Eco Meadows
Eco Meadows, an upcoming township development by EcoWorld, situated on a 75.7-arce land in Simpang Ampat, Penang. This gated and guarded township to be developed in two phases over a period of 6 years.
The initial phase of Eco Meadows comprises 375 units of 2-storey terrace houses and a 2-storey resident clubhouse. More residential and commercial units will also be built in the future phases.
Property Project : Eco Meadows
Location : Simpang Ampat, Penang
Property Type : Township Development
Total Units: 375 (2-storey terraces)
Indicative Price: RM700,000 onwards
Tenure : Freehold
Developer : Eco World Development
Register your interest here
Location Map:
what i can say is that there are too many “Google Experts” behave to be like an Expert these days.
So is health a concern? Why not we direct ask developer to clarify on these?
If is it not healthy to live there, why ecoworld take the risk to develop house over there? If it is really proven unhealthy, i will not sign spa.
We raised the issue before to the “Northern Region Manager”. He said EcoWorld can hire an expertise to prove if buyers worry about the HTC.
Can not be u go to ask the chicken seller whether the chicken he sell is fresh or not, right? Sure he say “Confirm fresh one!”.
Then dont sign please. You have a choice…. Yes it is not healthy…. ECO world should sell at 1million for the smallest unit… Maybe it will deter idiots from buying…. Cheers…
So to buy or not to buy??
I suppose nowadays with graveyard nearby also got people wanna live right?
Do you have any prove to your statement? If no prove, pls don’t simply place a comment here.
I have booked a unit here. I must say so far I am really impressed with the top-notch service by the EcoWorld Staff. And so far all of my concerns have been laid to rest. So far so good! Keep up the good work! Just wish the price was lower though.. haha
BtW price have increased 5% from launch value….
Well youre entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine…. What proof do you need? Maybe if you will be more specific I might be obliged to response … You can go on and whine about the HTC and if its will affect you not signing the SPa then fine…. Pls dont sign la…. i dont think eco world will give a sXxt of your whining….
As for me, I am looking forward to next weekend signing of SPa… Cheers….
Effects of High Voltage Transmission Lines on Humans
Short term Health Problem
5.Prickling and/or burning skin
7.Muscle pain
Long term Health Problem:
(1) Risk of damaging DNA.
(2) Risk of Cancer
(3) Risk of Leukemia
(4) Risk of Neurodegenerative disease
(5) Risk of Miscarriage
If got choice, better not stay near high voltage cables. But if no choice and the property very cheap, then maybe worth taking the risk.
Anyone signed snp?
Mai lah, fly infested area. Very dirty.
Can introduce a better place?
If you’re talking about mainland, just wait for a while for batu kawan.
I receive info that Malaysia property market will get correction next year. It’ll be cheaper. So how will it impact our purchase for eco-meadows. Will it be cheaper price for those who buy the unit next year?
Sure Bo @Q
I also receive info said the property market already burst.
But no one decrease the price yet?
it won’t be cheaper as malaysian are cash rich. only those small timer will drop their pant for cheaper sale but not much. and those big company property they got much holding power as all cash are from share market holder not from their own pocket money
with GST and currency keep devaluing… cost is heading on the higher side…
house price is unlikely to drop but to rise further….unless developer gv u cheaper material or the supply is capped by developer in respond to poor demand… new property price is not going to come down…second hand might drop…just my 2 cents
yes, new property will more expensive but sub sale will decrease, so no more property investment game to ply, property games over, only can buy for stay.
Agree with you. Mainland landed properties are not for investments. Just for own stay. But remember to keep your doors and windows closed at all times otherwise your house will be invaded by big black flies.
Price drop? Subsale drop? Thn Next five years eco Meadow Subsale will drop to hw much? From current 800k to 400k? thn y we buy now? Y not wait after five years?
If Subsale house price drop, thn I dun mind to wait five years thn only buy from someone willing to sales 400k after 5 years….
Example, u buy now 800k, sell 1 mil later, no ppl buy, then u reduce to 900k, still no ppl buy, reduce to 800k, still no ppl buy, if investor no more holding power sure will sell under value better than gv bank pull back lelong and finally earn nothing but loss money pay bank interest.
Can you all please stop daydreaming? Don’t you guys have common sense?
Common sense of?
Is there room for appreciation at batu kawan after ikea, kdu, hull university, design mall ready?
Any lrt to batu kawan?
