Penang govt denies second airport proposal | Penang Property Talk

Penang govt denies second airport proposal


Chow said that as of now, the state government is proceeding with a plan to commission a study on the future needs of the existing Penang International Airport (PEN) and its surroundings.

Nevertheless, he said that the state government is open to proposals for a second airport in the state – provided that it does not jeopardise the role and function of PEN and any future development in the area.

“The economy of Penang and its people must benefit from any such proposal,” he added.

According to the English daily, a private company has proposed plans for a new Penang airport to the federal government; while another corporation is poised to do the same.

The former, which is planning to undertake construction of the proposed North Malaysia International Airport (NMIA), plans to build the proposed airport near the border shared by Kedah, Penang and Perak, which is currently a vast track of paddy fields.

The second proposal, the Northern Region International Airport (NORIA), will be proposed to the federal government soon.

Transport Ministry refutes claim

The Transport Ministry, meanwhile, has dismissed the report, saying that no such proposal has been submitted to the government.

“I have no idea where this information came from. There is no such proposal.

“There is only one airport in Penang, the Penang International Airport, which we will be expanding,” Transport Minister Anthony Loke told the New Straits Times, today.

The KXP factor

The report on the proposed second Penang airport comes after Kedah recently announced that it will build the RM1.6 billion Kulim International Airport (KXP) via a private financing initiative.

KXP is one of seven mega projects worth RM3 billion recently announced for Kedah.

But Chow has repeatedly raised reservations on the construction of KXP, stressing that it would have a negative impact on PEN.

The Chief Minister also said that Penang will conduct a feasibility study of KXP to assess its long-term effect on the state’s economy.

Source: NST Online


  1. Clear air
    June 10th, 2019 at 20:01 | #1

    Don’t lose the good momentum at PIA

  2. Internation
    June 11th, 2019 at 09:44 | #2

    Penangites are a neglected tribe.
    Just to quote today’s Star article:
    Last November, Bukit Tengah assemblyman Gooi Hsiao Leung again said that Penang had been treated as a stepchild for a very long time as only 3% of its annual taxes to the Federal Government was returned.

    Two years ago, we heard Penangites paid an average of RM6bil yearly to the Government despite being the second smallest state in the country.

    But it definitely doesn’t look like we are being treated fairly when it comes to funding for developments and public infrastructure.

    Since 2008, we have heard that the DAP-led administration was being ‘marginalised’ or ‘sidelined’ by the Federal Government. !

  3. TuaLampha
    June 11th, 2019 at 09:57 | #3

    From how I see it, the guy who came up with this idea of 2 new proposals for a new airport in mainland Penang is a genius!! It begs the question of which is a better option; Kulim airport OR Mainland.

    The justification for Kulim airport is :-
    (1) It can serve kedah/perak better
    (2) It’s privately funded, therefore no gov money needed.

    Now, this 2 new proposed mainland airport can definitely fit those criterias, PLUS I believe we can build a much better quality airport compared to kulim.

    Now, the word “private finance initiative” has always popped up to give people the impression that it does not involve gov money at all. Make no mistake, no private money would ever want to invest if there’s no return, and the “RETURN” would normally come in the form of “toll” as for the case of our highways, or some kind of a backdoor compensation from gov in the form of contracts, land deals etc. So my point is, given the choice of either Kulim or Mainland, I’d bet Kulim will have a higher chance of asking for a gov bailout along the way.

    I can’t say it out here, but I think you know the real reason they are building an airport (a massive project with lots of contracts for “local” contractors) in kulim…;)

    • LPPL
      June 11th, 2019 at 19:39 | #4

      “I believe WE can build a much better quality airport compared to kulim”
      Who is we? No matter where is the airport the contractor sure will be the same. Unless you mean Penang is going to build it using state money which is impossible.

      What makes airport in Seberang Jaya better than in Kulim? Just distance. What makes airport in Kulim better? Distance! You can develop along the road from Kulim to Penang. Tourists sure will go to Penang no matter how far the airport is.

  4. Market
    June 11th, 2019 at 20:14 | #5

    Demand and supply up to passengers

    June 13th, 2019 at 18:07 | #6

    Its a cargo hub at northern not for passengers.
    PIA nowdays crowded and need to expand for smooth movement due to heavy passenger load. Heavy traffic at sultan azlan shah road also can be resolved.

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