
Penang announced Linear Waterfront reclamation project near FIZ


The Penang government today revealed plans to reclaim about 60ha off the Free Industrial Zone (FIZ) in Bayan Baru.

The project, themed “Linear Waterfront”, will begin from the Queensbay roundabout to the second bridge and will have an estimated gross development value of RM1 billion.

linear-waterfront-rfpBased on an artist’s impression by project owners Penang Development Corporation, the project will have four oblong-shaped strips of reclaimed land attached to the coast of Penang island.

Announcing the project today, Chief Minister Chow Kon Yeow said it would effectively extend FIZ’s electronics-dominated industrial zone and, at the same time, build a new world-class township.

He said the state government would be calling for a request for proposal (RFP) from interested parties from July 31 to Sept 30 for consideration by the city council and other authorities.

Chow said the winning RfP would reclaim the land and be the master developer for the islands.

“The older FIZ itself is located on reclaimed land measuring 453ha from the Penang Bridge up to Batu Maung in the 1970s. Besides the FIZ, the reclaimed land has been used for other purposes as well.

“The new reclamation project will allow the industrial sector in Penang to develop further and will attract more international companies to invest.

“It must be noted that this Bayan Baru and FIZ townships have raised Penang’s economy for decades and also boosted the country’s foreign direct investments.

“So, I would like to call on those experienced, creative, innovative and qualified to participate in this project,” he said at a press conference at Komtar.

Chow said the proposed project had received preliminary approval from government technical agencies.

He said the project, when complete, would also see new fishermen’s wharves set up., adding that the existing jetties were derelict and needed improvement.

Chow said besides the extension of the industrial zone, the project would entail a waterfront resort encompassing hotels, restaurants, medical, commercial and mixed development.

He said the project would also increase the state government’s landbank in the long run.

Currently, a few reclamation projects are slated for Penang, the key one being the 1,620ha three-island Penang South Reclamation project.

The others include the Seri Tanjung Pinang 2 project measuring 307ha on the northeast of the island, of which 53ha are for the Gurney Wharf project off Gurney Drive.

On the mainland, a 650ha reclamation project off the waters of Bagan Ajam in Butterworth has been mooted but has not taken off.

Source: FreeMalaysiaToday.com


  1. Sammy
    June 24th, 2020 at 13:19 | #1

    Aiyoyo, so many projects here and there ! Where got moneys ???

  2. MIL
    June 29th, 2020 at 09:25 | #2

    soon the island merge with the mainland

  3. Manan
    June 30th, 2020 at 17:40 | #3


    As long as Penang is not sold off to foreigners…

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