Affordable Housing @ The Zen
The Zen, the latest mixed development by Asia Green at Bayan Mutiara. Strategically located next to Tun Dr. Lim Chong Eu Expressway, just a short drive away from Penang World City integrated development by Tropicana Ivory. This development comprises around 2,000 condominium units in two 46-storey residential towers, 1,200 units of which are categorized under affordable housing. There are also several shop offices located at the first and second level.
The affordable units has a standard built-up size of 850 sq.ft. with 3 bedrooms and 1 car parking lot. It also comes with full facilities with swimming pool, 180 viewing sky deck overlooking the seaview and bridge, jacuzzi, children playgound, gym and many more!
(Actual site – Nov 2017)
Register your interest here
- Eligibility and the requirement of buying affordable housing
- Full list of affordable housing in Penang
Project Name : The Zen
Location : Bayan Mutiara, Penang
Property Type : Mixed development
Built-up Area: 850 sq.ft. onwards (residential)
Total Units: 1,200 (Tower A), 730 (Tower B), 86 (Shop offices)
Indicative Price : RM300,000 onwards
Developer: Asia Green
Location Map:
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which mean previously when apply for affordable unit, we cannot choose either want 2 cp or 1 cp package ?
Ya only submit the affordable house form and wait for news, i submitted At July 2018 now only received the Msg from asia green. i think not much nice unit left for me
Mk, please share if they willing to share the latest selling progress.
Previously the developer said is first quarter of 2023, or earliest on 4th quarter of 2022.
John, which level u choose ? Mine is level 31
Anyone here know that any seaview 2cp left for affordable unit ?
Downpayment must be 10% pay before balloting ?
Agree with u. Affordable sea view unit just open from level 9 to 14 only if not mistaken. Can’t expect much for the view…@MK
As yesterday info, no more OP unit, only affordable available. Those interested still can walk in their office to fill in PN1.
Previously we choosing OP unit, they mention 24 floor (sea view) and below is keep for affordable. 1-8 floor as car park and some facility.
Mine is 41 level
sorry is level 41.
Both of you are public or affordable units?
Mean that level 15 to 24 also open for public?
So fast public units sold out?
-500public units sold out?
mine is public unit.
Hi there… would like to check what is the terms & conditions for affordable application, as i understand it can’t be sold within 5 years of the date of possession.
After 5 years can sell to public or need to get consent from state gov and only can sell to affordable scheme applicants?
receive call from the panel lawyer to sign the S&P, although for my case it is pre-approved. This is weird, thought S&P should be signed only when loan etc alr settled. Anyone could shed some lights on this?
Which lawyer you appoint? can recommend?
Affordable housing purchased can not be sold for 5 years. Those who wish to sell during the first 5 years must appeal to the state government and can only be sold to “listed buyers”.
after 5 year should no limitation… but looks YB Jagdeep Singh want change it soonly…
You can request sign the SPA (S&P) and Loan Agreement together.
My understanding sea view for 25 to 47 floor as OP unit. if not mistaken normally Gov’t. will allow 30% of total units (400 of 1200 for this case)??
as info from AG staff on 23/April no more OP unit left. IDK if any exceptional case?
Any one appoint lawyer aside from the panel lawyer for affordable units?
How much is the lawyer fee and any lawyer to recommend?
Thanks for the clarifications.
Public unit
hi. for those getting 2 car park under affordable units, need to ballot for car park lot? does it come with side by side?
During my balloting.. sea view affordable unit just open from 9 to level 14.. quite low.. sad..
Public unit consider affordable unit?
You mean the restriction to resell? Yes
OP (PN4) and Normal affordable (PN1) diff conditions in application, and normally OP have to pay 10%-20% and more depend district.
State Gov will only restrict on resell period not on the price right?
You should satisfy, can get the sea view with 375k purchased. haha
9-14 consider not low and OK liao. in front only some bungalows. in future don’t know.
My banker told me there are many peoples in waiting list to book the unit, now price up 30k ?? so high demand ?? haha!
For open units, which bank did u all applied for loan? I was told that we only have 5 options of banks – CIMB, Affin, HLBB, MBB or RHB?
