TRI Pinnacle
TRI-Pinnacle, affordable homes located at Jalan Persiaran Halia 3, Mount Erskine which will be the first of its kind that create a high quality affordable housing development and help to enhance the surrounding area to provide the residents with a well conceptualized, modern, airy environment to live, relax and work!
Aspen Group is challenging this ground-breaking development that will set a new benchmark in affordable housing scheme in Malaysia, particularly in Penang and scrap away the old perception towards affordable housing.
- Eligibility and the requirement of buying affordable housing
- Full list of affordable housing in Penang
Project Name : TRI Pinnacle
Location : Tanjung Tokong, Penang
Property Type : Affordable Housing
Built-up Area: 800 sq.ft. onwards
Indicative Price: RM 299,000 onwards
Land Tenure : Freehold
Developer : Aspen Group
Register your interest here or contact the developer directly for more details
Location Map:
Okay, thank you very much for sharing this info.
Anybody took RHB loan? Is PBB better or RHB better? Their interest rate almost the same…
Can check out Affin too as they are one of the panel banks. Also I heard from Aspen group last time that Maybank will also be one soon.
Maybank is already an approved bank, my maybank loan had been approved and now waiting for 2nd letter from Aspen only
Can share the offer from Maybank? What is the interest rate and any special offer?
Offer 4.4% for the upgrading package taken, can include the MRTA in the loan depends on our choice…after approved, will reapply the lower rate again…the banker called me and successful loan application approval msg is received through SMS too last week…but I havent go to sign anything, so after walk-in, any update will update here…
When can sign S&P?
Seems like the rate is similar to Affin and RHB and PBB. But you mentioned can apply for lower rate, means MBB can give <4.4%?
Ambank can offer less than 4.4%
I’m one of the eligible buyer, as far as I’m concerned, there’s only 2 packages which is the basic (White) and *upgraded (Orange):
Top Pic:
Bottom Pic:
(*Free S&P fee and additional side-by-side carpark for the upgraded package. Free IKEA furnitures with 3 different themes to choose during which will be provided when the house is under construction after signing S&P.)
So far I try to opt for the 400k which is the upgraded package as per advise by my agent Ms.Jayne whom is quite helpful but unfortunately there is very little black & white. Been having problem when I apply for loan here in KL.
I applied loan of 360k from PB, MBSB, AFFIN, RHB, Maybank. So far AFFIN is the best with 4.4% interest while the rest is quite close with 4.56% max.
TBH, I don’t think the upgraded package is that good but it certainly makes it easier for working ppl like myself and not entirely too far fetched. However I definitely need additional carpark and 50k is ridiculous for a carpark. The 100k does not exactly justify the upgraded benefits IMHO and AG probably reap about 40k of profit from there.
I’m going to check out with my relatives on renovation cost to see if it justify to get the upgraded packages when I return to PG next few weeks. Got Whatsapp group please include me, I will let answer as much of your question as I can to clarify the ‘truth’. Hopefully clear up my own confusion as well.
Oh btw… forgot to mentioned, I tentatively apply for the 400k upgraded package for loan purposes. If cannot get the loan, it is still good to know my credit stands and then I can easily change to lower 260k loan. I got a few pictures on the upgraded IKEA furniture but I’m not sharing because I don’t see the relevance since they mention the pictures are “Subject for changes”. Meaning what we see not necessary what we get.
@jacob Please join the LINE group. Would love to have you in the discussion.
Overall i felt that the offer of the project is lucrative base on the current market condition. My only concern is the lift available for this project. We have over 900 units affordable house and only 6 lifts available with 42 floors. Average condo is around 400-500 units with 4 – 6 lifts available. Hope the developer can take note of this.
I tried to join the LINE group but failed. I pasted the link into my phone browser but it did not direct me to any line group. Has the total group members reached 199 people (max)?
Can the LINE group admin add me into the group if I give you my LINE ID here?
@penang_kia wrong info, MBB said applying for lower rate is referring to 4.4%, previously is higher than that…
Btw, today I had received the 2nd letter From Aspen to submit the Booking form (Sales Proforma), tomorrow I will walk in to aspen and submit the form with related documents. Then after the S&P date is confirmed, will need to prepare bank draft and rdy for balloting..
Try again after combining the link into one line. Should be able to direct you to the group.
hi all,
i also failed to join the line group..must be missed out lots of useful info thr. is it just copy the link and paste it at phone browser? i hv tried so many times but it direct me back to this penang property talk page..can i share my phone no here so dat the admin can add me in? anyone pls help.. tqvm
Remember to combine them into one single line. Or best if you type the characters one by one.
I can’t seem to post the link, it always says comment is awaiting moderation. Look like admin don’t allow posting link here.
Anyway some of us already got so call 2nd letter from Aspen and need to reply within 7 days. Shame on Aspen give us so little time to consider.
I have walked in to Aspen (New Office) yesterday and now waiting for balloting. on the balloting day, we shall prepapre the follow:
1. IC
2. Banker’s Cheque – 10% of house value
3. Govt offer letter
4. Aspen offer letter
anyone can let me know what is the LINE ID for me to join the group chat?
Cant join the line group. please help to add me in
Hi….Today I went to Aspen new office too, and had submitted all the below documents
1. IC
2. Gov letter
3. Aspen letter
Then after that I went to bank to get Loan approval letter and banker’s cheque. I am ready now for balloting and sign S&P
I had made reservation with Aspen for the balloting date on next Monday.
Lets see how next week
How to join the LINE group ??
@janise Check the link from @waittoolong on comments page #2.
How to join the LINE Group?
Just got my loan approved and pending getting loan docs.
Bro, the method to join the LINE group is hard. Doesn’t work for me. What is the name of the group in LINE, perhaps can try searching it.
