The Tamarind
The Tamarind, a freehold executive apartments by E&O Property at Seri Tanjung Pinang, Penang. Located along Jalan Seri Tanjung Pinang 1, within walking distance to Straits Quay and Tesco. It is also well connected by strategic access roads to many amenities including schools, medical centres and shopping malls.
This development comprises two 33-storey towers of service apartments.
Project Name: The Tamarind
Location : Seri Tanjung Pinang, Penang
Property Type : Executive Apartments
Tenure : Freehold
Total Units: 1,104 (To be confirmed)
Built-up Area: 1,042 sq.ft. onwards
Indicative Price: RM 600,000 onwards
Developer : E&O Property Development
Estimated Completion : 2019
Location Map:
Contributed by reader (Update 18/07/15)
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what is the price?
size and price?
Where to register?
No price yet and get ready to be slaughtered.
1104 units!! on which piece of vacant land?
rm1k psf… Might b
Rm700 psft on average
Mostly likely target foreign investors.
The area is nice but is having too many tiny 1 2 bedroom expensive shoe box
Lol rm700 psft is targeting local professionals. That means rm700k to rm900k. Foreigners can only buy rm1 mill onwards. It is stated 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Unit size: 1042 soft to 1300sft.
This is a very good project indeed.
This project is targeted for local buyers.
For those who have given booking fee to agents. Good luck =)
This is because E&O did not appoint any property agency to sell The Tamarind.
Also this project will not be launch in the next 2-3 months time…
If anyone is interested please head directly to the E&O Sales Gallery at Seri Tanjung Pinang to register yourself.
I doubt it will be $700-900k given that 1 bedroom condo in quayside will cost you around $1mil+.
In my opinion, RM700psf is still not the right price for the locals. Why? Here’s the thing :-
(1) Optimum condo size for a family of 4 -> 1300sft.
(2) 1300sft x RM700 = RM910k (assuming lowest floor).
(3) To afford a RM900k property, household income must be at least RM12k per month.
(4) Not many “professionals” enjoy that income, unless both husband & wife working. Working couples mean less time for the kids, have to rely on maids, so overall family quality deteriorates.
(5) Penangites used to be able to enjoy far better quality of life, just as recent as 6-7 years back.
So don’t think this RM700psf by E&O is a good buy! We can all do much more to drive the price down and stop E&O from sucking your hard earned money for the next 20 years!!
But of course, if you compare this to those Mont Residense, Latitude, The Peak in the Mt Erskine area, this will shine, comparatively.
If it’s RM700psf. there will be a very very long queue to buy it. Seriously even if the majority of the locals can’t afford it, the niche and rich group of investors will grab it up like there’s no tomorrow. Developments like Ivory’s City Residence and BSG’s Landmark are going at above RM1,000psf. Selling at RM700psf. is an instant profit for any buyers.
Sorry to locals (I’m a local myself), have to work harder now. Average RM4,000 salary not enough liao. I think easier to drive average salary up instead of driving property price down. 😛
Hi mickey,
Do you have any links to any source that talk about optimum size for x number of household members? I’ve been looking everywhere and getting very different answers as what is accepted as a norm depends very much on local culture.
So far the only ones I’ve came across that I agreed is minimum 250sft for the first person and additional 150sft for any extra person. This is assuming you sit around in the house watching tv or eating, while leaving the physical activity in the Condo compound.
Another one is no one person can make full use of over 500sf (unless he needs a lot of space to keep stuff). I once rented an entire house to myself, 800sft+, it’s too big.
1300sft is in between, but it’s rather luxurious for 4 person, it’s even enough for 6, enough for both your parents and your children.
Interesting! 250sft for the first person! So does that mean that from what you understand, if it’s a 1-person occupancy home, the ideal size is 250sqft? So out of that total 250sqft, how big is the bedroom? How big is the kitchen? How big is the toilet? Dining? Would be happy to listen to your explanation. Thanks.
Majority of readers here are engineer level. Means they can’t afford to purchase this. This project should target locals who work as lawyers, bankers, businessman etc, rather than immigrant engineer from FTZ
Which part of my sentence ” it is stated that it is 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms” that you don’t understand? Please read. I have confirm the number of bedrooms and size.
I am not sure whether you understand EnO or whether you understand penang property market well. There is no way 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 1042sqft selling for $700k in tanjung tokong. NO WAY. I repeat again it is IMPOSSIBLE. I have one 2 storey terrace in seri tanjung Pinang.
