
Penang Property Market Value

2015-transactionsOne of the most common question asked here is the current market value of a property in Penang. Certainly, it is everyone’s dream that their property value gain a measurable appreciation.

Property market value can be interpreted very differently depending on the specific market you’re discussing. Each house is unique and its prices may varies based on the exact location, road number, house number, house direction, neighbors and etc. One’s house may be able to sell at a much higher premium than the next door just because the house number is 8. Whereas a house facing junction may have to be sold at a discounted rate.

In reality, highest and lowest transacted prices are generally viewed as alternate expressions of a market value. A buyer would usually refer to the lower transacted price as a bargain whereas the seller would choose the higher ones to close the deal.

Instead of showing statistic from NAPIC, which most of you may be familiar with; I have solicited some actual transacted data for both Island and Mainland from reliable sources. Hopefully this will shed some lights for those who has been very curious on property transacted in Penang.


*These transaction were randomly picked, thus they neither reflect highest nor lowest transacted prices.

– Ken Lim
(Founder and Principal Reviewer, PenangPropertyTalk.com)

  1. Odin
    September 14th, 2015 at 13:01 | #1

    Is that possible that property price of Penang drops due to the poor economy situation of Malaysia now?

  2. Rocky
    September 14th, 2015 at 16:04 | #2

    Anything is possible.

  3. Oldebes
    September 15th, 2015 at 09:23 | #3

    I don’t think the property price will drop. Worst case scenario, no rise on the price.

  4. Rocky
    September 15th, 2015 at 12:47 | #4


    One unit of Quayside 1137sf just got transacted at RM980k few weeks ago.

  5. RP
    September 15th, 2015 at 14:36 | #5

    My agents really suck. My unit asking for much lower price than those transacted yet nobody call to inquire.

  6. Go4mainland
    September 15th, 2015 at 15:27 | #6

    RP :
    My agents really suck. My unit asking for much lower price than those transacted yet nobody call to inquire.

    Maybe u need to put more effort?

  7. sodo
    September 15th, 2015 at 17:02 | #7


    Yes, you should put in more effort. Lower the price another 10% and see what happens.

  8. Owner
    September 16th, 2015 at 18:11 | #8

    My unit SVP park just get transacted at 700k..

  9. mike
    February 9th, 2016 at 15:22 | #9

    Rocky, still can find any quayside property at RM 980k?

  10. mike
    February 9th, 2016 at 15:25 | #10

    wanting to release my PANTAI JERJAK. SEMI D, any clue how much it will fetch (nicely renovated)

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