
MPPP introduced ‘Early Commencement Work’ Initiative

Property News/ 26 August 2020 Leave a comment


The Penang Island City Council (MBPP) has announced its ‘Early Commencement Work’ initiative for the construction industry involving residential and commercial sectors.

MBPP mayor Datuk Yew Tung Seang said the initiative was to stimulate the local economy which has been affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The residential projects consist of new development project of landed properties such as double-storey, single-storey and terrace houses. It must not be more than four units in total.

“Renovation or expansion work for homes should not be more than 50 percent of the total square feet (must not exceed 1,500 square feet).

“For the commercial projects, construction work is allowed only for the interior part of an existing building,’’ said Yew during the council’s regular meeting today at MBPP’s City Hall.

Yew said the construction work would be allowed to commence within 24 hours upon submission of the building plan to the council.

“They must meet the required criteria to be able to start work,” he added.

Apart from that, the Request For Ideas (RFI) which was launched earlier by MBPP was extended till Sept 15.

“Through the RFI, we intend to optimise the usage of market spaces. There are a total of 28 markets under the supervision of MBPP.

“We welcome any new ideas from the public through RFI for businesses. They can forward their ideas through pelesenan@mbpp.gov.my or at 04-263 8818.

Source: Buletin Mutiara


  1. Lawrence Ewe
    September 1st, 2020 at 09:12 | #1

    The proposal is a good but the authorities should ensure that the following practices be stopped because:
    1. Contractors have a tendency to place the collection bin for construction debris on the road side which causes traffic obstruction.
    2. They should stop the habit of mixing the mortar, dumping of bricks and taking up parking spaces for building materials.
    3. There is no project board displayed and the public has no idea who the irresponsible contractor is undertaking the work.
    4. Debris are dumped into the drains during work progress.
    5. They do not clear out the area after finishing their work.
    Who among the authorities is monitoring the on-going works to ensure that the contractors stop the above?

  2. hs yew
    September 1st, 2020 at 16:38 | #2

    Good points by Lawrence. Under # 4. contractors have been dumping their cement leftovers and paints. The problem is there is no one enforcement body to check on these jokers – drains get clogged & breeding ground for mosquitoes. Where we are staying in Cangkat Sg Ara, there have been many cases of dengue and chikungunya – my son is one of the recovered victims. Where do you think the mosquitoes come from ??

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