You must got the wrong info
More then 1000 units ?!? WOW! Every family released 1kg of shit in the morning, 1000kg ( 1 tonne ) of shit each day. Not the getting jam but the wastewater pipe burst.
I have called EnOand they don’t have idea when this project will launch.
And I don’t believe 3 bedroom 2 bathroom 1042sqft selling for $700k.
I know tanjung tokong very well. Your must for the wrong info.
I hope you are right and I wish to purchase one of this to put into my portfolio if what you said is true
I hope you are right because I wish to purchase one if what you said was correct
Based on my knowledge as I live in seri tanjung Pinang terrace, it wouldn’t be that cheap
Steve please read just one earlier article.
“Located within the Seri Tanjung Pinang development, it is learnt that the Tamarind project will be competitively priced.”
The title of the article is “Penang developers plan RM4.7bil worth of affordable houses”. The only concern by developer and investor could be even at “competitively priced” 700psf, the business would not be as brisk as expected.
It doesn’t matter how many properties you own in seri tg pinang. My info is right. Btw, I own 4 in seri tg pinang.
Based on the conversation above.. I can see that..penang ppl very “kia Shu”. We need to appreciate all the things around us rather than arguing. Nowadays penang ppl treat property as weath creation rather than basic requirement for life..
I am not Kia su, work really hard, save money and invest. That’s all. I don’t go drinking nor buy expensive cars or branded stuff or do fine dining. I believe in properties and appreciative assets. That’s not Kia su. That’s proper financial planning.
Relax LOl
I am hoping to purchase one of those and add into my investment portfolio. Price $700-800k with 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms in tanjung tokong by enO sounds like a good deal.
Hi Lol,
Are you married?…;)
if they are selling 700psf for 1104 units with the build up 1042sqft to 1400 sqft, they are earning even more- aprox 1 billion GDV whish much more higher than its low dense andaman. They sell cheaper but high quantity. In 6 acre of land, they gonna fit in over 1000 units? Crazy? too high dense! when you want to sell out, there will be difficulty to sell as you gonna compete with the other 1000+ owners of the project. And 1 thing people tend to be forgetful, still remember the tsunami happend in the gurney area? wtf, they sell wan to reclaim 700++ acre at that side? I can’t live with peace of mind. I rather buy a gated and guard house where surrounded by delightful nature where i can live longer. AND LOW DENSE! 1000++ units? you are mad
yup its pretty dense. 1000+ units over 6 acres of land. That is why it will be priced competitively.
Hi, I didn’t say ideal is 250sft for first person, but “minimum” space needed to be not depress. I’m asking for more stuff to read (maybe Ken could post something like this in the future) regarding the ideal living space requirement, something more scientific, and not just because someone think so. I’m just interested in those sort of things.
To explain why I agree with 250sft for first person, it’s how I happen to live for a few years when I moved out of my house: Rent a master bedroom.
What I have: A room roughly 10×10 feet, enough for a single bed (or even double). There’s a computer desk where I do everything, there’s a desk/cabinet where I keep my food, there’s a space for more cabinet to store all my stuff, and a wardrobe enough to keep clothes for more than one person.
There’s a balcony, about 6×5 feet, enough to put my laundry as well as just stand outside and feel the night breeze if I wish to.
There’s the toilet, about 7×4 feet. Not big, and when you shower, everything got wet but like I said, it’s what I need, not exactly “ideal” or “luxurious”. A rug outside dries up wet feet.
That’s about 158 sft of personal space. I do use the kitchen, it’s rather simple. Same goes to the washing area, just a space for a washing machine. Another 92 sft to top up to 250sft is more than enough for a proper kitchen (cabinets build up to the ceiling), a big fridge, a washing machine, and even a proper dining table for 2.
Sure there’s no living room, sofa and tv. But it’s a space for one person, and a small space does not mean sparsely furnished.
Lol is correct. Those with insider info will know the price range. This is high density hence lower psf for non-sea view. Supposedly from 680k onwards..
non sea view still 680k onwards……hmm…….
but the shape of this development is ” V ” shape……I guess it is constraint by the land shape ?
are you sure all units are non sea view? then what purpose to buy there? i rather buy other project then
lai… lai.. lai…. sapu all
I never say all units are non-sea view. I jz mention non seaview units still command high price 680k…
Wow ..1000 units. Just imagine if every household have 2 cars. The it need 2000 car pack place… Walk to car park also scare….:-)
Waa.. this is so attractive!
