


Montage, yet another high-rise development by Prisma Bumiraya Sdn. Bhd. (Pearl Ocean) at Sungai Nibong, Penang. It is strategically located of Gerbank Bukit Kecil 2, adjacent to Kristal Court Townhouse and Kristal Villa. This is just a stone’s throw away from the company’s first condominium development in Sungai Nibong – Novus.

The proposed development comprises single block of 34-storey building, offering 282 condominium units with standard unit size of 1,015 sq.ft.

Project Name : Montage
Location : Sungai Nibong, Penang
Property Type : Condominium
Total Units: 282
Built-up Area: 1,015 sq.ft.
Indicative Price: (to be confirmed)
Developer :Prisma Bumiraya Sdn. Bhd. (Pearl Ocean)

Register your interest here

(This information will be used to keep you updated on the project and future development.)
*By submitting this Form, you hereby agree to our PDPA Consent Clause.

Location Map:



  1. Tropical
    July 14th, 2017 at 17:10 | #1

    980sf …

  2. Novus Buyer
    July 18th, 2017 at 12:15 | #2

    Price range? Another hot cake?

  3. SK Ch’ng
    July 20th, 2017 at 00:38 | #3

    yes Super hot hot cake

  4. brian
    July 20th, 2017 at 14:03 | #4

    woah 197 vs 273…. that super low…. going to be high end i believe

  5. Timmy
    July 23rd, 2017 at 09:09 | #5

    High end pricing like Tamarind E&O, quality n location comparable?

  6. Sam
    July 23rd, 2017 at 16:25 | #6

    Sg Nibong will be the most desired place because it is location at very prime area, away from Relau, Sg Ara & Bukit Jambul foreign worker spot.

  7. Sam
    July 23rd, 2017 at 16:26 | #7

    Montage will be kust located door front with Sg Nibong LRT Station, whereas Tamarind still far away from future Monorail station (even latest then this LRT station)

  8. SK Ch’ng
    July 24th, 2017 at 10:49 | #8


    yaya, sungai nibong is chinese area more landed house , is centre part between jeletong expressway & bayan lepas area

  9. Novus Buyer
    July 24th, 2017 at 11:48 | #9

    Open for registration or booking?

  10. yeoh
    July 30th, 2017 at 20:45 | #10

    Is the developer has any past completed projects. I can’t find any info about the developer on Internet.

  11. Novus Buyer
    July 31st, 2017 at 13:48 | #11


    Already amended from 197 units to 282 units

  12. Tan
    August 30th, 2017 at 16:02 | #12

    Look like new project The Sun at Sg Nibong cheaper than phase 1 Novus….i mean in term of psf.
    Phase 2 cant fight with The Sun if psf higher than The Sun?

  13. B
    September 9th, 2017 at 06:26 | #13

    The Sun 1313sf sale 698K which is 531psf.
    Montage residence price shouldn’t higher than The Sun else not attractive due to The Sun location better.
    Just personal thinking.

  14. Testing
    October 17th, 2017 at 14:45 | #14

    Heard that their first project ‘novus’ has SnP signed since June, but the site has no progress so far… Not sure will the something happen to Montage…

  15. Penang Buyer
    October 17th, 2017 at 15:44 | #15

    Delay is ok. Just pay the late delivery penalty will do. But dont trade off in finishing.

  16. Testing
    October 18th, 2017 at 13:44 | #16

    No one can assure for the quality,regardless of if it is on-time/delay. Penalty? Developer can always request for project extension from the government without giving you back a single cent. Just need to make sure buyer take extra cautious when choosing a property. If they can’t handle first project well,it is a valid doubt for their 2nd or 3rd project…

  17. Ng
    October 27th, 2017 at 21:41 | #17

    700k before rebate and promotion. 980 sqf. The price is quite standard at this area.

  18. Jess
    December 19th, 2017 at 17:13 | #18

    Hi, anyone else already book for this project?

  19. MT
    December 24th, 2017 at 15:38 | #19

    Can share any attractive package offer by pearl ocean?
    Starting price?
    How many units booked during soft launch?

  20. sss
    December 27th, 2017 at 10:04 | #20

    went to the launching..not much ppl there..

  21. MT
    December 27th, 2017 at 13:20 | #21

    You booked unit as well?
    Mind to share price and package offered?

  22. freedome
    January 1st, 2018 at 14:55 | #22

    sss :
    went to the launching..not much ppl there..

    how is it? u booked already?

  23. Jererd Lay
    January 9th, 2018 at 23:07 | #23

    Went to see the showhouse. The house layout is quite unique. I like the front door is far away from the next house’s front door. Price psf is higher than novus and the sun though.

  24. ES
    January 14th, 2018 at 07:59 | #24

    Montage come with semi-furnished package.

  25. NB862
    January 14th, 2018 at 08:27 | #25

    Just visited Pearl Ocean’s showhouse.
    The house layout of Montage is modern and comfortable.