I encountered the same problem too initially.
Try this, after combining the links into a single link, make sure that there is NO spacing.
We cant post the complete link here cause the comment will be stuck at ‘waiting for moderation’ forever…
Yes as @Hi pointed, make sure link is single line without any space. Again, best if you type the characters one by one. More and more ppl joining and we would love to have active discussion there.
wow my comment kena delete?
finally my dream in come true.
When can sign S&P and Pay bank cheque?
Please make appointment with Aspen. Next Monday is the 1st day of balloting and S&P signing
On balloting day.
20th you can pay the money and start ballot if no mistaken
May i knw how to join the Line group
To all who tried to join the LINE group but failed, I faced the same problem! My browser was Google Chrome on an Android phone. I tried so many times but failed. Then I installed another browser (Opera Mini Browser) on my phone and woala!! Just type the link one time at the address bar and it will redirect you to the LINE group! Try it ! I don’t know why my Google Chrome failed to do the trick….
To join the LINE group, refer to a post by Waittoolong on June 13th 2015 (the post is in 2nd page of comments). Combine the characters into a single line in your browser then press enter and it will automatically open the LINE group page… Then you can just click JOIN.
Please let me know too. Thanks
Thanks rosered! Will try later. KS – I just went this morning to have my SnP signed. Well… only 1 time chance to ballot and some upgrading people are getting B block. Besides better floor, no priority is given for those who choose to upgrade.
your loan approved?
can i wait for my loan approve only sign SnP? will they refund us the 1st 10% dp if we do not happy with the ballot result?
Not a surprise. Aspen and their ever-changing promises. Cos last time I went met them they say upgrade one can get priority blok C.
Not guarantee. We are told that they need to submit to Perumahan see if can get refund.
Thanks for your reply.
So on that day, AG will collect the banker cheque from us first only let us to do ballot?
Can you share the process in detail?
I am thinking to reject their offer if happen to get the lowest floor unit =( my concern is on the 10% dp can be refund or not.
with upgrade I got block C
I went today too! Which slot were you in? I was in the morning 11:30am+
Btw, I get Block C..Yes..only 1 time of balloting and luckily I am quite satisfied with the unit
Hi…We might be future neighbour
@KS i am in morning slot – 930am (you got a seaview unit?) – i get block C too
@Sam – if i understand correctly from the lawyer, after you signed the SnP and not satisfied or decided not to buy after that. they will forfeited 10% of your deposit.
@KS/ KKL – you both in LINE chat group?
Not sure about the ballot process, but I can be very sure that Aspen wont allow you to ballot if you dont have the d/p ready when you pay them a visit. So far I heard only one chance to ballot. If you draw and get the unit you dont like also have to accept. I wouldnt want to risk my 10% d/p like this.
@Evonne – seaview unit with number 1-6 ? I am not in the Line group.
@KS – Yes in another 3 years
Do join the group and share with us your balloting experience.
You have to submit the banker’s cheque and register at the counter before you are allow to
enter the balloting room.Only one chance to ballot. If you choose the upgraded package ,high chances can get the block C. After balloting they will include your unit number for you to sign the S&P.
They said is sea view, but have to wait until it finish then we will see..
@kkl @Evonne
I just joined the LINE group mins ago..
Only one. Last time Aspen group told me got 5 chances to draw. Cheating d like that.
Roei check out the link on comments page 2. Search for the comment by waittoolong and you will find the link.
Maybe its the SOP set by the government for fair,accountable and clean policy.
But if you are choosing the upgraded package, you stand a good chance to get a better unit.
from the map you can be sure that Block B facing north and Block C facing Northeast are all sea view. Whereas Block B facing South and Block C facing Southwest its view maybe block by Block A
Its not really clear. Another document shows block c facing north and south while b facing north east and south east.
Makes it hard to imagine where the view is. But either way, if you get high floor, chances are you will get some seaview. Either gurney, St quay or tg bungah.
Any idea what’s the ceiling height for the units?
There will be no ceiling for 300k, ceiling is only for 400k package…wakakaka…
i told them about the 5 times balloting which i heard from here, the lady called Andrea blame us “all because of you ppl go and spread it in forum and perumahan stop us from giving you to ballot 5 times”
they dont do 5 times is because dont want to trouble their staff and make thing easy for them.
The ballot itself is already not fair. Now promise one thing cannot fulfill, instead blame us go spread in forum.
Ya as if perumahan actually check this forum and stop them from doing so. If like that why perumahan dont look into their 100k package and favor 399k buyers? This is what I call ridiculous Aspen.
Shd really shoot them back and say where is the 30k per car park option which they promised early this year?
1 time ballot only? OMG..
I get offer for this project but rejected the offer since this place very far from my working area. Can i appeal to state to change other project.
far is far..just tht maybe location not so suit..
People are always selfish so don’t only scold developer for being greedy. You are also not any better. When the developer was going to give 5 times ballot to those paying higher price, people make noise say not fair and some even want to complain to State. Now when developer said can only ballot 1 time, they also get scolding say not fair. So end of the day, everyone just selfish and greedy. Wants the best for themselves. Therefore don’t call others greedy before looking at yourself. If unhappy, don’t buy. Go buy something else. People always say now buyers market. So go try your luck get a good unit in secondary market now. See what you get!
I totally agree. In this real world, when we buyers pay higher price, why can’t we get better things like more balloting etc. Even you buy car, you pay much more for imported car vs local car. But because of some people who complain, developer decided to remove the 5 ballot chances. If you like to get 5 ballots, then pay more lar. Why need to make so much noise till we lose our chance. They think life is fair just because state come out with this affordable housing is it?? Terrible mentality. It’s as if everyone including state and developer owe them a living.