Penang is growing its way up. As Urbanization process we can’t stop property prices to go up especially we are in Penang Island. Don’t be sour grape attitude. Changes is always around.
I don’t think developer will offer 2 car park. You may consider park your car atTesco in future.
good deal
What about those people who rent beds in Hong Kong, their “minimum” survivable space is only 18sqft. If they can do with 18sqft, you can too. Right?
I don’t know. I’ve never lived in HK, I don’t know how they think. But I don’t think that’s possible for me.
I also mentioned “minimum” depends very much on culture and location, like how I’ve came across forum post of an American who think it’s impossible to live under 700sft per person (!), as well as people in New York make do with 90 sft.
I too mentioned I came across one that says 250sft for first person to have enough space to not be depress, as well as have all the necessary creature comfort things in the house, like bedroom, kitchen, bathroom.
Another article I came across says red indian in the past lives in Tipi averaging 60sft per person, because they always hunt in the wild, and their tent is only for sleeping. Also another article saying study from 30 years ago prison in USA averages 57 square feet of space per prison inmates.
I suppose I could survive in 60sft “maid room”, although I won’t be happy, and that I eat/play/work outside and only use that room for sleep/shower. But I need 250sft to be able to “stay at home whole day during Sunday”.
Hope to see more of such articles.
I heard the agency Land City is collecting money RM5000 for The Tamarind
The cheque must be issue to “Monte Carlo Management Services” and not to E&O Property.
Is this a scam? I have asked E&O management and they mentioned that they never appoint any agent to sell The Tamarind.
@Red Light Property
It is a scam obviously
This project is going to launch next month. Addtional car park need to pay RM40K
The price will be start frm ? How much per sf ? thanks
That is commercial lot. No worth to buy.
You mean this is commercial title? Anyone can confirm?
Yes. Commercial title.
Price ia forum 580k to 1.1m…
commercial title? is there shoplot in gnd n 1st floor?
I thought PG gov already freeze the approval for commercial-title condo since early this year?…. hmm….. exception ?
Well, maybe it’s again “it was approved by the previous gov” case?
SPA signing on schedule H for sure
The location is not so desirable, its behind the Jazz hotel and Vantage commerical strip, not nice to live next to the open drainage
I was told starting price is $650k
How do you know these details? I have asked their sales staff currently they do not reveal any thing regarding this project. Are you sure or not? Got insider news??
Yes. insider news.. but lower price units has no sea view. Sea view should be 650K and above with 10XXsqf.
it’s biggest competitors at this area will be I-Santorini project by IDEAL+UDA. just next to it.
I-santorini is leasehold + residential title. This E&O is freehold + commercial title.
same same…..
Same, don’t buy. Buy somewhere else.
Anyone knows the development GDV?
Anyone know when this project going to official launch?
Don’t think I Santorini is the direct competitor of The Tamarind.
I Santorini will be block directly in front (East) by Marinox…To the right (South) will be block by Breeza…to the left North East will be block by Tamarind and Quayside and Andaman…To the left (North) will be the LMC
So from what I see I Santorini is basically condo view later on and west (evening sun) which is facing vantage and hill view…
Then Tamarind is by E&O and Seri Tanjung Pinang is their home ground and SPA is under schedule H (Residential) and also Freehold, so I think it will be a much better buy and many would want to own a property by E&O.
This property will be Residential or commercial title?
commercial title for sure
launching next week
Christ is talking non-sense… from the way he explain .. he sound new to prop.. anyway.. jz go with your heart.. no one can really tell u wat can happen.. mount ersk prop was good buy and i earned 600k cash from selling 2 PROP.. good luck.
Why compare prop at M.Ersk n Seri Tanjung Pinang? Dont tell me both fall under same category?.. diff area diff demand.. i would rather buy at mt. Ersk.. cheaper, acceptable location, nicer gurney drive view n easier to let go later
Why compare mt Erskine with tg tokong? There is no comparison. Tg tokong wins hands down. Location, quality, people, value.
Tamarind at tg tokong is much cheaper than mount residence. I doubt at current prices properties at mt Erskine would be easier to let go
1000 unit high dense commercial title condo not easy to let go….
