TRI Pinnacle | Penang Property Talk

TRI Pinnacle

TRI-Pinnacle, affordable homes located at Jalan Persiaran Halia 3, Mount Erskine which will be the first of its kind that create a high quality affordable housing development and help to enhance the surrounding area to provide the residents with a well conceptualized, modern, airy environment to live, relax and work!

Aspen Group is challenging this ground-breaking development that will set a new benchmark in affordable housing scheme in Malaysia, particularly in Penang and scrap away the old perception towards affordable housing.


Project Name : TRI Pinnacle
Location :
 Tanjung Tokong, Penang
Property Type : Affordable Housing
Built-up Area: 800 sq.ft. onwards
Indicative Price: RM 299,000 onwards
Land Tenure : Freehold
Developer : Aspen Group

Register your interest here or contact the developer directly for more details

*By submitting this Form, you hereby agree to our PDPA Consent Clause.
(This information may be used by the developer to initiate follow-up communications with you on the project.)

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  1. IamWhoIam
    November 25th, 2015 at 19:13 | #1

    @Kuai ku kia
    i was told there are only 2 floors(if not mistaken, shld be level 7&8, about 20 plus units, but not sell by OHM..need to go thru state government. Whether is it available to apply or not i am too sure.

  2. Island
    November 25th, 2015 at 19:29 | #2

    Affordable homes mixed with Skyridge Garden !!!!!! Rojak ? What will the
    sub-sales value be ? Must be at the bottom of all condos in Penang.

  3. KS
    November 26th, 2015 at 00:52 | #3

    Lets back to the discussion of this property, the rest that still want to argue non-stop, I suggest you guys can PM each other in email, line, whatsapp, fb, any social media.

    Btw, the new pictures of the show unit looks spacious, because I think they put alot mirrors in the house. But the house still looks not bad, not sure how it look again if remove all the non-included furnitures and decorations

  4. penang_kia
    November 26th, 2015 at 08:11 | #4

    In a discussion, there’s almost always disagreement among the parties, which is welcomed, as it helps unravel stories and so assist potential buyers to make informed decision. This forum is good enough; asking us to PM each other for further discussions may already be stepping on the borderline of privacy intrusions.

    Yea any other review of the show house. I saw someone commented that it was jaw-dropping! Looking forward to reading others’ feedbacks.

  5. E
    November 26th, 2015 at 15:36 | #5

    Hi guys, too much arguments cant be bother to read >.<

    I'm opt for 399k Upgrading package, is there anyone can suggest which bank provide the lowest loan interest rate? Any agent to recommend? Greatly appreciated!


  6. penang lead
    November 26th, 2015 at 20:29 | #6

    public and RHB offer the best rate, better call aspen office for bankers detail. they’ll assign you senior and good officers. i submitted at bayan baru branch public service lousy and know nothing about the project. after talk to aspen the officer able to do within 1 week from jelutong branch

  7. penang_kia
    November 27th, 2015 at 09:37 | #7

    Good job, two of my previous comments which were successfully posted previously have now been deleted! My *guess* is someone must have personally PM’ed the admin to ask for a second review of my posts. I think the admin himself is a joke, cause the information in this page has already misled and he’s not even bothered to update it. Here’s what I meant:

    * UPDATE: Aspen Group that the 2nd car park is OPTIONAL! Please visit their facebook page for more details.

    That’s it, time to leave for good! Before that, wanna say a few words. Hope the other future, potential buyers reading this: Read all the experiences shared in this forum, then verify the authenticities before making the ultimate decision of whether to buy or not.

  8. Stone
    November 29th, 2015 at 22:42 | #8


    Thank you for sharing your experience and comments. I just want to let you know that you are not alone. I have also gone through what you have been through, with anger and frustration, when trying to get more information from the developer as well as the Perumahan since January. Now as Aspen has finally let the 299k buyers ballot, we need to move forward. We may need to go through other dissatisfactions with Aspen again in the future, if you are also ready to take up a basic unit and not going to give up what you deserve under the affordable housing scheme, but what other choices can we have as someone who can only afford an in-fact-not-so-affordably affordable apartment? Anyway, thank you again for voicing up.