The point is; you promise buyer something you better make sure you can fulfill those. They promised 5 times ballot and all of a sudden we were told no such chances anymore. Not about being happy or unhappy, but where is the integrity?
Agree with you. Same happen like if you are purchasing a normal non affordable unit. U pay higher price to get a better view or floor. Same should apply for those upgrading packages that we should giving the chance to ballot at least 3 times to choose our desire unit
Anyway. That’s the end of the story. We can’t do anything to change this. Even complaining to housing dept , AG will not retract or let us ballot again. So just assume your unit is the best of all
All thanks to those complain say we pay $100k more than them should not be given more chances because its not fair. Why not fair? If they want more chances, pay more like us. People like them only think they deserve everything to be given to them on a platter. They think its their entitlement!
Lol this project is only for “rich kids”, for those really need affordable can apply other project already. AG service only depend on who got $$. Hahaha
Yes lily that is possible. Just need to inform our state govt (Komtar there) that you wish to change the project. I think you can also login to erumah to reject this offer. But be warned that you may have to wait for don’t know how long again before the next offer comes.
All the reasons developer playing so many tricks are just wanna max their profit such as expensive 2nd car park, renovation package etc. Many richer buyers have been forgot the meaning of “affordable”. Affordable houses are actually for who really need and controlled by government. All the qualified buyers should have equal change to get their own unit, fair, simple and clean.
Some said can pay more 100k to get better unit and more change to ballot, maybe developer give you more balloting or what. This is unfair to other buyers who really can’t afford more 50k or 100k because this really out of their budget, for some people who are richer please don’t apply affordable house, can buy other projects instead.
Affordable house need controlled by government strictly, otherwise will ruin by greedy developers, buyers and investors, we understand some can pay more 100k to get better benefits, but if same thing happen to you, what about other richer than you pay more, let said 200k. To get priority.
We have know how to distinguish what is right and what is wrong, integrity and honest are gone nowadays, and we now only lead by greedy and delusion.
How true! Some “people” talk as if they are entitled to priorities and benefits just because they can afford the extra RM100k. Then go about smashing those RM299k buyers asking them to just reject the offer lah, choose other projects lor, or get one in the secondary market and shut us from complaining.
Sad, so called affordable projects. Perumahan should really do something, but then again as I have read before and very sure they can’t do anything also because this is on a willing-buy willing-sell concept. In other words, take it or leave it. This wave of affordable home concept is doomed for failure as I can see it. So many loopholes by the private developer to maximize profit like for example one carpark at RM50k (seriously??).
Aiyoyo… Since you talk about fairness, let’s talk about this topic. Just because this is affordable house, then must be fair in everything ah? Then what is fair to those who pay $100k more if they don’t get extra. Fairness to you but in the expense of others. Then its UNFAIR. You are just looking at your own selfish reason. If you go out and eat in a restaurant, does it mean you get the same type of food as someone else who is paying extra? Fair boh? If you say until we like how rich can go buy other property, then why not you say if you don’t like how this developer does things, YOU go buy other affordable home. Why you still want to choose this developer since you don’t like???
You asked if someone else get such priority if they pay more, then I don’t mind coz I can only blame myself for not earning enough to be able to afford that. That has always been the way this world works. Don’t tell me you don’t know.
Even Singapore which has always been known to be fair and “clean” price those higher floor and better facing more expensive. Their governement and people also never complain like you all here. You pay more for better things. You think everyone owes you just because you cannot afford?!
You said “We have know how to distinguish what is right and what is wrong, integrity and honest are gone nowadays, and we now only lead by greedy and delusion.” You said it right but sadly you don’t know that you are referring to yourself.
Go work harder, earn more money instead of just complaining to government to get more and more. Lastly, you so clever talk about fairness… Try asking your boss for a raise to equal the salary of the top producer of your company, then come here to report on whether you succeeded in fighting for “fairness & equality” in this world. With this I rest my case.
Why scold the developer for maximising profit. You don’t know they are NOT non profitable organisation?? They got bottom line to meet. Then don’t buy from them loh. Go buy somewhere else where you think the price is fair. Willing buyer, willing seller.
Don’t talk so much la. If want buy, buy. If can buy, buy. If cannot buy, don’t buy. If cannot afford buy, pls change category. If don’t like, reject and switch project. Complain so much but still want to buy is like slapping yourself in the face. Since you know there are sooooo many affordable home in the market now becos always comparing surely there are better ones. Buy iSantori la. Bigger ma 850sf. More strategic location ma, right in Straights Quay ma. Oh ya … Leasehold. Oh ya … 2k over units.
Pls go do more research on “Penang affordable homes”. Zero subsidiary. Private land. Construction cost. Labour shortage. Development guideline, premiums and deposits. New strata title act. New housing development act. Cos unlike PR1MA, Federal pay most of it.
After you really do research on the above then i you will thank them. The headaches dealing with government, headaches dealing with banks, headaches dealing with contractors, headaches dealing with the “tai lous” at the jurisdiction, the monies paid up front in millions … I think better build luxurious condo than affordable home cause don’t have to deal with headaches from complaining customers.
Wow, suddenly so many new comments under new user id’s bashing us.
You know what is affordable and fair? These mean, regardless of whether basic or upgrade, everyone should get a fair chance during balloting. You think so simple ah as rejecting this offer and choose others? I waited for so many years only get a shot at owning my first ever home. Ask me reject now and now not sure want to wait how long again then only can afford to get a home for my family and aged parents.
Now we have some people asking us to “Go work harder, earn more money instead of just complaining to government to get more and more.” You probably come from a rich family or are already financially well-off, but let me tell you this. I come from a family where total annual household income of my parents never exceeded RM50k (yes you saw that right). I grew up and studied so hard and graduated with a decent degree, and when I entered a workforce my salary was just a mere <RM3k after deductions. After a few years the amount got raised, albeit by a small sum. I also worked part time giving tuition. Still what are those after all the ever rising costs/expenses?