I have registered but no one informed me launch next week. Does anyone know when launch?
Actually I am torn between getting The Tamarind or Gurney Park. I saw a unit at Gurney Park with nice view and interior $800k. I find location of Gurney Park is strategic but condo is old. The management didn’t do a good job in upkeeping the place. This is for investment. I wonder which will be a better capital appreciation years down the road.
I prefer tamarind because there will be STP2 a 700 over acre man made island coming up over the next 5 years. Besides that the water tunnel and the new outer ring road will be around the same area as well.
Gurney Park is good as well but just like you said it is old and I remember the roads in front of gurney park sinking when they were building gurney paragon a few years back.
We all know that E and O = lifestyle and quality.
Launching during cny
I believe majority that buys phase 1 of the tamarind are real home buyers because of tamarind is priced competitively a lot of people would want to stay there. I know of 10 friends, first home buyers waiting for this project to be launched.
Well, it is certainly nice to stay in this sea-side area of STP. But I was told Ideal will be building a project next to Brezza going at RM400psf only, with residential title (meaning cheaper utility rates and residential neighbors). So why pay more for Tamarind?
Will the outer ring road be just in front of the tamarind? Noisy? Also low cost is just behind it. Do they share same access road? Will the price of tamarind be affected?
impossible. I last heard Ideal’s I santorini is going for rm750-900psft. Ideal is ideal after all. E and O is branded.
just buy tamarind. you wont go wrong. I have done my homework and its the best buy of this year.
Open booking? Commercial title?
Open register??
For those who are interested to register,
I found the link
Hi bothers and sisters,
I am a newbie in properties. May I know what is the difference between commercial and residential title?
Residential means there is a standard format for Sales & Purchase agreement signed between buyer and developer, therefore safe guarding the interest of the buyer.
Commercial means there is no standard format for the S&P agreement, therefore the developer is free to incorporate in the agreement any terms and conditions that safeguard it’s own interests.
According to latest regulation, property with commercial title also need to follow HDA agreement as long as it is used for residential purpose.
This project will no longer attractive once i-condo by Ideal is confirmed, >2000units of affordable houses nearby……..50% of the price maybe???
Seems like that piece of land is going to be very lau juak eventually.
This project will be signed under schedule H (Residential)
Too high dense, not worth it at all! Will be a big regret after purchase. Pigeon-hole rooms, small size pool for 1000+ units and commercial rate for electricity. Not my cup of tea!
If commercial Title than the purchaser have to pay 6% GST for this project ?
all the electrical / water bills under commercial or residential?
Tq very much for your explanation Fiona.
6% for commercial property and 6% for loan?
Why is the property trend become cheaper n cheaper? Last time, everybody is rushing because the next project become more expensive than the current project. Now seems different trend.
Now cheaper is affordable housing. But can those who already own property still get this affordable home?
Why would anyone want to buy this affordable home if the person already owns a property? For renting out? You can’t. There’s a rule by state gov that it cannot be rented out. For flipping? You can’t either. There’s a lock in period whereby you can’t sell in open market.
This is one step towards the right direction; controlling ownership, reducing hoarding and speculation and therefore freeing up more real estate for genuine home occupiers.
However, the job is far from done. The quality of the affordable homes? Are the developers making excessive profits? Are we creating enough competition between developers of affordable housing to max out value to home buyers? Infra congestions? etc…
How come affordable house can be so affordable compare to non-affordable? what is their differences? quality? original land price? gov subsidize?
I believe there are 2 main factors that enabled the cost reduction :-
(1) No need to build low cost flats
(2) Increase the density, in this case, from the original planned 700+ units (1st version by UDA) to the current 2000+ units (after extensive revision by the cobra king–> Ideal).
How do you know this Tamarind is affordable? They have not even announced the pricing yet! Don’t get misled by the mere mention of the word “affordable”. We’ll just have to wait and watch how things unfold here. Please remember, anything that’s above RM450psf should not be considered affordable by local terms. The developer might trick you into buying “shoe-boxes” at the so-called “affordable” price.
who tell you this is affordable housing scheme? It is not… don’t expect the pricing to be cheap under 600k for this project….
