
Exclusive Update: Eco Meadows (June 2018)

Eco Meadows, yet another distinguished development by Eco World, has lived up to the name of being the most exclusive gated & guarded development in Simpang Ampat. It comprises 375 units of double storey terraced houses, designed with elegance English-styled homes and surrounded by lush greenery.

Featuring a compressive masterplan, Eco Meadows is equipped with the Majestic Meadows Townhall which is an 8,000 sq ft clubhouse, a stunning swimming pool, an indoor gymnasium, a dazzling half-basketball court, a lively maze garden, a dynamic eye-catching chess court, an ideal outdoor childrens’ playground and a landscape full of manicured lawns.

The main highlight of Eco Meadows is the stylish floating gazebo which promises a peaceful view of nature with calm lake waters. Inspired by the English royal houses, the strata-titled development has a surrounding focused on natural nobility, assures a distinct luxurious yet comfortable lifestyle.

A multi-tier 24 hours security system, a real exclusive township set in an environment which enfolds the utmost safety.

Eco Meadows is really a brand new masterpiece in Simpang Ampat.

* Exclusive update by Penang Property Talk *

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Find out more about Eco Meadows by EcoWorld

  1. Cheah
    June 20th, 2018 at 12:40 | #1

    May seek for advice for est cost per unit, layout and location.

  2. Kai
    June 23rd, 2018 at 23:47 | #2

    Anyone tried to hang around the area at night to check if the pig/chicken dung smell follow the breeze from land towards the sea? Any flies invading the area since those controversial housing areas like Cassia, Hijauan Valdor and restaurant outlets in close proximity were badly affected by flies. Relocation plan for those closely located farms seems a failure still. If the luxury housing estate is not affected by smell, ammonia-rich river water and files, then it is definitely a good deal!

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