Fairness in this sense is being fair to all buyers, not favoring certain groups who can afford an extra 10k. These projects are all under the jurisdiction of the Penang state gomen, and they should have done better to regulate all these.
"Complain so much but still want to buy is like slapping yourself in the face." Haha maybe if you were in my shoes you will understand the hardships I've gone through and how hard I've worked all these years and my dream to provide for my family despite my not so high income.
Always know how to compare to Singapore etc. We are in Penang Malaysia and not Singapore lah pls.
That’s why we heard the real successful people mention that they never complain. After all, whiner will always be whiner. =/
I like your comment. *Like*
We should be grateful we have a chance to buy now because the developer built for us at this price. Be thankful and not complain they greedy.
I can see most your comments are pointless just merely wanna shoot back. This is controlled projects, people complain not because they want to make trouble to developer but just want to make sure the developer follow all the guidelines and make sure we all local, low income, medium income family also can have our own house. Not only this projects have the the problems but many other affordable projects if we read newspapers recently. Affordable houses and also Low medium cost are not means for richer, those projects are for who really need. Ya lastly, I am not the projects potential buyer.
you got some points here. We also know Developers also have their own problems.
Many developers built LMC, affordable houses not because they have compassion and pity the poorer. They build because they force to do it due to the government policy. Developers not the charity society and just look at money. Malaysia here like HK, open and free market, so, if not controlled and government interruption, you all willing to see our housing prices like HK in the future?
If any developers staff here and see this post. Here I am not aimed to any developers and investors. But for investors, please not ruin the LMC and affordable projects. For developers, I know profits always priority and cant merely blame developer, this is because Malaysia here is free market. But some time practice the social responsibility always very encourages, help the needy, closer the gap between rich and poor, you will gain more trust from people.
last time i dun have a Home, so i wish to get 1 from perumahan.
suddenly i got lettet offer from govt, i wish to get a better project.
when i already got the project, i wish to get a better block ( sea view etc..).
when i already got a better tower, i want a better unit ( corner unit etc…).
when i already got a better unit, i will want something else…
before i owned something, i will be appreciate. after get the things i want, start demanding, blaming, complaining..
this is human kind
Lolx at the bitter comments.
Some rich kid(s) talk as if buying a home is like buying clothes.
When I signed up with erumah many many years back I was hoping that the price of these homes would be affordable, and the allocation and balloting etc would be FAIR. Yes human kind is greedy and selfish, but unfortunately not all have integrity. So, private developers, just because they have to deal with so many headaches in building these homes, they are free to come up with such favoritism? If it’s always about profit, why sign up to provide Affordable Home in the first place? This is about helping the low/mid income earners to own a home, which is a basic necessity in life. The state gomen did a great job with all these upcoming projects, but to be honest the prices are still a bit above our affordability.
Favoring those who can afford the extra 100k is NOT fair, yet we basic users are refrained from voicing this because some rich/financially well-off kids are able to afford the upgrade. If you all can afford to pay that extra sum, why still register for this affordable scheme? Why not just quit and buy other private properties and so allow many deserving middle income earners like us to own their home, in a fair and just manner?
Just know how to shoot and ask us to work harder lah. How do you know if I don’t work hard enough to provide for my family? And always know how to compare with Singapore govt. Typical. Why not compare to US where the car price is super cheap? Pls lah ok, this is Penang land, not Singapore or US.
Lol. Still in denial and delusion.
Not siding anyone here. Your comments keep pointing at “rich kids”. You are making assumptions on this. I’m sure some of the readers in this forum is older than your father.
RM1,800 instalment is the benchmark for a RM300k – RM400k property. This should be about 50% – 60% of your monthly income. If not, please don’t complain the property is not affordable. It’s just you are not working hard enough and spending too much time on this forum instead on working for more income. Go switch category to RM200k affordable home or LMC or apply for affordable home in Batu Kawan. RM240k only gets you 1,000 sf.
lim kopi yesterday with some friends. kopi tiam only NOT starbucks so I not rich kid ok. ask friends to debate whether 50k justifiable for carpark at freehold property. mixed opinions from frnds. but conclusion is, in long run sure worth it. here’s the calculative outcome.
your car, depreciative value. buy myvi 50k, after 10 years value less than 10k. if you stay at your property for 30 years you will likely to change car 3 times ie. a loss of more than 120k due to depreciation.
average parking cost on MPPP box rm0.80 per hour. if park outside for 8 hours everyday = rm6.40 daily = rm192 per month. an average person will park his/her car at home for more than 12 hours a day, indoor and shaded somemore. so if use shopping mall calculation even more expensive. carpark rm50k divide 360 (30 years like your property loan) = rm138 per month. ie. cheaper than parking outside at mppp box. on top of that, your carpark will increase your value of your property cos if you imagine everyone kiam siap dunwan buy extra carpark there will be 1k over cars parking at roadside. that time your property bo value time you don’t blame others but yourself cause short-sighted.
just sharing yesterday’s kopi tiam discussion.
Lol so detailed in the analysis of the parking. Oh if the carpark is worth it in the long run, so does that mean that if we don’t buy we are kiam siap (and not because we really can’t afford the extra RM50k?) Yes my family has more than a car (two 2nd-hand cars bought at less than RM15k each), but ya lor because of short-sighted people like me who can’t afford the RM50k so we kena bashed when the property gets congested in the future. Lolx at the justification.