This is not under official affordable housing scheme, for sure. This is so called the development that comes with more “affordable” pricing, which carry different definition by different parties:
1) Base on normal penangite’s average family income, <650k;
2) Base on EnO's standard, < 1 mil
3) Base on Ivory's standard, 700-800psf;
4) Base on Seri tanjung Pinang's standard, <1000psf;
Whatever it is, #01 seems making more sense to me, this is base on my standard.
World economy is starting to be on the downtrend. Hopefully can buy during recession and poor economy, where sellers outpace buyers. Current prices make no economic sense! Even at RM600 psf, it is way over-priced, especially when it comes with an extremely HIGH density. Good luck to the suckers who buy into this hyped up project!
I heard from my friend that Tamarind comes with some fittings…Anyone can clarify?
Yes, a simple kitchen and all room with aircon
I am very interested in this project and have registered more than once but have not heard receive any response. Who can I approach for more information?
This project is super high dense, commercial title, and the price is not going to be cheap at all. Better think twice…
The size of the land where Tamarind is to be built, is the size of a football field. Wow! 1100 units to be built on the size of a football field land!
It is beside the Jazz Residences. I don’t think that piece of land is just about a football field size.
CCC, I saw with my own eyes 2 days ago. There’s a signboard out there on the piece of land saying Tamarind project. It REALLY IS the size of a football field. If you dont believe me, go see it for yourself in person.
Hi @neha I saw that signboard too…but that is not Tamrind location
it is beside/behind the Jazz.
Guys the land area is 7 acres. Not the football field but behind jazz.
I wonder how much extra we need to pay every month on water,electricity and assessment rates, it being on a commercial land. Seaview would easily jump upto at least 820psf, in comparison with an estimated 700psf for the cheapest lauya lauya unit.
I wonder if its worth buying at 820 psf. Any inputs if it’s worth buying guys/gals?
I wonder if its worth buying at 820 psf. Any inputs if it’s worth buying at this price tag, guys/gals?
Price from 650k to rm750k depending on size. Average rm700psft. Worth buying.
Residential electricity and water rates because it’s under the HDA. As for assessment and quit rent it will be commercial.
RM700psf? Why? I-Santorini only RM450psf! Why is there such a wide price gap?
I-Santorini not 450psf , should be 800psf if i not mistake.
With a seaview unit it would easily come up to 820psf. So this price tag is what I’m concerned about if its worth the price tag at 820psf ? With the 700psf price tag, it would most probably face the future govt. project and on the other side it would be facing the jazz. So both sides would be blocked for the 700psf units. we could buy Breeza for this price @820psf and its readymade or Marina bay even cheaper witha sea-view unit. Sometimes life can be so confusing, especially when you’re running on a tight budget.
omg….due to hot response EnO jack up price already….last time said 580-650k….now 650-750k….I think launching will be 750-850k already….
wise move.
greedy developer..
From what I have read, if you are interested you will buy. If you are not interested you will have 101 reasons not to buy.
Sungai Ara and Relau are also selling at this price. Nonetheless, it is a new and good location and with a reasonable price comparing to other surrounding projects.
The Peak is selling around RM600k for 1000sf unit
118 Island Plaza selling around RM550K for 600sf unit
Indah Bay selling around RM550k for 800sf unit
Marina Bay selling around RM650K for 1100sf unit
Tanjung Park selling around 700K for 1000sf unit
interested is one thing – whether pocket got moolah and ablility to get a loan are important factors as well..
what is the point of being interested and cannot afford?
this is a very high density project by E&O – sure they are not doing it to give back to society..
was told it was because of cash flow reasons…so don’t kid yourself thinking that its “cheap” and so forth..
interested is one thing – whether pocket got moolah and ablility to get a loan are more important factors
what is the point of being interested and cannot afford?
this is a very high density project by E&O – sure they are not doing it to give back to society..
was told it was because of cash flow reasons…so don’t kid yourself thinking that its “cheap” and so forth..
@Jess: the term “cheap” is subjective. What is expensive to you might be peanuts to others. So if cannot afford, then go look for those you can afford like affordable housing.
@Mr Goh
Bro, please read the latest projects column, I-Santorini no more lah, replaced by I-condo affordable housing instead. Only 2000units nia…….. : )
i agree with Jess. If interested but pocket hole small, later will get more stress and headache as cannot serve the loan. The Breeza prices have gone over the roof. Someone just bought 1 unit a few days ago for 950k, about 760psf. It seems Breeza is very popular.But I also heard prices of properties will start to crash after GST implementation. Even if GST is not implemented, the depreciation of ringgit will be big profits for foreigners holding these units and would sell off. I am now of the opinion that to wait would be wise. wait at least a year or two. If prices remain stagnant in the next year or two, then can go ahead to buy. Buying any property NOW will be suicidal. My 2 cents worth.