  26. eric
    January 21st, 2018 at 09:40 | #26

    Just made a booking yesrerday at Bay Avenue. Net price is RM638K for 980sqft after all rebate.

  27. BY
    January 21st, 2018 at 17:04 | #27


    Which floor?

  28. eric
    January 22nd, 2018 at 14:12 | #28

    11 floor

  29. BY
    January 22nd, 2018 at 16:56 | #29


    I think reasonable price for 11th floor.

  30. Optimist
    January 22nd, 2018 at 17:22 | #30

    Just sign up one unit on top floor. Key attraction is location near Future LRT station & good layout for dual key concept. Hope this goin to be a good property for long term investment or own stay.

  31. BY
    January 22nd, 2018 at 18:42 | #31


    I revisited the floor plan again, it looks like non dual key. Are they build dual key?

  32. Optimist
    January 22nd, 2018 at 19:40 | #32

    Should be mentioned as dualkey-able. Need to partition up near dining hall & open an entrance at bedroom 3. You can find out more from their marketing agent

  33. BY
    January 22nd, 2018 at 20:03 | #33


    Oic. After renovation, then yes.

  34. Penang Lang
    January 25th, 2018 at 17:51 | #34

    How many % been sold now?

  35. tan
    January 25th, 2018 at 21:02 | #35

    @Penang Lang
    As of yesterday, about 30% to 40% sold out. Still many units left.
    Bear in mind, only 5k banker cheque submitted. No loan can apply yet as APDL permit only obtain probably on May or June claimed by the agents. Anyway, you can withdraw any time by taking back the banker cheque without any obligation. So i guess there will be more to decline afterwards

  36. Kbuyer
    February 3rd, 2018 at 23:18 | #36

    Hi i’m considering this project, any cons on this project ?

  37. cimoni
    February 6th, 2018 at 21:05 | #37

    Hows the sales going ? guess the price is high at 7xx K, future this area will be congested with condos

  38. Kitty Cat
    February 7th, 2018 at 16:18 | #38

    This project good for its location. Should buy

  39. brian
    February 8th, 2018 at 15:43 | #39

    cimoni :
    future this area will be congested with condos

    Not much condo can be built due to limited space if your going to compare with relau…one eye can see don know how many condo due to large land space…

  40. cimoni
    February 8th, 2018 at 20:01 | #40

    Yes I agreed on the relau/sg ara development which is overly congested with condo. But for this land in Sg nibong, I see there is few future development, just to quote few of them : SP setia sky hill, gembira development, red blue development and even budget hotel under sepakat mewah. With all this kind development, is the road access able to cope ? Furthermore the airplane sound will be another concern… just my 2cent

  41. Height
    February 10th, 2018 at 22:58 | #41

    More floors on Novus so the view on the 8 units side (facing north east) will be blocked by Novus?

  42. Height
    February 11th, 2018 at 08:47 | #42


    What’s the net price for top floor?

  43. Annie
    March 5th, 2018 at 22:26 | #43

    Please share more info about this project.
    Is the show room ready? May I know where is it?

  44. NB862
    March 6th, 2018 at 08:17 | #44


    The showroom is ready. You may visit at their gallery.

  45. ckII
    March 7th, 2018 at 11:33 | #45

    I am quite interested the project, may I ask some questions from you all opinions

    1. The access to the condo is flood area? I know the road in front the Alora Hotel (near Kayu nasi kandar) always flood during heavy rain. but not sure this area
    2. The price and offer is reasonable? Anyone paid booking ald? What make you chose the project?

    I prefer the location instead of Sg Ara, Relau and Bayan Lepas. Close to Penang Bridge, Queensbay, USM. Still not too crowd compared with the other locations mentioned above.

  46. Annie
    March 7th, 2018 at 17:43 | #46


    May I know where is the gallery?

  47. NotAgent
    March 8th, 2018 at 14:25 | #47

    2. Considering those in sg dua area are selling at almost the same price with only 100 to 200 sqft more I think the price is reasonable. With the future development opposite Bukit Jambul is going to make the area even more strategic. Also if if if if if the LRT (www.tankuku.com) is a go then you’re almost at the middle of the whole LRT route (10 stations to komtar and 9 stations to teluk Kumbar)
    I choose this project because of the location and the layout is modern which none of the room wall touches each other.

  48. ckII
    March 9th, 2018 at 16:02 | #48

    thanks your reply @notagent
    yes the layout is good, I am also ok without balcony, drawback is just no store room

  49. Booking
    March 22nd, 2018 at 09:56 | #49

    Interested but currently how many % sold? Anyone know? Not as hot as novus

  50. Khw
    March 26th, 2018 at 15:11 | #50

    Which floor is the transfer pump station located at? What are your opinion of not having balcony? Mind to share? Thank you.