My comment is mainly pointed at rich kids, or similarly, “not-so-rich kids who have drinks at Kopitiam and not Starbucks & also bash other low/mid income earners who can’t really afford the extra RM100k & bash other who voice out the unfair favoritism to buyers of upgraded units”.
Haha yes maybe because I work hard enough every day using my computer as my main source of income that I can keep updated of how some people think they deserve favoritism in an Affordable Housing scheme just because others who can’t afford the upgraded package need to shut up and are not allowed to voice out anything. And oh sucessive comments/replies from realitysux and penang_boy. Equally free also la you two.
Peace lah. Since we people can’t afford so I should reject and change to Batu Kawan one. Oh ya, 1000 sf. Cheap lagi economic. You are right haha.
I should also spend more time to work harder, earn more money, so that we can afford an extra carpark which is worth it in the long run. So that in the future, people don’t have to deal with the problems of congestion anymore.
IT helpdesk nobody call to complain their network down or PC issue so ma free lo. By the way, i buy and ballot di. buy with carpark and upgrade. din’t get corner but still happy. maybe you can call me gullible lar but i suffered enough at gambier heights. one cp for me one cp for the missus. son grow up liao only see how.
Good luck lo. Less one neighbour like me, thus less one car to park by the roadside later on, ultimately reducing the congestion. Worse, if I can’t afford the maintenance ma gai? If lifts break down and maintenance are not upkept, we will definitely be blamed again. At least we don’t earn that much in life although already work so hard to provide for my family and siblings, but we have integrity and principles in life and know what is fair and justified.
Wait wait, where got “gullible”? You sendiri say one ah, not me oh. Also, almost forgot, I want to call Komtar and ask for a change to other projects soon. We are of different echelon, later stay in basic units sure kena look down upon by people like you.
Oh at least have some integrity lo. Suddenly pops up a new user name to direct your comments at us. You must already be around here for quite long le, yet never read any comments under that username before haha. But then if you really are new here then my apologies, but only God knows la.
Wah, me thinks those who “whine/complain less” are winners in life surely can afford other luxurious properties in Penang island d lor. “Successful” already ma. Still want stay in a <300k property meh lolx?
for normal condo buy additional 1cp around 20k-30k, this affordable condo should be 15k-20k but not 50k, u all should voice out, park outside better, assume 1 summon rm30 permonth, only 360 per year, 30 years around 10k, u can save 40k buy better car:-D
Wah, :-D, better don’t complain so much lo. Developer has had or will have to deal with many headaches, is NOT a non-profitable organization, and has bottom line to meet.
Quoting a comment in this page:
point finger at penang_kia and laughs. so sia sui. so after complaining so much have it really favoured you? did the price come down? can you still afford to buy or your salary can’t sustain? do you still want to insist to buy? if the answer for all above questions is NO, why are you still making noise? really? it’s like slapping yourself. I want buy Myvi but too expensive. Myvi pls reduce your price cos you are suppose to be an affordable local brand. Let’s complain to government. Overseas car are half the price why Malaysia car so expensive? boycott boycott. really in the end mentality like “gina kia”
not saying that the price is right but saying that it is justifiable. otherwise banks won’t give loan also right. i’m assuming only this … normal condo can sell carpark cheaper cos the cost is already included into the main property cos the house more expensive? unless subsidised by someone, nobody going to do charity right? normal condo about rm550psf now with 2 cp basic specs. affordable home about rm500psf with 2 cp and upgrade specs. but normal condo absolute price more than rm600k while affordable with upgrade only rm400k. if i can buy normal condo i will buy but 600k is out of my reach now. work harder hope for vp position in company then will upgrade to bigger and better home.
Haha don’t use such words like “sia sui” lo. Educated, winners don’t use those words one. Aiyo cannot complain oh? We complain and voice out our concerns/plights so that the state govt can take action, if any. Looks like we don’t have the right to voice out at all. What to do? In this world $$ rules ma.
Win liao lor since our complaint never favored us. Wah talk about “slapping yourself”. This means majority of Malaysians who complain about GST, rising costs in living, high car prices, goods etc, all really deserve a big tight slap to our faces d. Ouch!
also, your calculation wrong di. if really suey, everyday kena “red packets” from mppp = RM10 X 30(days) X 12(months) X 30(years) =rm108k. if kena police = rm30 x 30 x 12 x 30 = rm324k. not realistic kena saman everyday let’s say 5% also buta pay rm5k – rm15k to government. better use the money go holiday since ringgit value dropping.
Peace folks! I’m outta here. This forum is better suited for comments and updates on the project. Pray and wish that everyone gets to buy his/her deserving homes. No more point debating since balloting has started anyway. =)
bye. give you *like* for your sarcasm. i’m uneducated so have to use words like sia sui
Wah really need to come bank for one last time to thank you for the “like”.
Oh please don’t call yourself uneducated ok? Even though I am not well educated due to hardships in my upbringing/family, at least I never label others “sia sui”. I still respect others’s comments and don’t ask them slap themselves in the face. Hmm.., maybe the one who does so really is the “sia sui” one (just saying)..
I have been reading silently past few days. Just want to tell this Penang_kia to cool down and see from others point of view. I see his point but cannot agree. You see… if you cannot afford this price say $400k and do not like the way developer works, why not treat yourself better and make yourself happier by selecting another project. You know there are projects from $200k onwards too. If $200k is a stretch for you, then you can consider LMC. Nobody is looking down on you but somehow from your remarks, you seem to have inferior complex. Never mind what others say.