  9. Ms. Lai
    December 9th, 2015 at 03:25 | #9

    how to contact sales office

  10. lim
    December 9th, 2015 at 13:03 | #10

    @penang lead
    i thought only Public bank and MBSB are their panel bank only

  11. CT
    December 18th, 2015 at 01:41 | #11

    Hi, MyHome,
    Understand that you have done your research on Granito location. STP is sewage treatment plant? If yes, may I know where is the STP located in Tanjung Bungah?

  12. Oppa
    December 18th, 2015 at 16:31 | #12

    I saw the advertisement in mudah…the price open for public is now selling at RM499k..!!!with 3 car park.. increase almost 30k compare to last two months.(oct 2015 was offered by agent RM 470K)..

  13. Jan
    January 4th, 2016 at 20:48 | #13

    Can I add another name into my S&P?

    Does anyone have any idea about this?

  14. Ann
    February 16th, 2016 at 17:07 | #14

    Anyone already ballot for the normal package 299k?

  15. Location
    February 17th, 2016 at 09:22 | #15


  16. LINDA
    February 18th, 2016 at 17:06 | #16

    I’m interested in TRI-Pinnacle, any available unit for sale?

    Please also provide the purchase price.

  17. Seeker
    February 21st, 2016 at 08:49 | #17

    Do anyone know what material piping for Tri-pinnacle?
    When the OC and strata tittle will get??

  18. MJ
    February 28th, 2016 at 21:19 | #18

    LINDA :
    I’m interested in TRI-Pinnacle, any available unit for sale?
    Please also provide the purchase price.

    Please contact for more information, thank you!

  19. Syl
    March 18th, 2016 at 00:33 | #19

    Good luck to those getting this project…. Signing a pact with the devil is much better

  20. Low
    March 19th, 2016 at 17:35 | #20

    Hi, I am considering to purchase this project with the 499k, and i am a first house owner. Anyone can provide some idea should i go for this project? Thanks.

  21. MJ
    March 20th, 2016 at 09:36 | #21

    Low :
    Hi, I am considering to purchase this project with the 499k, and i am a first house owner. Anyone can provide some idea should i go for this project? Thanks.

    Please contact for more information, thank you!

  22. AL
    March 24th, 2016 at 22:10 | #22

    Low :
    Hi, I am considering to purchase this project with the 499k, and i am a first house owner. Anyone can provide some idea should i go for this project? Thanks.

    Affordable package by TP,kindly contact,thanks…

  23. Khor
    March 25th, 2016 at 08:59 | #23

    470k with 2 cp
    500k 3cps
    1 car parks estimate rm30k

  24. nemo
    April 22nd, 2016 at 23:00 | #24

    We just created a dedicated FB group. You may search for “Tri Pinnacle Neighborhood” (under Groups) to join the group.

  25. tingyou Yeap
    June 19th, 2016 at 18:39 | #25

    I’m interested in TRI-Pinnacle, any available unit for sale?
    Please also provide the purchase price.

  26. Snowy
    June 27th, 2016 at 18:46 | #26

    This developed realy suck… loan get approved 1 yrs and I keep on follow up with tem when cn sign s&p bt reply me answer is nt yet prepare…if anything will contact me….ok…I Waite….bt until today I Cal tem again they told me 299k unit all sold out just left 348k….i ask why din contact me or send any letter inform me to attend….they reply me we gt send all the letters is u din show up so we thought u reject tis project…WTF!! If I dun wan tis project I will apply loan?? So now is how…they said finish if u wan get the 348k…bt my loan is 299k how come change to 348k…they said 299k is entry price…so if u wan we can help u talk to banker…what!! Omg….tis developers realy unresponsible!! Nw I realy get stuck!! Bcos their useless…

  27. BY
    June 27th, 2016 at 18:59 | #27

    So you buy or not?