  51. Allen
    March 26th, 2018 at 15:42 | #51

    Dear all,

    Montage residence has upgraded into 1015sqft currently. Also included Kitchen Cabinet ready and together with 4 Inverter Air-condition. A very well designed and unique layout too with all the bedroom size is good. You may also email me at >> allen_latte@hotmail.com for more details. Cheers

  52. Booked
    March 26th, 2018 at 16:11 | #52

    If I remember correctly 16 but with the floor number change now should be 19?
    I dont remember the last time I use the balcony in my condo so I think I prefer more indoor space than a small balcony that I cant do much things there

  53. YJ
    April 28th, 2018 at 07:32 | #53

    Hi all,

    I am quite interested on this project but still in dilemma as heard that this developer is new and not so well established. So a bit concern about their projects. Any comment from others?

  54. Previous
    April 28th, 2018 at 23:43 | #54


    I’m one of the early bird. The way I rationalize this is the company is owned by ex RID shareholder and I saw RID projects, not the best but definitely far from bad so quality side should be fine. Project competing side, their first project Novus is fully sold (expected completion at 2021) which means they shouldn’t have financial problem going into this project.

  55. YJ
    May 2nd, 2018 at 13:32 | #55


    Thanks for your explicit explanation.

  56. Ah Heng
    May 2nd, 2018 at 17:10 | #56

    YJ are you one of the staff of EcoHorizon?
    I really like the projects in Batu Kawan, marvelously built and done. Will drop by to book a unit.

  57. YJ
    May 4th, 2018 at 21:54 | #57

    @Ah Heng

    Sorry, I’m not working with any property company.

  58. YJ
    May 4th, 2018 at 22:02 | #58

    @Ah Heng

    What is the pro of Batu Kawan’s project as compared to Penang island? Can share your view if you don’t mind?

  59. Booking
    May 23rd, 2018 at 17:42 | #59

    Got a letter from developer to ask me to start applying loan. Anyone receiving that also?

  60. Ck
    May 29th, 2018 at 11:17 | #60

    hi Montage buyers! I have created a group chat and facebook page for all info and updates about Montage. interested to join in let me know. thanks!

  61. ckII
    May 30th, 2018 at 10:39 | #61

    Mayknow APDL of the project has approve? I like the project but need to think twice because buying property and long term debt are big thing for me. They going to increase the price after APDL?

  62. Buyer
    May 30th, 2018 at 13:15 | #62

    What is the name of group chat

  63. APDL
    May 30th, 2018 at 13:24 | #63

    When I booked early this year the developer said around June July. After they increase the unit size I think it was supposed to delay by a month or two so I would guess around August to Oct.

  64. APDL
    May 30th, 2018 at 13:25 | #64

    Please share how to join the group.

  65. ckII
    May 30th, 2018 at 13:59 | #65


  66. cK
    May 30th, 2018 at 17:43 | #66


    hi.. facebook page is Montage Residence Penang, Sg. Nibong. Group chat is in WeChat, group name is Montage Residence Sg Nibong, Pg

  67. cK
    May 30th, 2018 at 17:44 | #67

    hi.. facebook page is Montage Residence Penang, Sg. Nibong. Group chat is in WeChat, group name is Montage Residence Sg Nibong, Pg

  68. cK
    May 30th, 2018 at 17:47 | #68

    for the group chat and facebook, would request a copy of booking form to confirm your status as the buyer of Montage in order to join the group.. thanks ya. feel free to give any suggestion for better communication as buyers of Montage

  69. ckII
    May 30th, 2018 at 18:37 | #69

    hi CK, why i Can’t get the Montage Residence Penang in FB? May know now ald start to apply loan d right

  70. APDL
    May 30th, 2018 at 19:48 | #70

    Can’t find both on Facebook or wechat. Did you make it searchable?

  71. cK
    June 1st, 2018 at 09:24 | #71

    yes. if still cannot find kindly email your wechat ID and fb username to montageresidence@gmail.com. Will add you from there

  72. Fmonki
    June 4th, 2018 at 00:38 | #72

    i am buyer of novus, can i join the group?

  73. MontageBuyer
    June 4th, 2018 at 15:52 | #73

    Care to share current status with Novus project?

  74. ckII
    June 5th, 2018 at 13:21 | #74

    may know most of Montage buyers SnP signed? One good thing is the car parks’s lot have been assigned. Higher floor with higher price get better car park lot (lower floor), this is quite fair for who pay more money for better car part lot.

  75. MontageBuyer
    June 5th, 2018 at 14:58 | #75

    You signed? They told me after getting loan can proceed to sign.

  76. ckII
    June 5th, 2018 at 16:42 | #76

    hi no yet..still considering..

  77. ckII
    July 2nd, 2018 at 11:19 | #77

    hi anyone, buyers know the current update? ADPL approved? I saw some construction road beside the shell petrol station, is the construction work start?