Property bubble has already burst two years ago. In the term of decline tremendously
In number of transaction, whereas the property price remain high. This is logic, property price will not drop specially in the primary market. Building a house will not cost the same as the wages, materials, land price involved have all gone up.
For past 10 years, This area has records of compounded appreciation rate of 6-10% a year. It reckons that the slowdown may lower the compounded appreciation rate ,rather then price drop.
Obviously, if we address them as investors , they are likely solvent and has prepared contingency plan for any unforeseen thing happen. Investors have holding power and able to payoff loan anytime they wish. Those who takes un manageable risks to invest may refers as “gambler”!
Do you guy believe or not ,those who buy property for own stay in deed has lower holding power then investors
If you mention Batu Kawan, all “lari” kuat-kuat !!!!!
wow , yakah? so they all lari kuat kuat to butterworth issit?
I heard surrounding Batu Kawan (including Ikea and Eco Marina) around 6000 acre, all are leasehold, whereas Eco Meadows is freehold, true or not true?
That is highly possible. Because most land in Batu kawan area is owned by state gov, and then subsequently sold to private developers. But nowadays, leasehold or freehold does not matter anymore. As more and more land fall under the category of leasehold, the gov will be forced to treat the status of leasehold like freehold to avoid any instability in the housing market. The confidence given towards leasehold land is further reinforced by the willingness of big time developers to invest billions to develop these lands.
“The gov will be forced to treat the status of leasehold like freehold”
If the government convert leasehold to freehold is different thing. Other than that
please don’t bluff your way through to promote Batu Kawan. Swampy land and
mosquitoes infested area.
Eco Meadows is very near to NS highway, most of the units only 200m away from highway, few even less than 100m ony… Any concern? Like dust or noise? Thank you.
eco world hit top sale in star property fair, eco win d, nowadays ppl dont care location, even paya terubong and simpang ampat lalat place also can defeat other developer, this eco really holiao sell most expensive price in most cheap land.
i just book an unit, anyone want to be my referee? i can give you RM1.5k. Please give me your email or contact number quickly…
What is your contact number?
Yes, wayang “tipu” going on.
thanks all. email you two my contact already. sorry, i can only pick 1 as referral …will ping one of you tomorrow when i in eco office.
Better choose Kenny. The other seems very lang si.
Ya…eco meadows is freehold…eco marina and many of the places in batu kawan is leasehold….
Yupe ecoworld top the chart in property fair….all units sell at 5% more expensive starting today…making the lowest entry price 740k onwards….
I feel this is much better to invest than golden triangle 2. Already book a unit and very happy about it.
No way to compare to Golden Triangle. Only with dog’s brain will compare.
Haha, not trying to bluff my way through lah. But if you think carefully and be rational, you would have already figured out what EcoWorlrd’s game plan will be in the next 10 years in Batu Kawan. This is only their first project in mainland. If you’re buying this for own stay, then who cares. But for investment, surely you’d have difficulty flipping. Eco World has hundreds of acres of land in Batu Kawan. That will be their main target. They will be building thousands and thousands of houses in Batu Kawan after Eco Meadows. Eco Meadows is only an experiment. After this, they will build better and better stuff in Batu Kawan. Of course, more expensive. That’s why you can’t flip. There will be another 50k houses coming on stream, nicer, better homes.
Hi, if you are intersted to share the recommendations rebate, pls drop me an email. Thanks.
Even before they started they have problem with the gangsters in Batu Kawan.
Eco World has hundreds of acres of land trying to make money out of these
“swampy” land. Later we can see that all houses will encounter cracks
any info of how many signed S&P?
How many units left?
Heard price increase by 5% already…is it true?
Yes, heard from sale person price increase 5% and 85% sold.
Thats more comforting then…..
A bit worried on the response initially
@eager to know
If you’re buying for own stay, it should not matter whether there’s price increase of 5% or % of S&P signed. If you’re buying for investment, you’re doomed anyway regardless of 5% increase or S&P status. Have you not learn your lesson from the last few years? Go and look around Bayal Lepas and surrouding area, all sold, all price increase by developers. But in the end, all vacant now, can’t sell, can’t flip and can’t rent out.
@keen to tell
For own stay anyway….good to know that most of the buyers buying for own stay…dun wanna have an empty neighbourhood like many of the projects in island…..
This place nobody wants, only internal people speculating good place to stay.
