank and strengthen its foothold in the property market there.

The hotel sits on a parcel of freehold land measuring at 2.5 acres, and has ceased operations.

Ivory Properties said it is buying the property on behalf of its wholly-owned subsidiary company, Ivory Utilities Sdn Bhd. Both Ivory Properties and Copthorne Orchid Penang Sdn Bhd have inked the sale and purchase agreement for the acquisition today, the group’s bourse filing showed.

Copthorne Orchid Penang is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of Singapore Exchange’s Main Board listed company, City Development Ltd.

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