  78. SK CH’NG
    July 3rd, 2018 at 00:26 | #78



    Montage APDL already approved last month, clearing site now,

    SK CH’NG

  79. Buyer
    July 3rd, 2018 at 00:56 | #79

    No APDL. Now developer ask buyer to presign spa. Sign before August got bonus. Montage land got board surround but no do anything

    Beside shell the construction board say tetuan Tetap Gembira. Montage is Prisma Bumiraya

  80. ckII
    July 3rd, 2018 at 10:57 | #80

    Thanks SK CHNG and Buyer,
    Buyer, may know what kind of bonus sign before August?

    I don’t know what developer think at the current cold market situation, the developer ask buyers sign SPA but the site still is in”jungle” condition and no any work start. Just wonder how they give confidence to potential buyers..

    3 residences by IJM, the construction work has been ald started as we can see, but still can’t make booking..but when the time they launching, sure will give buyers more confidence about their project..

  81. Buyer
    July 3rd, 2018 at 21:06 | #81

    Better you check with them on the bonus
    Presign because no APDL
    They won’t do anything if no APDL

  82. Wayne
    July 20th, 2018 at 11:37 | #82

    how to find montage group in facebook?

  83. Huat
    July 22nd, 2018 at 00:10 | #83

    Still have any corner unit? North east view (sungai nibong view) better or south west view (bukit jambul view) better? Personally more prefer north east view but worry the empty land beside Novus will have another high rise building.

  84. View
    July 22nd, 2018 at 01:10 | #84

    There will be a phase 2 in Novus so north east view sure will be partly blocked. South west view will have full evening sun but definitely won’t be block as no more space for development.

  85. Huat
    July 22nd, 2018 at 07:04 | #85

    Do you have any info regarding Novus phase 2? When will it launch?
    I heard that those facing evening sun will have tinted window, not sure is that true.

  86. Huat
    July 22nd, 2018 at 09:21 | #86

    I do a quick research, Novus phase 2 should be Montage. Or u mean will have another phase after Novus and Montage?

  87. View
    July 22nd, 2018 at 10:33 | #87

    Montage South west unit 1 to unit 3a developer give free window tint.

    Montage is different project under same developer. Not really Novus phase 2. If you look up for Novus project development plan, the developer applied for 2 buildings. Second phase is going to be super low density luxury condo (less than 100 units in 44 floors)

  88. View
    July 22nd, 2018 at 10:34 | #88

    The second phase will be on the same land parcel as Novus

  89. Mr A
    July 22nd, 2018 at 13:37 | #89

    Morning sun thats more people prefer. Any comment

  90. Huat
    July 22nd, 2018 at 22:02 | #90

    Thanks for the info.

    @Mr A
    Yup, more prefer morning sun. But south west view will be better.

  91. View
    July 23rd, 2018 at 11:22 | #91

    @Mr A @Huat
    That’s the dilemma with Montage. Good view and evening sun or OK view and morning sun.

  92. Raymond
    July 26th, 2018 at 20:40 | #92

    Anybody know, the developer is from where?

  93. Huat
    July 27th, 2018 at 12:50 | #93

    Just visit the showroom, overall quite satisfy with the layout. Plan to buy for own stay.

    I think facing north east is better although view not so nice compare to south west because south west facing main road, worry will more noisy and dusty.

  94. View
    July 27th, 2018 at 15:05 | #94

    Yes I also pick the northeast facing. Recently I go to the site even at the busiest time 8am and 6pm the place is still quiet. Maybe due to Krystal Point in front.

  95. J’Chuan
    August 16th, 2018 at 08:32 | #95

    The overall design is not elegant compared with the selling price.
    It is more like a normal apartment design where affordable housing projects design is better than this.
    And the developer is not well known, definitely a showstopper

  96. Elegance
    August 16th, 2018 at 23:01 | #96

    Mine to share where is lacking on the design? I am a potential buyer.

  97. J’Chuan
    August 20th, 2018 at 15:48 | #97

    Hi, what i mean is referring to their building design in overall. The public area such as the main entrance, hammock garden are really lack of sense of art. With the launching price, i am hoping a much grand and iconic design. Honestly, any 500k project with higher sqf per unit in Sungai Ara is better than this project. The developer is not even well known, only 1 project history.
    Only the location of this project is good, tats all.

  98. Buyer
    August 20th, 2018 at 19:30 | #98

    I’m one of the buyer. The building design indeed is not so elegant as compare to those in sg ara. The reason i bought is i take into consideration on location, density and layout. To me the design still acceptable. Those sg ara majority are high density and come with multiple facilities, but can these facilities sustain for couple of years still unknown. Just my point of view.

  99. Elegance
    August 20th, 2018 at 20:45 | #99

    This developer is ex RID (Meridien and Orchard ville) that come out to open new company. If not I won’t even consider it cause they have 0 (not 1) completed project. Hard decision. Best thing about it is the location.

  100. J’Chuan
    August 21st, 2018 at 08:30 | #100

    yes indeed, the location is the only main attraction.
    For the facilities wise, if the announced monthly maintenance fee is similar to the sungai ara projects, then this is worse, as it basically has no special facility other thn a pool but have to pay the same.
    We shall wait and see.

