Penang to transform Gurney Drive into a must-see attraction
Gurney Wharf, a world class “park-on-the-sea”, is going to be even better than initially planned.
The state government is planning to transform the place into “the pride of Penangites” with seaside retail outlets, F&B aplenty, water gardens, and beach and coastal grove on the 24.28ha plot of reclaimed land.
“We have always been planning for Gurney Wharf to be world-class but now, we want it to be even more than that,” said State Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo.
In the weeks after the elections, Jagdeep said his department met the project’s architects and consultants several times to explore more packages.
Jagdeep refrained from disclosing what gems are being thought up, explaining that “the consultants gave us so many packages and concepts to choose from and we haven’t firmed up our selections”.
“We are aiming to see Penangites getting as much as possible out of this,” he said.
It was reported in 2016 that the proposed seafront public recreation area would be created on the plot of reclaimed land, using concepts inspired by internationally acclaimed parks.
The initial concept involved four distinct features – a seaside food and beverage area, water gardens, as well as a beach and coastal groves spanning some 1.5km of shoreline.
“This will be the best public recreation project after Penang City Park,” Jagdeep said in an interview.
In the aftermath of the racial riots of May 13, 1969, the 16ha Penang City Park (then called Youth Park) was conceptualised a year later and completed in 1972.
In the Penang Monthly, a periodical published by the state’s policy think-tank Penang Institute, Datuk Anwar Fazal wrote last year that Youth Park was conceived after the race riots because “young people should have more places to play as the streets were not so safe”.
Anwar, who was then the private secretary of ex-chief minister, the late Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu, recalled that when he put forth initial plans for the Youth Park, the riots were still fresh on everyone’s minds.
So, Youth Park was planned as a way to celebrate Malaysia’s multi-cultural heritage, he wrote.
“I wanted to make it not only inter-generational, but also with a diversity of activities and adventures while keeping the green setting,” he wrote.
Over the decades, Penang City Park never stopped growing. More facilities were installed, with the latest being graffiti walls for youths to express themselves through art.
Jagdeep said it was “ironic that another new public domain was being created to mark a big chapter in Penang’s history”.
“We want Penangites to know how well we are doing now at the governmental level. The last 10 years, we suffered problems dealing with the federal government.
“The state is heading for better times and we will let Gurney Wharf show it.
“There are few places that mean as much to Penangites as Gurney Drive. We all grew up loving the place as a beautiful beach over 40 years ago and then as a hawker food and shopping paradise.
“The present Gurney Drive itself is on reclaimed land and with the new reclamation, we will make it something to be proud of,” he said.
The developer, Tanjung Pinang Development Sdn Bhd, said in a statement that the reclamation of the Gurney Drive foreshore was 40% complete and foresees that it would be completed as scheduled by the end of this year.
- 59×84-Board 2
Build playground for NGOs
oh no…NGOs will not be happy about this…too many tourist,more jam,more pollution, living condition will deteriorate….they want monkey not tourist !
It will be the longest linear park in SEA. Very nice, phenomenal. But it will close early though, 9pm, otherwise you will have a lot of condoms strewn around the next morning. For the local monyets, the first thing they think about when told there’s a public park is to go there and meraba-raba, and then have their banana sucked by their gf.
Checkout our neighbours Garden by the Bay with giant trees and man-made waterfall!! Not water park like the one in Escape.
NGOs prefer mud seaside and the natural smell of mud soil. So refreshing!
becareful of monkeys they can steal NGOs lunch
mud is free and natural, learn from us the clever NGOs
New look for Gurney… Support.
Don’t be like that boring gardens Bay, must have duck egg char kway teow
need to inject new and fresh ideas into this project, make it iconic, world class not kampung class, otherwise it will turn from must-see to no-eye-see attraction.
From the plan, it looks nice. The people must keep it clean.
Hope that those who walked their dogs there will collect their dogs’ poop and put it inside a bag and not leave it there, as well as don’t let their dogs urinate everywhere.
Mentality and cleanliness must be world class as well.
please consider where is the Car park and how many Car park this area needed ?
don’t keep building up and not consider the people who stay in island and visitor coming everyday ! …. seaside retail outlets, F&B aplenty, water gardens ? Penang Island is for people Penang who stay here over 100 yr, not the Island build for visitor ,… please have look London, New York City, Hong Kong city,… the people who stay is without any green air,….
why keep building up hospital service ?? and not thing about if we have green air we no need to pay so much for Insurance bill, Hospital bill,….
I pay income tax Rm 280K a yr, … what my country giving back for me ???
err…if my memory doesn’t fail me, the carpark is proposed to be underground. Some people just dont care to find out…
Local residents should be prioritized, but tourism income is also vital for local economy which will benefit local residents eventually, no?
Even with green air , no it is clean air i believe , you could accidentally fell and need hospital treatment. when you grow old all sort of disease will come after you and you need to go to the hospital and no clean air can save you…
if you can earn so much to pay so much tax, maybe you should think of ways to giving back to society not the other way round…
@Oh nice
“they want monkeys, not tourists” …. haha.
Good one, Oh Nice
NGOs should keep bananas with them to feed the monkeys in Langkawi not Penang island
Penang is definitely not short of monkeys, you see them in botanical garden, youth park, monkey beach and even in Tanjung bungah, not to mention Penang National Park. so i think we have enough naked monkey here in penang that we don’t need clothed one…
Ah, but monkeys with clothes are smarter than everyone,
Penang is actually losing out to its peers, needs more perks and forget about the NGOs with hidden agenda.