To be very honest, things are not going to be cheaper anytime soon. If I waited during the 2008 crash until now I wouldn’t own a few properties that I bought during the crisis level.
Before you buy something just ask yourself whether you can afford it, if you can’t find something affordable and then upgrade later. Hedge against inflation. That way you will come out a winner at the end of the day.
Foreign buyers were the only catalyst that drove up the prices. With the ongoing ringgit depreciation, the currency and oil havoc, risk of Msia being downgraded by Moody’s and Fitch rating agency due to high borrowings (54% of GDP – above 55% is the cut off point for a massive downgrade), these same foreigners will sell and get their money out with massive profits laughing all the way to the bank. What goes up eventaully comes down. I will wait for the completion of masmeyer or see if any seller is willing to sell breeza at 750k. No hurry now – patience will pay off!
This project was official launched on 31/01/2015. The average price quoted by the sales girl is at RM1,500 psf with some furnishing. Smallest unit at 8++sf is almost RM1.4mil and it’s just a 1-bedroom.
You have confused yourself with that what 18 East or something. They are spending a lot on advertisement on newspaper, because the market is very soft right now. When the time was good, no need advertisement also fully sold within days…:)
So the official price is RM1500psf or 700 to 750psf? RM1.5k will be the Singapore private condo pricing.
Ahhh… yes. You’re right. It’s the 18 East. Sorry, my fault…
Foreign buyers accounts for only 8% of total purchases in Malaysia. The reason why prices went up was because of cheap money and low interest rates and the ease of obtaining a loan and all the attractive financing options such as DIBs. You are right that things are getting tough now. However, as much as I love for prices to come down. I don’t think it will because people who bought back then already bought it at a cheaper price. Maybe those that are buying now that should be very worried because they are paying at current prices that are perceived as expensive by all quarters.
I so happen to own the Brezza and the masmeyer project as well. Recently, I sold one of my units at the Brezza for rm830K 1250sft at block A. Empty unit.
Good luck with rm750K. Maybe you will be able to find one.
You can count me in as a prospective buyer if you wish to sell your Masmeyer unit upon OC. Hopefully market will slow down by then, otherwise in a couple of years time, I’ll just have to suck it up – whatever price is available at that time!
Wish I had known you personally a few years ago – could have been way richer today following your savy investment style. Guess its too late now – just have to suck it up whatever price will be quoted in about 2 years from now.
For now due to high density, I’ll skip the Tamarind purchase as I dont wish to own a unit facing the future govt. project on one side and Jazz on the other. The seaview or poolview units would not cost less than 830k for sure!
Why worry? You have I-santorini coming up, estimated to be not more than RM450psf.
Here we go again, debating on how much that 3% or 5% or 8% of foreign buying affects the local market. So if you look at a bush fire, you always have the 3 main factors, fuel, oxygen and ignition source. Without EITHER one, there won’t be bush fire.
So that’s fuel (easy credit), oxygen (cheap money) and LAST BUT NOT LEAST, ignition source (buying power of foreigners). You think your cigarette butt is too tiny to cause a fire? Think again. Australia looses many lives and tens of millions of dollars every year because of these tiny butts.
Perhaps you can look into something within your budget. I believe 33 leisure bay across the Brezza would be going for rm650k onwards. Once the time is right you can upgrade later.
You are right. However, the good old days of cheap credit is coming to an end.
I don’t think everyone is eligible for the I condo affordable homes by ideal. You have to fill up a form and get the state to approve it. There are also restrictions to your purchase.
Just seen the model they built in the sales gallery..which side is the best? Thx
poolview/seaview is the best…..haha…..of course it comes with ‘premium price’
by the way, did they mention when suppose to launch / sale ?
For public should be cny
Tower A should be the best , as there would be no future blockage of views from this block. Tower B would be partly blocked by Quayside, Andaman and 18 East etc.
But the price point is the real challenge here. It for sure would NOT be less than, I would say RM830K or so. The higher you go, the more the doh! Paying 830k onwards for a very high dense project is another point to think about.