  101. Question
    August 21st, 2018 at 12:05 | #101

    Just a general question. Is there a problem if maintenance fee is high with little facilities? I mean at worse is JMB has a lot of money right? The money still belongs to the community. In addition, can JMB reduce the fees in the future?

  102. Buyer2
    August 21st, 2018 at 12:10 | #102

    I pick it mainly for the location. With this condo I’ll be stuck only at roundabout but those Sg Ara/Relau will stuck all the way from condo to roundabout.

  103. Buyer 3
    August 22nd, 2018 at 14:43 | #103

    Yes. I’m also the buyer. Location and layout attracted me. I would prefer layout with no balcony. Agreed to Buyer2 point of view. SPA also collected. Welcome to join us.

  104. J’Chuan
    August 23rd, 2018 at 08:51 | #104

    with high mantainance fee, yes it will go into your sinking fund, but higher fee with lesser to maintain, it is easy for alot hanky-panky things to come, like my previous apartment.
    anyway, do check on the developer financial status, before ur move.
    setia skyhill is launching soon beside the crystal point, i am more confident on that, just not sure the launching price yet.

  105. Buyer2
    August 24th, 2018 at 12:52 | #105

    Setia skyhill “is launching soon” since 2012 or 2014 but until now nothing except the signboard. They are waiting for other developer to push up the price at Sungai Nibong before they launch. I think they will not go below 1m starting price.

  106. SK CH’NG
    August 25th, 2018 at 11:07 | #106

    Dear All Bro & Sis,

    Montage have some unit Released Out Due To Loan Rejected ,
    Price from RM 595K ++ to RM 667K ++ After all rebate ,

    For Those Miss Out last Time , U may call / Whatsapp me for more info & showroom viewing appointment,

    Book Now Before The Price Increased Soon !!!

    My Contact can be found @ Marketing Agents Column [ SK CH’NG ] :-) Thanks alotr ya :-)

  107. SK CH’NG
    August 27th, 2018 at 15:25 | #107

    GOOD NEWS !!! S&P for montage start stamped on 26July 2018 , a good sounds to all Buyer’s

  108. Start
    September 7th, 2018 at 11:03 | #108

    The developer start building already?

  109. Buyer
    September 7th, 2018 at 15:42 | #109

    Last update from the developer few weeks ago, they said will start build in end of this year. The snp have been stamped and collected for my snp copy.

  110. SK CH’NG
    September 9th, 2018 at 00:09 | #110


    Yup, Estimated will start end of this Year , All My buyers’s also done Signed SPA & Stamped done.

    Best Regards,

    SK CH’NG
    [ Montage Marketing Agent ]

  111. PotentialBuyer
    September 11th, 2018 at 09:30 | #111

    Hi guys, is this developer trustworthy? I couldnt get much information about this developer online…

  112. Start
    September 12th, 2018 at 10:58 | #112

    Is the developer planning to reduce the price as SST started and Penang announce 300k above house 10% discount?

  113. Discount
    September 12th, 2018 at 11:14 | #113

    Buyer here. Anyone checked with the developer if they’re going to reduce the price since no SST?

  114. Simon Wong
    September 15th, 2018 at 20:18 | #114

    Yalor, will they reduce price or not since now is SST.
    I am personally interested in this project, but I will wait for the 10% price reduction to be announced first.

  115. Discount
    September 15th, 2018 at 21:57 | #115

    @Simon Wong
    I don’t expect 10% but at least 5%? Same situation here

  116. SK CH’NG
    September 17th, 2018 at 23:30 | #116

    @Simon Wong

    Dear Simon,

    ALL Developers still not yet make any decision, But for logic abit , 10% of SST is only affected the total Cost of Construction but not affect the total developement price, so in summary it affected so much as 10% , bcoz normally

    developer profit 30&
    cost of construction 40 %
    profesional & marketing & etc 30%

    if the total assume total developement cost is RM 1,000,000

    SO , the cost of construction 40% ~ Rm 400,000 only

    SST 10% will affect the RM 400,000 ONLY ( Means about Rm 40k only )

    40k of 1mil is ~ < 4 % only

    so not so much as 10% as we all think

    But , all this not confirm , still need to wait :-)

    if u wish to book a unit , u can make appointment with me ya ,

    I'm SK Ch'ng , Marketing Agent for Montage
    * My contact can be found at Marketing agent column :-)

  117. Discount
    September 18th, 2018 at 10:46 | #117

    @SK CH’NG
    If there is 4% discount please announce here. I sure call you

  118. Simon Wong
    September 21st, 2018 at 18:25 | #118

    @SK CH’NG

    Saw their Wellness Sunday advertisement in FB. Any promotion for potential buyer on that day other than the on-going RM6,888 rebate etc?

  119. Rental
    October 12th, 2018 at 09:55 | #119

    This location and size can get how much for long term rental?