Last but not least, I quote Penang_kia comment , “Worse, if I can’t afford the maintenance ma gai? If lifts break down and maintenance are not upkept, we will definitely be blamed again. At least we don’t earn that much in life although already work so hard to provide for my family and siblings, but we have integrity and principles in life and know what is fair and justified.” I strongly advise him to pay maintenance that is due because you are at fault if lifts break down/maintenance are not well kept. Why? Because you as owner is responsible for paying your FAIR share like all owners. This is fair practice. Since you want things so fair and square, then practice what you preach. But if you know you cannot afford, don’t buy that project. Go look at those you can afford. That’s why government got different scheme and price for people to choose according to their affordability. Think carefully before you purchase.
Just read through all the past 1 week comments. Penang kia.. I couldn’t agree with you and you don’t accept/ or try to ignore what penang – boy is writting here.
FAIR ? Other than this is affordable home, why should those paying extra have no privileged to ballot more? Same logic goes to if you are buying a property, you pay more for a better unit and view.
Quote penang kia
“Wah talk about “slapping yourself”. This means majority of Malaysians who complain about GST, rising costs in living, high car prices, goods etc, all really deserve a big tight slap to our faces d. Ouch!”
-don’t give an example by comparing an apple to orange. We all citizen feel the pinch of GST. are you telling us to starve by not consuming or asking us to migrate? Whereby, if you don’t like this project, you can easily reject and choose another one
Hi Shaun, thanks and appreciate your comment.
Sorry I just wish to clarify that those sentences that you quote of me were supposed to be independent of each other.
Worry not. I have integrity, and respect for others (unlike some). I can assure you that once I own my home in the future I will always be a responsible individual, paying what is due including all the maintenance fees.
To the other commenter, apparently we as buyers do not have whatsoever right to voice out the favoritism (hence the term “complain”) to 399k buyers. Can she kindly point out if anything about starving or migrating was ever mentioned?
Oh I see, cannot complain and compare! Please kindly also advise the others who made reference to Singapore and price of overseas cars which are half of Msian car prices, not to make apple to orange comparisons oops…
Shaun, thanks and appreciate your comment. Wish to correct myself (in case I got misinterpreted) that the comments you quoted of me were supposed to be two different sentences/clauses. And worry not, as a responsible individual of integrity you can have my word that I will pay the maintenance fees which is due.
Will assess again other options I have before deciding for the future of my family.
Looks like the term “fair” and “affordable home” cannot co-exist. Those trying to associate one with the other will almost certainly be condemned. Sad..
“.. can easily reject”… Sure let me reject this Project, I will update here how “easy” it is. Stay tuned!
RM399k for 850 sf home worth it? 😀
Welcome back!!!
paiseh was away for a wake. people die too no matter how rich or sarcastic they are. the link to the image below will explain “life” to you. nothing unfortunately is fair. everyone have the rights to their own opinion. this is the internet. as long as it is not seditious it is ok.
https:// jpg (pls. remove the “spaces” after “https://” and before “.jpg”)
i can’t say what is right? cause sometimes i want justice while other times i may want equality. but all i “think” (opinion nia ok) is that providing affordable home is like providing justice to the people. different people’s level of justice is different. in a sense, even after all the “help” given by others, people that are less able will always feel they are left out or there is no justice for them. in a sense, those more capable will have to give up more for the less capable. the more capable will not feel equality and thus the debate continues …
Hi Genius.. Just grab it.. Rm399K for 850sf worth it.
Location also very Good.
Actually from the argument above, one thing we should make sense that affordable house scheme is strictly controlled by state government. Developer should obey the law/ term& condition imposed by government. This is different to free market where buyer can pay more to get better unit. Thus, I can understand why people are making noise as they found some buyers can ballot more because they are paying extra. So, if government really allow for Developer to give more ballot chances to buyers, they will not suddenly stop this practice already.
Hi all, any news regarding LMC for this projects?
State will open units to public soon if acceptance from eligible applicants is slow. Better grab before the investors snap it up. Applicants can take time to consider the offer previously but now because of this, developer has appealed and will be allow to sell to general public soon.
No more waiting unless loan approval is the problem.
hi there…i am goin to ballot in coming few days…may i know how much is the loan agreement and stamp duty since we have to pay on our own…can we select our own lawyer or need to stick to their lawyer?thanks in advance for answering my question
the loan agreement depends on your loan amount. roughly I will say about 4k. the stamp duty for government is calculated roughly as follow:-
First RM100K * 1% = RM1,000
Subsequent RM100,001 – RM500K * 0.7% (if your loan is RM360K, the amount that falls in this category is RM260K) = RM260K * 0.7% = RM1,820
Lawyer fees roughly RM1K – RM1.5K
So, from above calculation about RM3.8K – 4.3K
from my knowledge you can use your own solicitor for loan but for SPA they have a panel of solicitors. I’d recommend using the same solicitor they allocated for you for SPA to do your loan as it will speed up the disbursement process from bank. if own solicitor, may not know the story or process and cause delays which if any late interests is caused, may have to pay. just my two cents thoughts but entirely up to you on loan solicitor.
Dear All,
I am interested to LMC for this project. Since now the affordable already reach snp stage, may i know the status of the LMC? thanks alot
Evonne, why are you making so much noise on the balloting. I have also purchase a unit with the price of RM399,990 (upgrading). I also get Block B in balloting. Balloting is all depend on your luck. If you are not happy with your unit then u cancel & buy other project.
Dear LMC, I think the LMC units aka Tower A has not yet been launched. You can always call them to ask about the status.
Hi Penang, may I know how you got this info?
Why seems like I am hearing two same opinion from you and Evonne?
Hi again my debating partner. What Penang said is not confirmed and can be read here.
Even if approved and to be released to open market, surely there will be additional charge. So don’t worry, we still bought it cheaper.
What do u mean by that. I found out that Evonne is not satisfied with her unit & keep on making noise that developer is cheating her.
I like the Tri Pinnacle design n ‘Tri Pinnacle’ name.
Shirley, do join the LINE group.