And the land space allotted for the pool and gym seems pretty small size.
This seems to be a difficult decision. Lots of factors need to take into consideration.
The price does NOT seem to balance up well with the product, if it opens at between
660k to 700k or so.
Don’t forget you get what you pay for. The lowest priced unit will have no view, only blockages from other projects.
Tower-A is the one besides Jazz hotel ?
I don’t understand, why is it still so expensive since it is already at such high density? Is it (A) E&O does not know how to manage cost? OR (B) E&O just wants to rip it’s customers off no matter what (C) Both A & B?
Both blocks are behind the Jazz hotel.
Tower A (or block A) is the one which is closer to Jazz
Tower B would be facing Tower A – so this would be further up from Jazz.
Seaview-wise tower A would be more suitable.
On Tues 10th Feb, 2015, the bookings for Block A were opened to the insiders, E&O staffs, block buyers, existing E&O customers. Most of the units were sapu with 8% discount and an additional 5% rebate towards the 10% down payment.
Wow, that’s really unfair!
All the lauya lauya units left for the general public to buy, and that too perhaps with zero discount!
Anyone went yesterday can share how much is the starting price after all discount?
I heard that it starts at about 600K to 1.3M+ after the 13% discount.
18 units per floor? how many lifts per floor?
You mean lifts per block.
Should be 8 lifts serving 550 units per block.
When will this be launched to the public? I will be coming back from Singapore during cny. Hope by then can book.
Selling like hot cakes even it was just opened for E&O staffs n contractors. Official launch to public will be during CNY where by majority of expensive units left…all 1M n above(might not have the 8%+5% rebate anymore. Block B is yet to be launched.
For those who are new to buying properties, always remember not to get sucked into developer’s pressure selling tactics. If you didn’t manage to buy anything within your affordability here, there’s one good news. I-Santorini will be coming up at ~RM400psf. Stay calm.
Let’s join force to bulk purchase the good units before CNY. I am sure the developer won’t close the door for big deal.
@Nor. What do mean? I thought public only can get on CNY?
@Jolly. Price wise Tamarind is reasonable considering surrounding condos are around that price. Furthermore it is freehold compared to other condos leasehold. E&O also big developer so I think the quality and built will maintain a good standard. This will be the last piece of land in E&O for condo before next phase of the island.
@Snoopy. Wah start from $600k only. Maybe get those around $650k to $700k so not too low. Those can get at this price for a 1000sf unit is good buy!
@wow Indeed, went to see the show house, damn good. too bad can’t buy…not for public yet, floor maps ALRDY been ticked with names n all…siens…
Price will be 800k++ when open to public on the 3rd day of CNY
The show unit really that good?
Small. 1000sqft..dining table at an awkward location.
Thanks for sharing.
Is it worth to buy?
i am thinking to get Tamarind or The Mont Residence, both also got good and bad, i am into dilemma now, hope you can share some opinion and advice.
Thanks in advance.
the show room open already? I thought only next month. Good then i can go see when i am here. you getting tamarind too?
Hands down to E&O. IMHO.
Show units are always good, no matter what project or which developer.
Sure or not? When is it launching?
Maybe Tamarind is opposite low cost housing hence price is cheaper. Oh crowd madness.
my fren who went there to buy as she is ex E&O buyer said all the big units are sold out! Only left high floor intermediate units sea view all above 1 mil..the leftover units with non sea view- start from 800k gross..
discount 8%, rebate 5%..Only block A is opened for sale. All low units facing facility /sea also sold out..
Block B will be opened albeit at a higher price..
All units come with hood hob kitchen cab and airconds..
For those non seaview start from $800k gross, is it facing Jazz and low cost ones? Oh my… sales is so good. By the time open for public, what kind of units left.
Yes, not sure about the launch date, but PG state gov has already announced it. They are just fixing the minor details.
My mum was there. Her comment was, although you see stickers here and there, but you don’t really see people actually making the bookings. So it could be the usual tricks again, the sticker trick. She said it’s something like Tropicana 218 Macalister, lots of stickers, but they just can’t sell it out and you keep seeing them hawking the units at shopping malls.
isantorini is under affordable housing. So many of us dont qualify. Also got restrictions. Cannot compare this to Tamarind.
my fren said she did not see any board with book, the SA will provide a choice of units on a paper with pricing for one to choose once the type and budget has been specified..when asked to see what is available for entire block SA said it cannot be revealed as not officially launched..
my uncle and a few E&O business partners booked 5 units seaview each, and he gets to see the whole sales chart. According to him, mostly seaview units booked until level >25 floor. Even non-seaview units also sapu a lot on low/mid floor. With E&O staff and business associates, they can wipe out whole tower A very soon.
