
Forms for government housing schemes are FREE OF CHARGE

affordable-housing-penangAbout 40 people claimed to have been cheated by irresponsible parties over the purchase of People’s Housing Project (PPR) units, said Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Tan Sri Noh Omar.

He said the victims claimed to have purchased application forms from third parties at the price of between RM5,000 and RM10,000 each, with losses amounting to RM250,000.

“These people have come to see the KPKT (Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Ministry) to lodge their complaints. They said that the persons who sold the forms had promised they would be able to purchase the PPR houses as they (scammers) claimed that they knew people from higher up.

“The KPKT has also conducted (background) checks on these complainants. Most of them are not eligible to apply as they do not meet the requirements, and some are not listed because they have not submitted (certain) forms to the ministry,” he told reporters after officiating the Natural Heritage Sustainability Programme at Kampung Sungai Sireh here today.

Noh said in fact, all forms for the government housing assistance schemes are given free-of-charge.

Please take note that all forms for Penang government housing schemes are FREE OF CHARGE too!

Source: Bernama


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