
Penang sky cab to be ready between 2018 and 2019

penang-sky-cab-1The proposed cable car spanning the Penang channel will cross the Middle Bank and engineers are working to ensure least damage to the seagrass bed.

“The footprints of the cable pylons and towers will be small and have a low impact on the environment,” said Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.

He said engineers would avoid disturbing areas of the seagrass bed where marine life is densest, adding that he was waiting for the final alignment proposal from Malaysian Resources Corporation Berhad which is constructing the cable car system.

He also said the expected completion date would be between 2018 and 2019.

Lim broke his silence on several issues about future transportation plans in the state at a press conference after officiating the NEX2016 Penang Leadership Conference in Olive Tree Hotel in Bayan Lepas yesterday.

Earlier, in addressing the congregation of about 380 corporate and government executives attending the three-day conference from as far as Singapore, Hong Kong and Britain, Lim filled his speech with visions of Penang’s future transportation plans.

“The light rail transit between the mainland and the island is only expected in 2025. In the meantime, we can look forward to the Penang Sky Cab as an alternative connection,” he said.

The cable car system will be between mainland Penang Sentral near the ferry terminal and the current Jelutong landfill which is due for redevelopment.

Lim also said there was never any plan to acquire land from Penang Chinese Girls High School to build the 20km Gurney Drive-Bayan Lepas highway that is part of the Penang Transport Master Plan (PTMP).

“I chair the state land acquisition committee, and we never even considered acquiring the school land. I don’t know how the scare came about. As usual, many quarters are out to shoot down the government.

“If you want to shoot us, go ahead. We are used to it. But don’t shoot the PTMP down because it is vital to Penang’s future,” he added.

To a question on how the state would deal with eventual land acquisition needs for the PTMP, Lim said the government would need to make some “tough decisions” soon.

“We will practise compassion and plan the alignments of the new roads and rail lines so that we won’t need much private property.”

Source: TheStar.com.my

  1. Sam
    March 12th, 2016 at 12:07 | #1

    【To a question on how the state would deal with eventual land acquisition needs for the PTMP, Lim said the government would need to make some “tough decisions” soon.】

    As long as what the govt does is just and equitable, people would sure be “giving face”. Never fear of any unforeseen circumstances, right ?

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