OCBC Ambank UOBbnk available for loan .
Tell me as soon as possible. OCBC bank , Ambank or UOBbnk … Cn apply loan on tis bank…
@john & JJ
You all signed PMC1 form?
What is PMC1 Form? Don’t have idea on it.
JJ and all of you who bought The Zen signed this PMC1 form?
Basically need approval from state government to sale your property and state government charge 0.1% if not mistaken.
U r so lucky can get Seaview and 2cp unit!
And PBB,
Someone get lower rate, see page 1.
Hi any group wassap can invite.
So far no, you create one we all join
Which floor did u all buy and which floor parking?
No one signed this PMC1 form?
Or not realize got signed PMC1 while signed SPA? ☺
Hope this not too late to reply to u, I’m engage The Chamber of Chong & You.
Today get called from my lawyer, govt still not firm on the 2019 Jan-June loan agreement stampduty exemption for affordable buyer. Seems like high chances we need to pay the LA stamp duty. Thanks to our LGE which implement the rubbish policy whereby HOC is not applicable for affordable buyer but is benefit developer.
Does unit still available?
Hi, I heard that some affordable homes, government will help to pay some of the down-payment. Is it true? For The Zen case is different?
Thanks. =)
PBB can for open unit? I wanted to apply PBB but was told its only available for public units.
open unit and public unit means the same thing.
Anyone was get back SPA copy from Lawyer firm?
Not yet receive the signed Snp from lawyer. Do you have any updates from lawyer side?
Pre approved can sign for SPA already or need to wait for official letter still?
Maybank announcement br -0.20%
Same case here. Guess they are lining us up as back up for units which are leftover , by holding the 10% downpayment
Open unit or affordable unit?
Affordable unit. You too? Mine is still under pre-approved.
Me too but not manage to get the seaview unit… Pre-approved so fast need to sign the SPA?
Same. Mine leaving contact? Im not sure how we can contact each other without leaving a contact publicly.
Yea is good if somebody willing to create a group via whatapp or wechat
Then we can share more info there
Leo, could share details further via email if you want to? My email
now BR drop according to different bank own announcement. no point comparing already.
I took full flexi loan for better interest saving for long run.
how much ? 200K?
how much
No more open unit and No more Seaview 2 car park rm375k for affordable, sad.
This was told on 1 May 2019 by their staff. When we went ballots
Yesterday get called from my lawyer, govt still not firm on the 2019 Jan-June loan agreement stampduty exemption for affordable buyer. Seems like high chances we need to pay the LA stamp duty. Thanks to our LGE which implement the rubbish policy whereby HOC is not applicable for affordable buyer but is benefit developer.
Hi may I know which legal firm u r using?
the moderator in this forum keep hide my comment. shame on the moderator
went to the office to check it out and was informed that only 1cp available, no rebate or free legal fees for affordable, everything have to pay by self and also have to start paying loan interest until 2023, no waiver.
Hi, for public unit buyer, have you all receive back the SNP after signed it?
JJ, I have contacted Lio& Partners, tomorrow I going to take back SPA copy, but LA still pending…
Hi Mk, may i know what is LA? I am still pending to collect back the SNP, due to developer haven’t pay lawyer to perform the stampingM. How long have waited to collect back the snp?
Loan amount: Rm300,000
Tenure: 27 years
Rate: BR+0.30% (4.18%)
Is this ok
Loan amount: Rm300,000
Tenure: 27 years
Rate: BR+0.30% (4.18%)
Is this rate ok?
Good rate. Mines got 4.27%. Can i know which bank you have this rate?
Loan Agreement… they mentioned due to pending on Bank& State Content…
hi guys, I’m buying my first house under the affordable scheme. This is one of my interested projects (town view 850sqft 300k 1cp) along with Tree-O (hill view 900sqft 365k 2cp) and Senzville (although this sold out ady).
Anyone care to comment on which one more suitable for personal stay and potential future market worth ya? I’m planning to stay for approx 5-6 years then upgrade to bigger house when got more money and family.
Also is this area less jam than Sg Ara?
