
Gurney Wharf project to start work in early 2021


The construction works for the components of the Gurney Wharf project are scheduled to take place early next year.

Penang Local Government, Housing, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo said the construction works for the entire project would take about two years.

“We hope that the public can enjoy some of the components after the first year.

“We want to expedite the project for the people of Penang.

“The Penang government has appointed Tanjung Pinang Development Sdn Bhd (TPD) as the project management office (PMO) for the project, since the company is currently managing the land reclamation works of Seri Tanjung Pinang 2 (STP2) that has been approved by the Department of Environment (DoE).

“The state is in the process of appraising and appointing the consultants for the Gurney Wharf project,” he replied to the oral question by Lee Chun Kit (PH-Pulau Tikus) during the State Legislative Assembly in Dewan Sri Pinang today.

The Gurney Wharf project is a proposed seafront public park to be located on part of the 131.09 acres of reclaimed land, off Gurney Drive.

Out of the 131.09 acres of land, about 40 acres are allocated for public facilities.

Jagdeep said the state is committed to provide green and open spaces for the public to enjoy.

Among the components of the Gurney Wharf project, Jagdeep mentioned, are a promenade, a children’s playground, a viewing deck, a skate park, open space parking lots, and ramp facilities for the disabled.

Find out more about Gurney Wharf

Source: Buletin Mutiara


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