Aspen Vision City
Aspen Vision City, an upcoming mixed development by Aspen Group in Batu Kawan, Penang. Phase 1 is expected to debut in Q4 2014. Not much information is available for now. We will keep everyone updated in our facebook fan page.
[ More details to be available upon launching… ]
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Project Name : Aspen Vision City
Location : Batu Kawan, Penang
Property Type : Mixed Development
Developer : Aspen Group
Location Map:
[streetview width=”100%” height=”250px” lat=”5.230534″ lng=”100.44033999999999″ heading=”-5.425382047728035″ pitch=”-2.570569102034541″ zoom=”1″][/streetview]
I live in Batu Kawan and I find this development absolutely depressing! We do not need high rise buildings in Batu Kawan. The developers has already spoilt Penang Island. Do not let them build their hideous high rises here without improving any of the infrastructures in the surrounding areas! Time they think of the quality of life and environment, not just profits $$$$
@Sew Eng
Why are you so afraid of high-rise? This will be big money for developers!! Huat ah!!!!
@Sew Eng
you go buy the land from aspen and build all low rise…kakakaka
@Sew Eng
They don’t have the balls to develop as they like it to be. Aspen will be
History if they ever try to build high rise in B. Kawan.
It should be leasehold right?
Is this under affordable house project? or Open?
Has they done the market survey? 30 years project is it?
if they didn’t done market survey, then wont dediced build ikea at batu kawan.
Dont suprise as mahsing, ecoworld, malton, gob and tambun indah are accumulated land nearby penang second bridge!
wah from pic got 18 block ==, demand for condo so high?
Boom time for batu kawan!
@Sew Eng
I think you have a problem. Since when it is the developer responsibility to improve their project surrounding infrastructure? Wasnt this the state goverment responsibility? Do you go around repairing potholes in your neighboring road?
according to news paper 5- 10years project la not 30…
why need high rise building?still so many empty lands here and a lot of empty house lots. intend to create ghost town?
Wow..BM want to become another KL?
a new booming area appeared lol
Many Penang people plan to move to Batu Kawan condo in the next 5-10 years, if their market research is real… vision 2020…
Yes ah ? Penang people plan to move to Batu Kawan ? Hello, even the
2nd. link already completed it has nothing to boost and the property in
that area is dead.
Up to you not to believe their market research… time will tell who’s right who’s wrong… Jib gor is going to launch the 2nd bridge March 1 btw… definitely just the beginning for the Batu Kawan transformation…
Batu Kawan is going nowhere.
Just like u..
Blind leading the blind.
Said people blind wo… you must be the smartest aleck around la…
Yes, I wouldn’t say smartest but smarter.
okie… good la like that…
smarter aleck with broken pocket kaki kong kaki song
@Super LMC
Smarter than you for sure as you are only staying in LMC.
we should be proud a Penang born Company that manage to bring Ikea to Batu Kawan, is wise move to be in Batu Kawan, bet you guys no other location is better than BK for Ikea and huge commercial developments… (Like Mid Valley) BK will be Mid Valley of Penang and northern region! Other developers don’t bother about traffic infrastructure planning but Aspen Group & Ikea made the right and strategic decision to develop in BK. with the support from state government BK will be the next engine of growth in the entire northern region. by the way we should thank Najib gor for Federal supports and billions in infrastructure investment in Bk… think about it, only BK has over 4 billion infra investments for the last 20 years in the entire northern region… what else we as Penangite can asked for? federal supports in Infra investment and State government efforts in attracting catalyst investment to BK…. BK has everthing it need to be a world class city! lets supports Aspen Group and Ikea to spearhead the potentials of BK to the next level!
yes.. buy…
@Penang lang,
Well, I foresee BK will be a growth area, so I agree with you on that. But to say “BK has everthing it need to be a world class city”, I think you’re just inviting people to slap your face….:)
The reason for BK development is to provide an affordable, comfortable and modern alternative to island living, as oppose to the current lorry-infested, dust-filled and high-voltage-cable dangling butterworth/perai.
I don’t think anyone would have any problem with the state selling the land to the developer at RM45/sqft IF the houses they build there are being sold at a price that reflects that land price (that probably translates to ~RM400k for a triple storey terrace and ~RM650 for a triple storey semi-d).