If you can live with 1 CP then The Zen will a better option because less jam and Bayan Mutiara certainly better than Sungai Ara. The only pros for Tree-O is the developer Hunza is more reputable than Asia Green and 2CP. Other than that, I will choose The Zen anytime.
Hi , wish to ask regarding the pre-approved for the Zen affordable house. I been info need to balloting for unit and pay the 10% down payment. And we only can get back the down payment with two condition
1. Loan didn’t been rejected by 3 bank
2. The application with the Penang State government for unit leave doesn’t been approved.
Usually the state government will approve for the leave unit?
***1.Loan been rejected by 3bank
I m also wondering whether the chances to get state government approval high or not..?
If all prerequisite are eligible. We can “assuming” the application wouldn’t be reject.
Hi, I’m in the process of signing loan and SnP.. May I know which lawyer firm u guys appointed n how much it cost?
Hye my unit is at tower 2,level 9, any whatsapp group to join???
Anyone have the info of main door width, corridor width, living hall size?
I’m pre approved too. Not sure when gov will approve but need to pay 10% down payment 1st.
Anyone who under pre-approve already get the official letter from Penang government?
S&P can be sign but loan agreement cant be sign due to no government official letter.
I know there are people gotten their official letter for pre-approved units.
Not sure what can be done to expedite the process. Developer office keep saying to wait till bumi lots are released, which can take up to 7 months. Anyone else have info about this?
Main door width will be 1.2m x 2.4m
Pre-approve? Whaooo!!! Seems like this AG are hungry for sale, they collecting 10% downpayment not even get approve from government? seems like they are getting affodable buyer money to roll. Goodluck.
Im wondering the pre-approve is given by gov or developer? I believe the pre-approve is from developer, but why you dare to sign SNP b4 gov approval? what if the gov not approve? who is going to bare the legal fee? buyer or seller?
You get back all copy from lawyer? Including loan agreement?
Yes all copy
How long it took to get back the loan agreement?
Anyone here forming whatsapp/wechat group?
If anyone create a whatsapp group, please inform us here. We can invite all buyers into group.
Yup yup i also want to join the group
Me too..want to join group
Ya..Developer told me that need to wait 7-8 months.
Someone wouldn’t allow this happen at here.
Future neighbors…
I think now still consider too early to create WhatsApp group, because not much can update or for discussion…?
Anyway, I can help to create group if really need for now?
But i won’t active….
Hi, i think it will be great if we can join the group ^^
Please create one since everyone are asking for it
Just to clarify, for those already signed SnP. Do you guys notice about the completion date? Mine completion date stated in SnP was 54months. Which the Lawyer told me still have 4.5years.
Ya, 54 months valid from your SPA signed date.
Wow…. 54 months from S&P… Totally advantage to the developer…. No need worry about late delivery interest
Hi i’m one of the pre-approved. Wish to check whether any pre-approved has signed SnP before obtaining approval letter from Perumahan?
Me. As developer mentioned must signed within 14 days from booking date.
May i know this project is commercial or residential title
thank you
Hi all,
Anyone who is under the pre-approve, already get the offer letter from penang state government?
I get pre approved too. Is that after sign sap, after get approver from state government, and stamping, we only proceed to apply loan?
Is there anyone from pre approve to approve taking how long?
Zen 6 Selling at 500k+ with 1050 sq.ft. ???
Ya, rm592k for level 9. Facing main road. The unit facing seaview haven’t open yet, and the agent said that seaview unit will cost RM900k. Completion date is 2nd quarter of 2023. I see the price list highest floor is about 740k.
Ya, 592k is after rebate of 11%, the SNP price is about 664k for level 9, lowest floor facing main road.
i would like to join the whatapps group too..
Please create one…
After sign S&P, can start to apply loan d..
i would like to join the whatapps group , if have …
Please create one
The Zen main contractor changed. Temasek Land contract been terminated. Anyone know why?
Seriously ? The contractions was so slow , no wonder they put 50 months on S&P
Ya confirmed with temasek land, they said they no longer incharge on this project.
So the project still goes on?
Any latest update?