I think no hope for this tower A. Better wait for tower B.
No stickers , only floor map with buyer point they do tricks on this kind of property…tropicana is another story. Commercial title with such incredible price…
Jean, that means many units sold already. Good man! I am getting a unit when open to public next Saturday. Super excited!
Type A: 1372 sqf, RM 780,000 to 1.5million
Type B: 1241 sqf, RM 1m to 1.3m
Type C: 1047 sqf, RM 583,000 to RM 940,000
Is the above price after rebate?
Dear All,
I already got mine. Mostly grab by associates up to 22nd floor now. Yes its really reasonable if you able to get the lower floor. Mine after rebate is less than 700 psf. Good luck 😉
the Type A for 1.5 million is what floor and what view?
I calculated it is almost 1100 per sq ft, is it worth?
Just back from show room, for those who are thinking to get for price <750k, can forget about it. Its all gone, price quoted cheapest unit was around 750k with only 1 car park at floor 17th. Maintenance fee is RM0.25psf. Additional car park, not precise, but from 3xk. So far only block A is opened for internal+ previous E&O buyer, which will have 8+5% discount. Block B will only open during CNY for public. Block B is definitely going to cost more due to better view. Do remind that, block B may also have internal buyers that will take up some units dy. This also explained why, although only have 3 types of floor plan, but the price gap is HUGE. Each floor higher will cost 4k more. Block B is expected to start from 700k (due to better view), A & B are also expected to have difference of 1xxk.
p/s: block A is facing Jalan tg tokong/Tesco/The Jazz
Good buy?
Assessment title is commercial
Water & Electric Bill – Residential
Anyone has any idea what’s the diff?
Assessment for commercial is much higher..i believe abt 3 times the normal resi rate..
$750k 17th floor is facing seaview or where? Is this $750k after discount?
Block B is next to government land so for now definitely very nice view. But in future you wont know what they will build on it.
I thought one side of Block A is facing the man-made island, water tunnel and Komtar?
Property investment in Penang not so dead yet…
Oh Issit? I asked the staff there, they told me 10% more than residential…don’t know how true is that…hmm…
Ya. Feel like a lots of investors
I bought one unit today. I don’t even know what i bought. It is like here are the units we have, the remaining ones are …….so do you want to take it……oh the other guy took it already….left these units…….it is like buying ‘kuih’. Block A looks like it is 80% sold when I left at 2pm.
hi LOL …mind to share how much u bought ur unit ? Seems like is not open to public purchase yet.. I am plannning for own stay..
\\ //Tower A \ ~ ~ ~ sea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
\\ // l
PORR l ~ ~ man-made island ~ ~
// \\ l
// \\Tower B l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Govt Reserved Land l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ under sea tunnel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
\\…//..Tower A……………..\\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sea ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
.\\ //…………………………..ll
……………….PORR…………\\ ~ ~ ~ man-made island ~ ~ ~
.//..\\..Tower B……………….\\ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
………………………………….ll ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Govt Reserved Land……………ll ~ ~ ~ ~ undersea tunnel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tower A sea view units (10,12,12A,16,18,20)
Tower B sea view units (9,11,11A,15,17,19)
What? 20 units per floor?
so LOL how much you bought and which floor and which direction it faces
commercial Title than the purchaser have to pay 6% GST for this project ?
seaview unit is a bit misleading by developer..some with full seaview ie corner units and some supposedly with seaview need one to have ostrich necks to hang out of balcony to get a clear view ..but pay full seaview price? no one knows as developer is not revealing entire price list ..very misleading I find..
And the way they are selling it is like what type you looking for – this are the 2 or 3 units that fit your requirements- choose !
better do your full DD before getting caught into the buying frenzy
is the actual
Show unit
Open ? I went to
The sales gallery but nobody entertain me …cz they have investor group at the same time..
Sadness for my first purchase..
Not open to public yet till 3rd day of CNY (Saturday).
Where is the tamarind show house actually ?
@Dragonfruit Behind the sales gallery