But it would be a BIG FAILURE of the state if it lets the developer PROFITEER from that large piece of land by selling “unaffordable” homes, making the original intention of developing BK pointless…..:)
I think you should SLAP your face first! wake up MAN! we’re not talking about how much profit a company can make or should make, the essence of business is to make profit and remain profitable.
I’m only taking about the viability of BK as strategic hub for commercial developments instead of developing in already congested and poor traffic / road infrastructure of the island or northern mainland!
if you want an affordable home please register with the state housing department where all the eligibility of buying affordable houses is being processed!
a country can only achieve its success in providing affordable homes when the government build it (ie: Singapore and Hong Kong and all other develop country in the world) and not passing it to developer to build as developers will always find ways to make profit not to do CHARITY!
as an upcoming and new urban area, they should have a good mix of all kind of property and not just dump affordable homes there! we should have good mix of developments to have long term sustainability in new town planning.
people like you only know to criticize and complain! think before you talk and don’t sound like real CiCak!
My gud… cicak running the state now? But I heard the previous state govermen sold the land in BK to someone for rm6/sft only leh.
Does it make a molester a better person just because his father was a rapist?….:)
Rilek la… why everything come out from your mouth has to be so negative? Keep an open mind…
Negative meh? No lah, I just like to give drastic example to get my point across….:)
Don’t you think this argument of “the previous gov did worse then me, so it’s ok if I screw up now” already sounds very stale! Unfortunately, our CM seems to have stuck with this old habit whenever he can’t find any better justification…..:)
People already done much better job compared to the last one… give him a break…
This place will developed but now the question is fast or slow?
@Joo Joo
You got the point~~…
but more and more penangites(island) will move to Batu Kawan, if it become an own sustainable city; eco, comfortable and of cause with better infra…(traffic…). Compare to Bayan Baru, I prefer to live in BATU KAWAN…
Agree with you, it does sound like Batu Kawan will be better the Bayan Baru.
However, it would be stupid for anyone to buy apartments in Batu Kawan (as shown in pics) because landed are suppose to be affordable there. Do not let Aspen fool you into buying their overpriced apartments.
@Sew Eng
well-said… we dont want a hideous kl like development in penang….
Went to the launch today..selling like hot sign of slowing down at all
i read somewhere in this forum….
ikea on hold its project in batu kawan…is that true?
@john mind telling us what are they launching? Any pricing info?
1.2mil++ for each 3 storey shop lot . Monthly Maintenance RM600. Each shop lot have individual elevator. Most of the buyers is from KL. The project Will complete by 2018.
Later we will have people turning it to housing ‘swiftlet’ for their bird’s nest soup.
Very tempting.thanks
For those of you who have been relying too much on the internet for information, rumours are never to be trusted.
Just got an invite from Aspen. They will be holding a Ground Breaking on the 14/9 with IKEA.
It’s now a matter of time for Bandar Cassia to become develop.
Eco World acquired more than 450 acres of Leasehold land within Bandar Cassia for their Eco Marina development. Aspen Vision City’s development is Freehold. If Eco World price any of their residential properties anywhere similar to their Eco Meadows development, surely if Aspen sells their residential even if it is a condo or high-rise at about RM400k it will be extremely attractive as their development will be walking distance to IKEA.
Eager for their next launching. Ringgit falling in value can’t invest in Forex anymore. Buying property to hedge recession and depreciation.
Investor, what time is the ground breaking, anyone can go?
Today Lim Guan Eng already launch the ground breaking !!!! below link…..
You said “Ringgit falling in value can’t invest in Forex anymore”.
That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
buying BM high rise is better than BK high rise, bk is new beautiful high rise ghost town invested by kl and penang ppl without existing old development. PPL only go walk walk Ikea but not living
I think BM guy always say that. but BM dont have University. Any comment invest in BK or Butterworth high rise?
Does anyone know who is the biggest shareholder in aspen group? It is a Relatively new developer from Penang. I can’t find the info. Must be someone influential and big.
I want to know coz aspen just reverse take over a tile making listed company which is link to the tan family of igb.
I also eager to understand details about aspen group. Chairman is Dato Seri Nazir, CEO is dato Murly, director is Mr oh & Mr Lim. Very interesting to understand how they can move so fast. Sponsor Penang football team also.
Aspen is just ex-Ivory.
Seberang perai house is only suitable for seberang perai people. Seberang perai really not a good place to live. Kampang style shopping mall, food not good, place ulu, not place to travel, air is dirty. Better live in penang island. Seberang perai just left for seberang perai people.