I would like to join the WhatsApp group too…
is that true contractor changed? is the project goes on?
Anyone get the approval status “Permohonan Anda : DALAM PROSES TAWARAN”?
hi,yes pls create one, i wld like to join whats app group.. i got OP seaview with 2cp
Hi i get the same approval status on erumah website, but still yet to receive the official letter. I went for ballot end of May, just signed loan offer letter but have not signed SnP.
Let’s make a WhatsApp group, so Pls provide the phone number for all of you since future neighbours too
Do you mind to take the lead for to create the whatsapp group?
Hi, I have created a group on Facebook named The Zen (Affordable) Penang Owners. For owners only, those interested request to join the group and I will add into the whatsapp group. The FB page is also for sharing updates and discussion.
Cannot find this group in FB wor
The Zen (Affordable) Penang Owner
cannot find the group on fb
May i know which bank you are taking?
Yes the group does exist, the zen affordable owners
Seriously? Can you post the link here?
Yes, I found the group in fb, click the group icon in fb and search for the group name
Since HOC extend, are we enjoy 0 MOT?
Have you receive the official letter from government?
I would like to join the group of The Zen (affordable) owner too.
Hi, still yet to receive the official letter.
I have received the official letter from state government.
Thanks ^^
may i know who is the latest contractor for the zen? i would like to join whatsapp group, just balloting this morning ,currently under pre approval for affordatble 300k
Only town view?
Balance how many units left?
Hi, may I know HOC apply to this project?
No, I have call to ask Redha and AG, they claimed that HOC only for the zen public unit. Affordable not entitle, thanks to LGE.
Thanks a lot lostsoul! I heard from Asia green they got the upgrade package for affordable, add 35k for upgrading, is it worth to go for the upgrade?
How you get it? By post?
i didnt receive the official letter.
Im interested. Please email me the details. (
Currently, im already under the waiting list.
Im interested. Please email me the details. (
Currently, im already under the waiting list. Thanks
Yes, by normal post.
hi future neighbour i also got level 9 A2 face the swimming pool ….wish to get higher floor but got ballot at A1 level 41 unit 6 which beside the lift….
I thought level 25 and above are public open unit?
Did anyone take the upgrade packed 300k to 335k. Is it worth?
i got balloting and a bit sad got lower floor level 9. any comment on it?
I got level 43 which I think too high, I heard developer said only left lower or higher for ballot these phase.
hye neighbour, facing pool at tower A2 is facing the city view right?? btw my lot is no10, yours?
@kk yes it faces swimming pool and city view, mine is no.2, i want to buy affordable sea view but sold out… yours non10 is seaview one, so nice when did you buy it?
hi..may i know the zen recently anything change??
Any one want to sell carpark x1, please contact me.
hi…changed main contractor only. i dont know if other thing change.
I would like to purchase one car park for the zen tower A unit as my lot only has 1 car park which I think not enough. Please contact me thru if you are selling.
you drive 2 cars better get a decent condo, you understand what affordable means ?
It is normal to hv two cars per family in penang fyi. Not only one person two cars, but one family two cars as different family need to work at different area. Town n batu maung, unless theres better public transportation like lrt or monorail.
Anyone start paying interest from Bank? I thought the foundation for the project has completed, but I yet to receive any notification from Bank.
Not YET.
We will start to pay it on Jan, 2020.
hi Sharon, how do you know we will start to pay the interest from bank start at Jan 2020?
Any WhatsApp group to join?
Hi Sharon, really will start to pay this month?
Banker was told me since November…then December…now already Jan still yet to receive any information.
Lawyer told me but eventually no notice from banker yet.
anyone boutgh level 9 unit?
FYI THE ZEN fully SOLD- affordable nor open unit.
NO show room as per earlier said that will make it at QB. And now the show unit meant for Queywest only.
Currently the one progress till 3rd or fourth floor is ZEN 6 condo 1050sq ft (598K) means The ZEN Slowerrrrrr progress ,only at piling status. what the heck !!!
any whatsapp group can join for owner here? TQ
Just received letter from Asia Green informing the bank that the foundation has been completed and to release 10% of the loan amount. We should start paying the interest by end of this month or early next month once the bank approves.