Define no body wants. No body want also will sell out eventually.
The question is whether got people stay or not.
lol u guy dont like that, if owner working place nerby there sure will stay there or u want them stay at island travel everyday?
got people want to stay one lah. You look around sungai bakap, simpang ampat, and all those ulu ulu place, also got people stay mah.
How many people work in jungle like Batu Kawan ?
When ikea and everything started, then you can ask the same question again.
@batu kawan
Are you telling me those working in Ikea will be able to buy Eco Meadows that
cost more than Rm 700k or because of Ikea all will be moving to Batu Kawan ?
Then I will be asking why is there no one buying ?
anyone buy the unit during last weekend property fair at queensbay? what is the 22×70″ unit price for bare window?
what was the special package during the 4 days fair as mentioned by ecoworld?
Khoo also teased, “We will be offering special home-ownership packages, valid only during the four-day fair.”
Anyone knows about the sales already??
Anyone sign the SNP already ?
@ kawan
Any group chat created for owner who already sign the snp?
Good idea Yvonne ! Please create one
Please man. U are very funny. Live near to the malls den must be working there. Sorry. This is a nono case. Those live near to shopping malls are rich ppl and they live near to malls because it is convenient. Soon, not only IKEA, still got other facilities. Don always mention IKEA because this is a whole big project for the next 20 years.
Than those interested can send me your phone number thru email then I can create a group at watsapp
i heard ikea is not coming to batu kawan? Is that true?
any news on the show house?
According to sales ppl, it should be completed by end of this year.
I believe that Eco World will be targeting New Year Sale in FY2016.
Any unit available? How much now?
Recently, I went to their Gallery.
I was told that 90% sold out.
All prices already increase 5% since first launch.
I guess EcoWorld will keep the remaining unit to be launched during CNY.
They will invite all buyesr to visit Show Unit by end of this year.
In fact, they have not official announce sale performance of Eco Meadows even signing SPA with all buyers now. I believe that they will announce to Public in next that >90% sold out in order to show strong orders. It is also can help to drive their share prices as well.
Unveiling of Eco Meadows show units @ 1/1/16
watch the video here :
Eco Meadows at night. Night event with live band, food and fireworks @ 2/1/16.
Watch the video here :
unit available email for more details.thanks
Nice Layout and the environment!
y dirty?
Heard Eco-Meadow site got new development there?Is it name eco-bloom?I quite interested in it
Is it worth to buy Eco-Meadows?
Yes!!!Mix development of Eco World Project name Eco-Bloom!i get news that only RM300k-RM400K!Sound interesting!Plan to Grab a unit there!!
Interested in Eco Meadows? Please email for more information.
Interested pls call jane @016-4405426 or email to for more information.
how many % selling for meadows
price for meadows right now?
price up to 758k d
when eco bloom going to lunch?
when eco bloom going to launch?
I heard is about June, good selling there….
The is special promotion for the new buyer and existing buyer. Addtional 2% rebate will be given on top of existing promotion. Valid until September 2016
All to note that there is an overhead high-tension electrical cable lines near the houses…
Anyone moving in soon? seems like the development is going to be done soon.
Planned to get a unit near to simpang ampat, any idea about this?
i went to the show gallery couple weeks ago.
r u a real estate agent?
nope. i am looking for opportunity to grab a unit.
company moving over to mainland now, need to settle down
There is an overhead high-tension electrical cable lines near the houses…
oversupply in this location. overpriced too. pig and chicken farm nearby makes it worse for subsale market due to smell and flies.
I went inside to see the units, seem like alot of houses are empty. This is because Ecoworld always sell their property to investor instead of ppl who wan to have own stay. But clearly those ppl who invest have misjudge the price of that area. Definitely this location doesn’t worth so much.
I didnt see any chicken or pig walk around in the Taman dont lie o
heard club house roof collapsed today .. is it true ?
This is not a good sign. If house roof collapsed meaning probably catastrophic going to happen in this area. Hopefully you guys well prepare. Something major going to happen according to Feng shui.
has the collapsed roof been fixed?
i wonder why got heroes choose to buy that site with the telco tower and high tension cable so near to the site ?
Super heroes comes with super responsibility and visions
Aiyo buy other places la if so worry. Penang out of property already issit?
lilek bro
Anyhow…Batu Kawan is best place for residential &commercial investment in Penang now.
will this sites buyers go bankrupt ?