  28. sunny
    June 27th, 2016 at 19:39 | #28

    you kidding??? you must be sleeping then…

  29. Snowy
    June 28th, 2016 at 13:15 | #29

    How come I sleeping?? I din received any calls from tem even a letter, and I gt call tem so many times ask for when cn sign agreement…reply me answer is nt yet prepare and hold on….i ask why holding…they said bcos of government, mayb will ask purchaser to add on car park for 50k, so I Waite til nw they din call me or send me letter at last give me answer is 299k sold out!!

  30. Shawn
    June 28th, 2016 at 13:56 | #30


    Obviously they don’t want to sell any unit at 299k. Can sue them for false marketing. See whether developer win or buyer win.

  31. kamolan
    June 28th, 2016 at 14:27 | #31


    Sue? Whether you win or loose, one thing for sure, lawyer wins!! Huat ah!!!

  32. Shawn
    June 28th, 2016 at 14:48 | #32


    Consumer Tribunal is free!!

  33. kamolan
    June 28th, 2016 at 14:59 | #33


    You are only qualified for Consumer Tribunal after you sign S&P and officially become a buyer. Before that, you can only go to CAP (Consumer Association Penang), and whine to that beardy old man. Hahaha!!

  34. Shawn
    June 28th, 2016 at 15:11 | #34


    Can also complain to Jagdeep. Maybe developer will have no choice but to downgrade their 349K to 299k for you.

    The point is we must make noise!!!

  35. snowy
    June 28th, 2016 at 15:37 | #35

    just get answer from the developer….they said we are so sorry cant help you…the unit realy sold out…if wan can consider 348k. what!! just sorry cn settle? realy unresponsible lo….you cn earn money bt for me is waste money nw…n waste my time…so whoever here interested wan to buy tis property or from tis developer pls think about it bfor u buy…if nt alot shit u need to settle.

  36. kamolan
    June 28th, 2016 at 17:35 | #36


    Sure, it’s a good thing to make noise. But when you make noise, you must sound professional, and give people the impression you know what you are doing. Cannot simply say things that don’t make sense, end up developer also “kan lu boh eng” (ignore you).

    June 28th, 2016 at 21:54 | #37


    What happen to this project la wei. Why so many customers so tulan????
    Aspen screw up again??? Nothing new here folks, move along…

    You get what you choose, and in this case, you chose a shitty developer in Aspen… goodluck to all heng tai who have signed the pact with this devil developer

  38. snowy
    July 1st, 2016 at 15:16 | #38

    just when to the penang government bahagian perumahan ask for about the extra car park 50k, i ask the officer heard the news is government ask for additional…when they heard feel shock about it, they said never request developer make this kind of decision…the 299k pricing is developer inform to them,so the government just know the 299k price only….wah…how come the developer told us is government request to increase? this is realy unbelievable…so who you wil believe? the government or the developer?

  39. Come
    July 1st, 2016 at 22:08 | #39

    Like it or not, you are buying from the developer, not the state government.

  40. Sien Sien
    July 4th, 2016 at 12:14 | #40

    Hi I’m in waiting list for LMC.
    Pls pm me, ty.

  41. Norazman Azmi
    July 17th, 2016 at 14:29 | #41

    Hi All, I already add in FB for tri pinnacle group..please 1 units house..very expensive even affordable..but below market value..huhu

  42. Jaimie
    July 17th, 2016 at 15:51 | #42

    Kindly send me the details of this project please

  43. penang_lang
    July 31st, 2016 at 23:05 | #43


    The main reason I understand is there is a new strata act recently enforced and this caused issues with the approved numbers of units versus car parks quantity. The new strata acts says developer cannot sell car park separately and it has to tag with unit. Before this act, the state government request Aspen to supply 1 units with 2 car parks or something like that. Before the act, I think Aspen will try to keep some and sell it later for those has only 1 car park. But after act enforce, I think they cannot have 1 unit with 1cp but must make it 2 cp.

    So who to blame, by the time when the developer ask you to hold on when you try to call for S&P signing, I think you are too late already for RM 300k units. Or may b they really sent you letter and you just miss it. So you see there will be 1 unit with 3 cps right now and is selling close to 500k. If not for the act, then developer will make extra money by just renting or selling extra car parks.