Goverment is giving 10% discount for affordable house, so regret to buy Zen last year, if not I could save RM40k at least.
If you bought this year you may not able to buy The Zen as it’s fully sold out.
Do u want to sell u unit? give u additional RM45k cash as profit on top of u buying price.
Hi, is there any whatsapp group for public unit owner?
Is there any units still available. Pls let me know. Thanks
Got how many lifts for tower A1&A2?
Hi this house still avaible
i think all 10 lift
all sold out
Hi, do you guy receive the notification from your lawyer that Asia Green intend to increase the delivery time from 36 months to 54 months?
Nope. When I sign my SPA back in 2019, it is already mentioned the time completion will be 54 months. Anybody else the same?
Btw any whatsapp group or fb group can join to know whats the progress right now?
@David Tan
no wo! really bad news
I need loan from Ambank is it cn.. request
Zen6 i guess still available. Is that a good investment in that area?
same here 54 months in SPA
Actually, the zen project start on when? The progress seem slow. Not sure they can complete on time.
They will build slowly since Zen affordable house fully sold.
Now Zen6 still available. Agent pushing very hard due to tough sell.
All layout identical as affordable house except extra balcony & longer foyer & slidely bigger yard area.Bigger size tiles used for Zen6. Overall interior layout of Zen6 & affordable Zen have no different.
Zen affordable one sure build slowly as SNP had written 4 years of construction period. Developer won’t worry about the LAD interest
any whatsapp group? please invite
12 lifts for 40 houses per floor, The Zen has 46 floors, imagine how congested are the lifts
which floor are the seaview units for the zen , affordable units still available?
Wa, like that doesnt look like it has much difference, do you know which floors for the zen are seaview
Actually if those unit facing D residence should be able to have seaview but off course try to get higher floor. In future that’s no penang bridge view i guess as block by Zen9. And future reclaimed land infront of seaside that will be condo service apartment office tower to build also. We don’t know by when then seaview will totally block but it could be the story for next 20 years i guess. So just forget it. Zen6 & affordable house unit in size of living room bedroom kitchen all have no different. The only different is yard & foryer & extra balcony +1 additional car park if those pick 2 carpark. That’s 1 carpak unit for Zen6 also which facing highway view. So, overall i can say almost identical for house layout but just extra balcony. Off course tiles will be different material use. My concern is super high dense & illegal carpak in future as majority of affordable The zen fetch with only 1 cp & 30% of Zen6 unit also 1 cp. And however next Zen9 developement? Total about 3000 units.
Those who bought affordable with rm 300k congratulations. It’s a good investment.
Are there any unit available , either 1st or 2nd hand
..Please email me.
@Joane Cheah
Are you ok with 2nd hand 850sqf with 1cp rm600k?
If you keen then let me know. Can let go..
are there any available units either 1st or 2nd hand for affordable units?
I have to sell it due to some reasons, let’s keep in touch.
I have 1 unit of The Zen. I will sell it once CCC maybe next year end. Stay in touch. It’s a seaview unit.
ok. kindly email me :
okay. kindly email me. :
How much is your budget?
The Zen 2cp seaview unit high floor.
Selling 660k (nego). Pm me if interested..
Sorry. over budget
May i know what’s your budget?
affordable house should be RM400k, how come it can flip till RM600k ?
@Balan Andy
Developer unit all finish. Mine is public unit. We bought already 480k. Those bought 300k/400k are from state government applied small tiles not upgraded unit. Even from state government after 5 years also buyer won’t sell at 400k. Majority will sell between 500k to 560k+ due to prime location & seaview. It’s reasonable price. Probably you can try your luck if anyone selling about 500k but nonseaview facing highway lower floor..
look once my clan move into that Zen unit, the price will drop for sure. you can keep 600k in your dream then
@Balan Andy
Sure. No problem. You can continue your dream. My unit seaview &2cp. Keep your words & see later.