  120. Discount
    October 15th, 2018 at 13:47 | #120

    Bad developer
    They give more discount to late buyer then early bird
    Cannot buy their other property early

    • NMM
      October 30th, 2018 at 12:46 | #121

      May I know what is the difference of discount given?

  121. Steve
    October 15th, 2018 at 14:17 | #122

    What is the latest promotion? I am looking for project at this area and wanna do some comparison.
    Early buyer can get better unit compare to later buyer.

  122. YEN
    October 26th, 2018 at 07:46 | #123

    Any affordable project now?

  123. Eco friendly
    October 30th, 2018 at 16:20 | #124


    A bulk purchaser has recently approched one of my client to release their units at 600k each.

    • Contact
      November 1st, 2018 at 11:53 | #125

      Can share the contact?
      Annieonline@ gmail.com

  124. Denn
    October 30th, 2018 at 18:38 | #126

    Can you introduce the bulk purchaser? I am interested.

  125. declan
    November 1st, 2018 at 13:52 | #127

    @Eco friendly
    can give contact? declanlee128@gmail.com

  126. Sales
    November 1st, 2018 at 22:24 | #128

    Anyone know how many % left?

  127. Buyer
    November 2nd, 2018 at 12:56 | #129

    Based on the sales table i saw few weeks ago from developer, left around 30% (not sure developer got keep for future only sell). No more corner unit for unit number 3A, 5 and 12, still got a few corner unit number 1.

  128. SK CH’NG
    November 19th, 2018 at 00:25 | #130


    Dear Bro & Sis ,

    Corner Unit For Unit 5 & 12 left 1 unit each, if anyone interested ,

    Kindly Whatsapp me , SK CH’NG
    My Contact can be found @ above Marketing Agent Column

    Thanks alot & Best Regards,

  129. Buyer 1
    December 10th, 2018 at 16:20 | #131

    I’m one of the soon to b purchaser.
    Everything is good about the project but one thing which turn me down is that there is no trash collection at each floor. Residents must go down to trash site to to throw the trash.
    The info i got is from one of the agent.

    Can anyone ascertain? Or perhaps I understand it wrongly?

    Thank you in advance.

    • NMM
      December 24th, 2018 at 09:45 | #132

      You are right. Exercise more.

  130. BB
    January 16th, 2019 at 23:23 | #133

    Hi all
    I was one of the early bird purchaser. Upon signing the spa i noticed that the schelude h is empty. I refuse to sign. Developer quickly return my deposit without any reason + resold my unit.
    I sense something not right. Can anyone enlighten me ?

  131. Buyer
    January 16th, 2019 at 23:27 | #134

    Hi all
    I was one of the early bird purchaser. Upon signing the spa i noticed that the schelude h is empty. Empty schelude h means developer can just put in any figure on facilities upon giving keys to buyers. I refuse to sign. Developer quickly return my deposit without any reason + resold my unit.
    I sense something not right. Can anyone enlighten me ?

    • H
      January 17th, 2019 at 11:23 | #135

      Which part of your schedule H is empty?

  132. Quiet
    March 19th, 2019 at 15:15 | #136

    So quiet here
    How any % take up now?

  133. Annie
    March 24th, 2019 at 16:34 | #137

    Any facebook or whatsapp group to follow for this project?

  134. Search
    April 10th, 2019 at 10:41 | #138

    Search for it on FB
    You’ll find it

    • A
      April 18th, 2019 at 21:39 | #139

      what is the progress now?

  135. J
    May 22nd, 2019 at 12:03 | #140

    Can someone pls update the latest progress for Montage?

  136. Join the group
    May 22nd, 2019 at 22:18 | #141

    We have weekly update in the Facebook group

  137. J
    August 9th, 2019 at 16:37 | #142

    @Join the group
    What is the FB Group name? I wish to join

  138. DT
    September 16th, 2019 at 21:02 | #143

    Any top floor unit available and how to contact u?

  139. KH
    October 26th, 2019 at 22:01 | #144

    any update on this project? look quiet

  140. 1
    November 4th, 2019 at 17:12 | #145

    Is the project start construction? Kindly share. Thanks.

  141. kelvin
    November 20th, 2019 at 16:04 | #146

    how many car park per unit? Thanks.

  142. A
    November 22nd, 2019 at 12:52 | #147

    @kelvin 2 side by side car park.
    Anyone know the progress of this project?

  143. S
    December 19th, 2019 at 13:54 | #148

    Land clear already. Start on piling soon.

  144. 1
    December 30th, 2019 at 13:51 | #149

    Do you know when we need to start to pay bank loan interest. Thanks.

  145. Mk
    July 17th, 2020 at 21:07 | #150

    After piling is completed. I was told by sept 2020

  146. Conflict
    April 25th, 2021 at 17:46 | #151

    Anyone know Montage construction being slow down due to cash flow challenge? Have not seen any progress of works and minimum working one the site. Lorry or heavy construction vehicle also very less or not seen for the last 2 weeks.