  44. Puck
    August 16th, 2016 at 12:58 | #44

    Looks like the facilities layout changed. Pool now at level 45. Anyone can confirm?

  45. penang_int
    August 16th, 2016 at 17:05 | #45

    Puck, where do you get the information on the layout change?

  46. Puck
    August 21st, 2016 at 12:23 | #46

    I saw thru Aspen official website

  47. Devi
    August 24th, 2016 at 14:42 | #47

    Is any corner unit available???

  48. Alexis
    October 2nd, 2016 at 00:39 | #48

    Hi…im interested to this project. Any upgraded high floor unit available?

  49. Ban Wei Tyng
    October 12th, 2016 at 14:02 | #49

    interested for the units

  50. Susan Lim
    October 17th, 2016 at 16:43 | #50

    Any available unit for sale

  51. Tze May
    January 23rd, 2017 at 18:24 | #51

    Pls advise whether there is anymore unit available, Tri Pinnacle at Tg Tokong.

  52. Yong
    June 9th, 2017 at 09:44 | #52

    why the line cannot use, anyone have watsapp group…

  53. Stella Chiang
    August 11th, 2017 at 11:59 | #53

    Is the property complete now?

  54. Teoh
    August 18th, 2017 at 11:41 | #54

    Please send me more details about this project thank you^^

  55. macy
    September 12th, 2017 at 16:27 | #55

    any unit left ?

  56. Aaron Tan
    November 15th, 2017 at 15:31 | #56

    Hi all,
    I bought the public unit of Tripinnacle during its early launch.
    The public unit I buy is RM470k package, facing Batu Ferringhi, high floor.
    May I know if I can let go my unit through sub-sale?
    Any rules & regulations that public unit cannot sell within x years? Thx.

  57. lee
    January 6th, 2018 at 23:49 | #57

    the Dato M.Murly why so young can achieve such peak career, what is his background? and who is his parent? where his first fund come from ?

    is he a self-made billionaire?

  58. lee
    January 6th, 2018 at 23:49 | #58

    the Dato M.Murly why so young can achieve such peak career, what is his background? and who is his parent? where his first fund came from ?

    is he a self-made billionaire?

  59. Gabriel
    April 9th, 2018 at 19:01 | #59

    The under construction building is on fire. Hope everybody is safe…

  60. Engineer Lee
    April 9th, 2018 at 19:41 | #60

    This building is currently on fire. Bomba trucks arrived at site but not yet go in spray water and fire-fight.. Waiting collapse?

    Fire will damage concrete structure after 45mins. Normal reinforce concrete cover is 25mm, which is equivalent to 45mins of fire resistance. I bet the steel bars in the concrete is deteriorating now. Aspen better check all the structural integrity before handing over the project. I dont want a collapse in future. Tq.

  61. Goppal Balan
    April 11th, 2018 at 13:45 | #61

    Why so disturbed???

  62. Goppal Balan
    April 11th, 2018 at 13:49 | #62

    @Engineer Lee
    Yes also happened recently in Tropicana Gardens in Kota Damansara.
    Also around 40plus floors and fire happened at low levels at basement.
    Seems of now.
    But some treatment and reinforcement must be done to reinstate the original specs integrity.

    Cant let it demolish or collapse… too many tall buildings densely packed nearby…

    At least trop garden no need to worry, just golf course at the back… lol

  63. Lye Chee Lin
    June 30th, 2018 at 12:47 | #63

    pm details

  64. Heng Boon Kee
    November 29th, 2018 at 17:28 | #64

    Heard Aspen is asking all buyers to pay extra RM 650 for an additional grill door to rubbish chamber otherwise cannot get key. This item is extra not is SPA. Also buyers for store room also shocked that store room they buy got no door . Need to pay RM 2k for shutter door.

  65. Lieza
    December 13th, 2018 at 20:18 | #65

    Any unit left? Or someone wanna sold?