Just ignore that guy. Even Quaywest also he mentioned the same thing. Why? Because of missing boat. That guy expected you to sell like 200k 300k only in subsale. He is holding the ball from Quaywest to The Zen.
sure I will email you, my house is located at level#9 with pool view, I purposely chose floor#9 instead of #41 or 42 when I was given a chance to choose from these floors to avoid waiting lifts.
I toted buying this house for own stay but due to some reasons I have to sell it. The Zen will be ready next year, let’s keep in touch.
Lift definitely not an issue.
And eventhough The Zen is consider high density condo but seaview is one of the best in this area & tight security system like Quaywest.
I just informed my potential buyer about my house, no offensive to you here to promote your high floor sea view house.
Nobody interested on your potential buyer here to sell or to buy or defend for your own flipping. You can slowly wait for your potential buyer & eat grass.
helo sharon, can you help to enlighten me how your unit level 9 can by bypass the lift from long waiting in the event of high density flat like zen zen the zen ? you mean the lift default is set at level 9 a foot step away from your unit ? wat if the default level is at mid level 15 and every time the lift door opened at your level 9, it is full of crowd from top level and wave bye bye to you for next lift, you could end up have to wait 3 or 4 round or follow the typical malaysian take the lift up to the level top and come back down again ? another alternative you have to take the ladder walk down to ground floor with the enjoyment of your imaginary “gurney drive” sea front. he he he.
@Gurney Drive Owner
Be careful here. There’s a lot of Asia Green fans in this forum and they will hammer you whenever you say anything bad about their project
@all AsiaGreen fans
That said, being a “impartial” third party, I do agree with you that from affordable homes standpoint, TheZen affordable homes and QuayWest affordable homes are at the best in Penang. Location is premium, and the price is a steal for the location.
@Gurney drive owner
If you talk seafront of gurney vs Zen then you must be a joke.
People used million of money to buy a seafront & now what happened to Gurney? This is just an affordable house with seaview starting price rm300k/400k & rm450k with 2 cp seaview. You couldn’t expect anymore than this development. Nobody really interested on gurney drive seaview anymore even Gurney whatf. A steal away from million ringgit from millionaire row & now million dust around. Zen is an interesting development with affordable price for everyone. No complaints about that. Price may hike soon due to high demand area. However speaking of if you’re Gurney drive owner then please look at your own condo. If you’re looking at The Zen then you’re welcome which mean our condo here really attractive even Gurney drive owner willing to explore.
Yes Many QuayWest & Zen FanBoy here
Did you all know that, future development will block all seaview from zen? (Can check from developer official website)
If you dont case about the seaview then no issue for you.
halo sharon ? waiting for the answer ya
Halo Gurney drive owner… Why silent? Scare run already?
Waiting for your answer ya.
to be honest, not really an issue if u stay high floor. there will be seaview visible as well. just partially ofc.
I have 1 unit The Zen high floor with upgraded tiles 2×2 & seaview unit comes 2Carparks. Asking price 650k nego. Let me know if interested. Only serious buyer. No agent.
I have one unit middle floor with upgraded tiles and 2 car parks side by side ( low level ) want to let go. Asking price 650k, let me know if you are interested.
I got 1 unit of Zen6 1050sqf high floor 38th & fully unblocked seaview to let go. RM880k nego. Let me know if anyone interested. It’s a premium location with branded developer. I’m moving to KL for permanently. That’s why let it go.
I have 1 unit of zen6 1050sqf, 39th floor to let go. RM700k.
Is this 1 carpark or 2?
@Gurney Drive Owner
I don’t think you are interested on The Zen, if you know the structure of The Zen you won’t ask such questions。 Interesting! A Gurney Drive Owner has time to read and chat about the Zen AFFORDABLE, you can check it up with Asia Green for more information.
ONLY serious buyers are welcome to drop me a message, I will PM you more.
Can you share email? Price negotiable? Seaview right?
Ive the zen unit for sale after completion.
tower A1, high floor, corner unit, 2CP near lift basement 1, upgraded unit with 2×2 tiles/bathroom/kitchen tiles, Seaview.
interested can contact me
I have 1 Seaview unit (TowerA1) 850sqf, 2CP and upgraded unit. Interested please contact me
Could you please PM ? Thanks.