The ballot already start? I just checked my erumah status, and it state
Tarikh Pilih: 07/08/2015 ><
Btw, anyone have floor plan for this project? can share with me?
Well please join the LINE group.
What noose are you referring to? Wonder if you can understand what the Conversation here.
Everyone are allow to comment on your opinion on what you like or dislike.
Aspen did not keep to their promises and keep changing on the packages can always brought up to discuss. Probably your expectation is low or no expectation so what ever AG gave you just swallow.
Worst you might be someone from AG
What the F… are u talking about. Yes, I am low expectation as what u say here. I am not like u, high expectation. Everyone should be very grateful when we have a chance to buy an affordable home. On @evonne
relax la. no need F. it’s just a forum. sure got people happy and got people grumble. like me and @penang_kia argue so much in the end also buy. i’m not sure about him la. he so active here.
@evonne, i understand your arguments. i was also frustrated when they change the packages and i have to resubmit my pre-approval loan. but understand this (pls mai label me as someone from AG as you so conveniently assumed shirley is someone from AG) that they are a business entity. just like normal property prices are revised by ALL developers, they have to revise packages to suit the majority of buyers. not everyone is happy but majority is happy. sometimes change is not cos they want to but becos they have to due to law.
after taking up some effort to read up on developer guidelines recently, those that haven’t bought a property yet will be facing more frustration as there have been some new laws implemented by ministry of housing. just a feeling there will be more changes coming soon.
may i ask how to join the line group?
yes, i’m totally agree with you. but think of it, should it change only AFTER the 1st badge is balloted? that’s my question.
@Shirley, your arguments do not have points but just F… you haven’t answer me what noises you refer to and since when did i told you that i am not happy with my unit and block B? Of cause i’m grateful that i been qualified for the AH given by penang government but not the trick Aspen put in. Ok, i’m putting a stop on this argument with you which i think is a waste of time.
Hi buyer, there’s a link on comment page no (2) of this forum. It is posted by waittoolong. On your phone, remember to combine the link into one single line. Best if you type the characters one by one.
Thanks your advice. Anywhere, is there any other method to help? Like asking help from developer?
I agreed with you. But it seems like Evonne does not satisfied and keep on mentioning that AG playing tricks. The worst is Evonne just simply label me as someone from AG.
@Evonne, please check before you simply label someone. Some more, please go online and read/call for the new ruling by penang government before blaming the developer.
hi, may i know how to join the line group?
Latest update: The developer Aspen Group is witholding the signing of all S&P according to my lawyer, whereby some “discussion” is taking place between the developers and Penang State Housing Dept. Enjoy waiting!
Update : called Aspen for clarification on why I still no get my SPA.
Short story. New law by Federal government Ministry of Housing.
Long story. Implementation of Strata Title Act by Federal government recently requires all developer to pre-allocate and define the accessory parcel (ie. carpark) to main parcel (ie. unit). The developer have to work out the allocation, surveyor to confirm and submit to the authorities. Good, meaning that within a couple of weeks, those that bought earlier will know their carpark. Bad news, if allocated not favourable carpark make noise also no use di as the allocation is submitted to authorities.
Have to break leg, get OKU status then can park at OKU carpark for convenience …
Hi Well, check out the link to the LINE group on page #2 of this page. You can also read some of the earlier comments to get some ideas. @rosered did mention clearly the steps in this page, just search for the word “rosered” in this page.
Hi LMC, you may want to call Aspen and check with them. As I’ve mentioned the LMC units have yet to be launched, developer is probably waiting to sell a certain % of the Block B and C first first. Don’t quote me on this as I am not an Aspen staff.
anyone know what happen if aspen cant finish this project? Will the state government find other developers continue the job?
First time buyer, dun shoot me too hard..
Anyone get the lawyer quotation price for the loan agreement? Mine is about rm5.5k (1st house with 50% stamp duty)
I just received the AG offer letter too. But now Ringgit & Bursa Index keep falling, is it the good time to buy property?? Dunno how to make this “tough” decision at this period of time, what you all think? Any opinion is welcomed…
@Just For MYR
Hi ! Yes Bursa is free falling everyday but there’s a slight rebound on myr just now, Bursa might rebound tmr but long term wise really no idea how Msia would be. I suggest u calculate the price , get the per Sqft price then evaluate how much it’s gonna worth by comparing surroundings, location and ur budget
interest rate might shoot up. better hold on.
@Just For MYR
Looks like a lot people have reject the offer, that makes us get the offer.
Which lawyer? You know how much SAN quote me ….sky price!
Amber, do join the LINE group and share the info there.
Happy to receive the offer letter from. State government of penang. BTW I’m hoping and apply for the BSG Ah at the permai garden there. Maybe was my luck to own this..
How much they charge u? U r 1st house buyer?
guys pls take note that this projects is the lowest density among all the affordable projects in penang including state government or private developers projects. and location wise its the 2nd best after santorini but this is freehold and santorini is leasehold. i advise if you are offered to buy this project and you can afford dont think twice proceed to buy. upon completion you will be laughing all the way. some people here are just too ignorant and giving stupid and ridiculous comments without understanding the difficulties in affordable housing projects faced by state, developers and buyers. and honestly i like this company and the way the briefed me. im now in waiting list and hopefully perumahan will open the chinese quota for all tghe waiting list and im told chinese quota is full now.
You’re not too specific, and I’m afraid I can’t comprehend. Care to point out which “people here are just too ignorant and giving stupid and ridiculous comments” you are referring too?
LINE group hw to add?
Susan, check out the link on comments page #2 (posted by waittoolong). Type the whole link in your phone browser’s address bar and click Go/Enter. It will direct you to the LINE group.
Make sure you have LINE app installed and try to use other browser such as Opera Mini to do this.
how come i cant join the line group?