  66. Lieza
    December 13th, 2018 at 20:19 | #66

    Still available? Or someone wanna sold?

  67. Derek E
    December 29th, 2018 at 15:50 | #67

    How much u want to buy?@Lieza

  68. polarbear
    February 18th, 2019 at 16:04 | #68

    Anyone knows what’s the small room just outside of the main door for? The size is too small for shoe rack or garbage bin….

  69. Ellie
    April 27th, 2019 at 09:39 | #69

    Hi,may I know how much for the rental of 1 carpark in tanjong Tokong area per month?isn’t need to pay 6months one shot?

  70. Jessica Teh
    December 19th, 2019 at 22:55 | #70

    Hi guys, just want to ask if anyone have Tri Pinnacle car park for rent? Can rent ASAP… Thanks guys

  71. EVL
    January 8th, 2020 at 12:06 | #71

    Hi there, I have 1 carpark space available to rent. Interested pls contact me at

    • Gary T
      September 14th, 2020 at 01:19 | #72

      How much is the rental and which floor please

  72. sandra
    January 19th, 2021 at 16:32 | #73

    I have 1 car park for rental. Level 6.

  73. sandra
    February 10th, 2021 at 09:15 | #74

    pls email to me at

  74. kochabi
    March 8th, 2021 at 12:25 | #75

    nice place to stay

  75. TriP
    June 16th, 2021 at 17:23 | #76

    Hi may I know ur update ?
    Any rules and restrictions for let go the public unit? If yes that public unit cannot sell within x years? Thx.
    @Aaron Tan

  76. Cloe
    July 13th, 2021 at 18:21 | #77

    Really bad quality place to stay. Always got ppl shouting and they are always upper floor neighbor who always stomping on the floor, even at odd hours. The material quality, like for the wall is really terrible. I wont recommend this place for long term stay.

  77. prav
    September 15th, 2022 at 00:50 | #78

    Looking for carpark for rent on 6th floor. Email if have thanks!

  78. kochabi
    May 16th, 2023 at 13:40 | #79

    JMB of the Tri Pinnacle, please manage religion topic in a better way. Be smart about it. Do not raise un-neccessary discussion and tarnish the project image and other potential -ve consequences. We need peace and its a fragile topic.

  79. LL
    May 17th, 2023 at 00:56 | #80

    what’s the story?

  80. MajorArches
    May 17th, 2023 at 10:47 | #81

    JMB of Tri Pinnacle should all resign and they are not fit to become a JMC member. Like this also want go stir up on the Surau. We can’t do much about it anyways.

  81. LL
    May 17th, 2023 at 10:51 | #82

    So there’s a surau within Tri Pinnacle premise?

  82. jack
    May 17th, 2023 at 12:03 | #83

    Almost every residential and commercial buildings have suraus nowadays. What is the issue?

  83. MajorArches
    May 17th, 2023 at 12:09 | #84

    Yes there is. Any new projects lately have requirements to have a Surau in the property.
    Then the owners can become AJK for the Surau, to take care of it and also pay utilities like TNB and PBa for that particular parcel.

  84. MajorArches
    May 17th, 2023 at 12:12 | #85

    From the viral video is because of the Surau prayers, JMB also like misqouted andhave a misunderstanding. Yesterday they did have a press conference and all well. Hopefully not again and this is very sensitive thing to do and the property management should advice the JMB as well.

  85. mofaz
    May 17th, 2023 at 17:50 | #86

    “Any new projects lately have requirements to have a Surau in the property.” Surau requirement and Non Muslim House of Worship have always been a statutory requirement of any residential or commercial projects through out Malaysia. Not “lately”.

  86. kochabi
    May 18th, 2023 at 10:34 | #87

    Issue at Tanjung Tokong condo resolved, says Penang police chief.

  87. phorlanpha
    May 22nd, 2023 at 16:59 | #88

    The JMB chairman thinks he’s very smart….now lan lan have to back down

  88. peaceful
    May 29th, 2023 at 14:51 | #89

    The problem is not about having religion places, the problem is the excessive volume affecting the neighborhood…

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