  147. Buyer123
    May 22nd, 2021 at 22:59 | #152

    Any owner group for this project?

  148. Facebook
    May 28th, 2021 at 10:08 | #153

    Search for Montage Residence Sungai Nibong on facebook

  149. Investor
    June 19th, 2021 at 21:30 | #154

    Anyone know what happen to developer?
    Do they apply for MITI letter to resume construction?

  150. Buyer
    January 1st, 2022 at 12:09 | #155

    May i know the process, seen like the process very slow, Anyone know what happen to developer?

  151. Buyer
    January 1st, 2022 at 12:09 | #156

    May i know the process, seem like the process very slow, Anyone know what happen to developer?

  152. Hello
    March 17th, 2022 at 11:36 | #157

    Any facebook /whatsapp.wechat group to join for this project?

  153. Vincent
    April 5th, 2022 at 00:56 | #158

    Any whatsapp/ facebook to join for this project? Booked unit and potential buyer. Any cons for this project?

  154. Hello
    April 5th, 2022 at 09:16 | #159

    Vincent :
    Any whatsapp/ facebook to join for this project? Booked unit and potential buyer. Any cons for this project?

    Just booked one unit as well.

    Pros –
    Location: Zero traffic Light stop to Penang Bridge, QB, FTZ, to Komtar/georgetown thru LCE highway
    Price: Cheaper compare to the nearby new condo. Zen6/The Sun/Queywest/Triuni

    Road to access to the condo too narrow now.
    Condo appearance looks dull from the design.
    Some future new condo projects may block the sea view.

  155. Jay
    April 5th, 2022 at 11:16 | #160

    How much ?

  156. Max
    April 5th, 2022 at 13:12 | #161

    This condo is good for own stay but not good for investment.
    And layout almost similar like Zen6 which equally to affordable house. And the entrance is bad as need go through narrow road. And wondering if future car to park at outside may congested or blocked the street. Anyway, nothing to complain as what you paid mean what you got.

  157. GV
    April 5th, 2022 at 18:33 | #162

    May i know what the price range? the layout look good. very convenience for salaryman stay.

  158. The Zen Residence
    April 5th, 2022 at 20:55 | #163

    The layout look similar like The Zen affordable house.
    We bought only RM300k for affordable house. And location definitely much better than montage. And appreciation higher.

  159. Hello
    April 6th, 2022 at 10:52 | #164

    Is is not right compare the price of montage against Zen affordable.
    Montage does not fall under the affordable house scheme project.

    Comparing Zen6 vs Montage will be more appropriate.
    Each of them have theirs pros and cons.

    Anyway don’t be too overjoy of getting RM300k for Zen affordable house right now.
    You get what you pay for, you should wait for final outcome of the condo once you gotten your key.
    Zen6 owners are paying ~600k onwards for their units, the materials/facilities for zen affordable will not be the same as Zen6.

  160. The Zen Residence
    April 6th, 2022 at 13:55 | #165

    Actually if you see the layout Montage/The Zen/Zen6 all are sharing a same interior layout. No different. In term of material, definitely will be different but it wont justify with few hundred thousand different with just tiles different.
    Zen6 & The Zen both are equally same except for extra balcony & extra 4ft yard. Material tiles 2×2 vs normal tiles. In term facilities no different. And for your info RM490k only for those Zen6 unit facing highway. And The Zen public unit only RM450k with 2cp similar tiles used with Zen6. The only thing of Montage in better here is lower density. But in location definitely The Zen is the best as better prime location will define future appreciation. Montage is good for low density that’s good but location and entrance a minus point & don’t forget upcoming new project surrounding this area add on high traffic flow into this small occupied area. Mark my word the appreciation will be low compare to The Zen.

  161. GV
    April 6th, 2022 at 16:06 | #166

    @The Zen Residence

    Good to hear too i like the layout. The location also not bad have a great future also. For The Zen also very nice location just i have no luck to get the a unit there.

  162. wil
    April 6th, 2022 at 21:04 | #167

    Why need luck??

  163. Thomas Chuah
    April 19th, 2022 at 12:16 | #168

    That guy just came here to show off only… in fact, The Zen is just a low class project

  164. The Zen Residence
    April 19th, 2022 at 16:16 | #169

    @Thomas Chuah
    You’re the 10% of people who disagreed. In fact The Zen is most of the best development where situated in Penang world city. Time will justify everything where investment paid off.
    You want to buy this project you need luck as high demand.
    This is final piece of land for residential in that area & fully seaview & even town view many buyer just bought it with 500k+ for Zen6. Now this project already appreciated. The montage is good if you need a calm & peaceful environment as lower density.

  165. Thomas Chuah
    April 20th, 2022 at 13:12 | #170

    @The Zen Residence
    It is nothing beside seaview. The Zen development lower the standard of the residential area.

  166. Same layout
    June 9th, 2022 at 12:27 | #171

    Fail to see how Zen has the same layout as Montage.