Hi Hippo, please join the LINE group and contribute to the discussion.
Hi Amber did you enter the correct link? Remember to have LINE app installed, and also please choose other browser (such as Opera Mini). After typing and clicking Enter the phone should automatically direct you to the group on LINE.
i also cant join line group , can you guys please share it again for new user to join .
well ….you know not every1 expert in chatting apps.
Thanks dude
Hi Matt, we had issues posting the complete link as the moderator of the page won’t allow the link to be posted.
Here’s the complete steps again:
1) Install LINE app on your phone.
2) Go to Comment page #2 (click the no 2 above), alternatively the link here:
4) Combine the link on a single line, then type and enter on your phone browser’s address bar.
5) You will be directed to the group (LINE app will automatically open). Click Join.
Sorry you should actually search for the word ‘waittoolong’ on page #2. The user has posted the link but it’s on few lines. Just combine them onto one single line before you enter.
Have receive letter for this project. But still in consider. Does any one know the location near the hill side is it safety.
I surely buy …waahah been bz this fews day .. will join in the line others day ..
Thanks dude
Hi, I get the letter from perumahan. And now i m still considering whether to buy or not because i aim for investment instead of own occupation. Any investor here for advise? if get upgrading package, rm400k, does it the price increase for five years later?
Seriously, Are u kidding? You still expect the price will increase after 5 years????
Price after 5 years will drop until its mother also cannot recognize…So, do u still dare to buy huh, investor?
Seriously, are you really kidding? You earlier posted asking for advice:
Now you state that the price after 5 years will drop until mother can’t recognize son.
So are you genuinely here to seek advice or to spam?
I don’t think so the price will increase for all the property except landed property for the time being, even this is affordable house. Affordable is only give to stay but not for invest.
Hi,anyone of you buying 299k which already get the ballot? The percentage of getting nice unit is it really low. Is it block C only good view compare to A and B.
May i know how to join the line. I have try but unable to get it.
Forget abt buying AH to invest. LMC,LC& AH have to obtaine State Consent when selling only to eligible buyers. You may have buyers who can pay your asking price but disqualified by State cos exceeded income cap etc. you can sell to those within the income cap required by State but banks says sorry Brother lower loan margin or unable to approve!
For investment, go for mid range or semi luxury property. Just imagine if the Chinese from China like your property! Strike lottery then.
Hi Annie, “good view” is something very subjective. But yea, Aspen “promised” those 399k buyers that they would get the so-called good niew but after thr balloting session, as far as I know some 399k buyers didn’t get those nice views. too.
As far as I am aware of the ballot session for 299k hasn’t commenced.
Please try again, I did state the steps to join the LINE group ady. Hope you didn’t miss out anything.
What AG promised they will change anytime ( very common to me). Let’s say block B got 400 units, only 50 units nice view but there have 300 buyer take 399k, then?
Actually LMC got nice view than MC, by the way future there got no view anymore, other developer got to build soon.
Hi Penang-kia, thanks for your sharing .
Tri Pinacle……the car park is to expensive 50k.Aspen group shall low the car park price.
Hi Annie for me, I do not wish to get the good view. I wish to have as low level of unit. 1. more convenient, 2. If lift spoil, 3. Actually I affright of high.
So If get a high unit and anyone wish to change with me
@Annie you’re welcome.
@Helina Aspen lowering the price of the car park? Not gonna happen!
Just read about the bad experiences that so many buyers are going through. Aspen keeping on changing the home packages. Giving preferences to 399k buyers. Also coupled with the mindset of some buyers (I don’t want to name them, but you can read this forum and see for yourself their “arguments”) who thought they deserved better privileges for opting for the upgrade package in this Affordable Home Scheme by our Pg Govt.
And recently there’s also problem with developer delaying the signing of the SPA apparently claiming there is discussion still going on with perumahan, thus further delaying the balloting for 299k eligible buyers. There’s also some stories about Aspen staff giving misleading info to buyers (trying to promote the 399k package).
Too many issues with this developer… I feel really sorry for the many deserving candidates who are still being kept waiting for so long…
Did anyone called to check with govt on the newly implementation of strata title act which 2 carpark is compulsory for every unit of house? I did called the perumahan and the person told me no changes on strata title as claimed by ASPEN.
Aspen kept giving this as a reason for delaying balloting for 299k buyer
Many did, and yes I also called. No such thing as in 2 carpark for every unit.
To read that this project is ranked as the 4th most popular projects in Penang? LMAO! Popular because there are too many complaints against Aspen Group.
Sure delay la! Different price different attitude ma.. If you want fast then take their most expensive package, then they sure will serve you like VIP. hahaha
Exactly. You couldn’t have said it better.
“Different price different attitude.” > LIKE!
Hi, pls advice me is it worth to upgrade RM299k to RM399k? do i need to send in a letter to Perumahan for the upgrade, or just inform AG will do?
@JessCK if you’r intending to buy 399k don’t worry AG shall give you special treatment.
Thanks for your reply, penang_kia. I knew that AG also has LMC project with RM73k in Tri Pinnacle. Do you have any idea, is it the LMC share the facilities & also with same entrance with affordable housing?
Hi JessCK, as far as we were briefed last time by Aspen, LMC won’t have access to the facilities. In fact, I heard the car park entry for LMC and AH is diff too.
At least that’s what we were told la, but one thing for sure is that I don’t too trust what Aspen say anymore after reading what most eligible buyers (me included) have experienced.
Share or not share i’m not sure, but i’m sure is LMC confirm block the MC view d..
Btw you don’t need to inform Komtar or send any letter, just inform AG enough, they will serve you well.. 😀
Hi all, any pending LMC application results here? thanks
No update I believe.