  167. Zen6
    June 9th, 2022 at 16:07 | #172

    @Thomas Chuah
    You’re fail. Seaview is a primary factor of a condo appreciation.
    That’s nothing about lower standard area. Bayan Mutiara is a prime location where D’residence allocated a great peaceful location. I can only see some people mindset with lower standard mindset here. He drew a line here to think he is higher standard. Hahaha…

  168. Buyer
    July 14th, 2022 at 15:41 | #173

    Anyone knows why Montage stopped working again??

    • SS
      July 18th, 2022 at 14:33 | #174

      i asked them, its because they lack of materials last time, the work is resume now

  169. jack
    July 15th, 2022 at 10:22 | #175

    Buyer :
    Anyone knows why Montage stopped working again??

    Cash flow problem can’t pay contractors then they mah stop working lo, simple as that.

  170. Hello
    July 15th, 2022 at 13:28 | #176

    Buyer :
    Anyone knows why Montage stopped working again??

    R u sure? I stay nearby and saw already build until 20+ level now.

  171. Buyer
    July 18th, 2022 at 19:33 | #177

    Ok, thanks for the info.

  172. Buyer
    July 18th, 2022 at 19:35 | #178

    I also stay nearby. Noticed no construction progress anymore for a period after they started building 13th residential floor which is the latest floor.

  173. Buyer
    August 4th, 2022 at 16:59 | #179

    Anybody inside the FB group of Montage? I was trying to join the group, emailed the SNP and other stuffs, but was not approved by the admin.

  174. One of the buyer
    August 19th, 2022 at 16:17 | #180

    Me too, since 2020 Mar

  175. Montage
    January 1st, 2023 at 16:12 | #181

    Anyone know how is the progress now? Expected when can get the key?

  176. muhd
    August 29th, 2024 at 15:47 | #182

    this project already categories as abandon project

  177. bum
    September 8th, 2024 at 23:32 | #183

    abandoned? what happened? the exterior looks almost completed

  178. BS07
    December 17th, 2024 at 16:13 | #184

    hi, any buyers start to follow up with developer on estimate VP timeline?
    what about the LAD, the late delivery of property ?

  179. buyer 12345
    January 5th, 2025 at 16:39 | #185

    As I know from the developer office, all the unit are completed (including all the installation attached with the units), remaining was the parking space, utilities floor and security guard post still working in progress.

  180. Annoymus
    January 16th, 2025 at 12:32 | #186

    @Buyer 3
    Developer in liquidation January 2025. Project not completed. Do u fight for your rights?

  181. hk
    January 16th, 2025 at 15:52 | #187

    Hi all, I received a message that the developer have been wound up. Should we take up a class action suit against them or the liquidator to protect our rights? We need a platform to discuss going forward

  182. montage
    January 16th, 2025 at 15:54 | #188

    Did anyone receive communication from developer lately?

  183. Buyer
    January 16th, 2025 at 20:48 | #189

    Just receive the message today. Can someone help to create a Facebook page and paste the link here for all the buyer to join for discussion?

  184. wuming
    January 16th, 2025 at 21:50 | #190

    I did receive the message this evening too about the developer in liquidation. I followed up with the developer office early Dec. That time, the staff told me the worker were working hard as they targeted to complete by 1st quarter of 2025.

  185. montage
    January 17th, 2025 at 06:59 | #191

    Is there any existing whatsapp group or facebook page out there for montage owners to join?

  186. Montage Penny
    January 17th, 2025 at 14:32 | #192

    Hi Montage buyers,

    Yes I also received that developer bankruptcy notification yesterday.

    Do anyone know we got any buyers chat group on this channel?

    What should we do now ? I did call up their office but no one pick up.

    Please include me in chat group if have.

  187. OWL
    January 17th, 2025 at 15:13 | #193

    I am also Montage owner, did received the developer bankruptcy message yesterday.

    What should we do now, please share.

    Yes, do we have any fb or whatsapp group chat.

    Please add me in if anyone know we have.

    Thank you.

  188. Buyer
    January 19th, 2025 at 14:22 | #194

    Please msg – Montage Residence at FB page with yr S&P copy proof to be added to the buyer wechat group.

  189. Buyer
    January 19th, 2025 at 14:23 | #195

    @Montage Penny
    Please msg – Montage Residence at FB page with yr S&P copy proof to be added to the buyer wechat group.

  190. Ryu
    January 19th, 2025 at 15:52 | #196

    Why use we chat? Is this official & legal group?
    How to protect buyers right if we reveal owner info?

  191. wuming
    January 25th, 2025 at 16:53 | #197

    I had msg Montage Residence FB with proof 5 days ago. But I don’t receive any response nor been added into wechat group. Are you the admin for that FB page? If yes, kindly check.

  192. Kim
    March 18th, 2025 at 12:46 | #198

    Hello, anyone know when the insolvency will resolve this? Or who can help buyers out as we’re still paying monthly interest which is not favourable.

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