Skycube Residence
Skycube Residence, comprising a mix of luxurious condominiums and landed residences by GSD Land. This development is strategically located along Persiaran Relau in Sungai Ara, Penang. Offering unique layout designs and resort facilities.
- Beach-inspired Swimming Pool
- Children’s Waterpark Pool
- Sun-rich Decking Area
- Waterfront Gym
- Designer Landscaped Playground
- BBQ Area
- Reflexology Paths
- Scenic Jogging Trails
- Fun Kids Zone
- Expansive Open Spaces
Project Name : Skycube Residence
Location : Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Condominium & Landed Residence
Total Units: 410 (condo), 20 (semi-detached)
Indicative Price: RM640,000 (condo), RM1,751,000 (semi-d) onwards
Land Tenure : Freehold
Developer : GSD Land (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Location : Sungai Ara, Penang
Property Type : Condominium & Landed Residence
Total Units: 410 (condo), 20 (semi-detached)
Indicative Price: RM640,000 (condo), RM1,751,000 (semi-d) onwards
Land Tenure : Freehold
Developer : GSD Land (M) Sdn. Bhd.
Location Map:
wondering is it all the condo sold by developer will not include MOT if they stated free legal fees
MOT is not legal fees… mention free MOT means no free lunch lah…
I heard only cost around 5-6k, correct me if I’m wrong.
MOT not absorbed by developer. Developer pay only legal fees for SNP and loan agreement. Pls advice the estimate MOT, 5-6k or 20k??????
I think it should be around 12K+ for 600k, where First 100,000 1.000%, Next 400,000 2.000%, Remainder 3.000. If I am not wrong.
Yes, you’re r right, and add on a few hundred on the fee for transfer of ownership title.
Can anyone confirm if all legal plus stamping are embeded in the purchase prices? In other words, so called “free b’cos GSD absorb them”. tq
Agreed! My aunty & cousin working in Sg also bought 2 units but is gardens unit as nowadays landed is very expensive. They told me Skycube is a ideally from Sg 1 of the luxury condo & also told me buy in east or north better buy in south west as our CM also said coming 10 years south-west is the hot zone & potential to purchase. I waiting GSD Jalan Baru new project as i heard they have coming new launch in april/may. Any idea? I very confidence jalan baru now is one of the potential places to purchase
where is Jalan Baru ?
How is the sale now?
Last Saturday i bring my friends went to visit the show unit, saw that tower B was sold out more than 50%..
The property market significantly drop compare about a few ago. 1st time I heard their project sold more than 50%. In the past was close to 100% sold out at same day of the project launched day.
haha,the unit table was showed sold out unit nearly 70-80% but i didn’t really go and count how many unit left. so i only dare to say sold out unit is much more than 50%. @SP
Is this property/developer good ? workmanship good ?
Planning to get one, how is the construction now ?
Anyway, how is the sale ? hehe…
Any news on this condo ?
The new Jalan Baru will be near to the Pacific Mall…if not mistaken…
near to Megamall prai hot location
My aunty contractor told us GSD workmanship is good & financial also very stable that’s why no worry to enter their project. I saw is pilling is on going for last month for payment & can see Gardens Ville condo is already covered the top….
Hey the selling price is different compare to one half years ago but can see the sales figure is very good when i saw the price chart. Others project near the area i heard is not good respond….I think GSD have a lots of supported as their project sell fast & construction also very fast to complete….
Is the showroom for
Skycube residence open today (Saturday)? If yes, till what time?
Sg Ara/Relau is oversupplied with condo.
Go to look for one in town/prime area.
I see the price dropped in this area.
Zan Villa, two and half storey Semi D, asking price dropped from 1.2m to <1.1m already.
On condo supply situation, I don’t wan to comment much since I have many friends and relatives invested there.
Specifically on Zan Villa, the reason have very much to do with the tenants, non G&G etc, u need to drive there and see by yourself.
that would explain why the Setia Green sell much higher even though just 1300 sqft land.
How’s the sell as per today? 90%sold? Or remaining at 50% units available?
Per chart ( Estimation only )
Block A more than 80% sold
Block B more than 60% sold
Not good at all… everyone very cautious… will be worse when all other projects complete..
I attended the show at QB during the weekend and the participate is good an heard that is a lots booking on going, Block B should be above 70%
Consider ok without DIBS….
If still have DIBS, no more units left after 1st day launched
offer 50K + 20K voucher and 2nd car part RM 3888.00
Market is slowing now, true, but still got people going to buy, also true. Remember last time Setia Pinnable launched, got a lot of “property haters” said this project going to suck out all remaining potential buyers in Sg Ara, Relau, Bayan Baru, other coming projects nobody will buy any more .The fact is, new coming projects also sold out and construction took place (dont tell me 100% sold out then only consider sold out, there always got so called “not good facing or level units” that people tend not to buy, cause got other project to choose). Garden Ville, One Imperial, Promenade, Imperial Residence, Skycube….People still need property and still buying…only it is not as hot as last time.
Yup, the market is slow now. But this is the right time to buy, if affordable. Next year house price will increase after GST implement.
GST implementation will affect the property value? Does it means this is a good news for the property owner and investor? please enlighten me the case. Thanks.
GST will definitely impact raw materials used in construction. Whether it would affect the final property sale value depends on the willingness of developer to absorb the added costs.
Absolutely agreed and the price of the property surely follow the trend but of course not drastically but slow & steady.
Any buyer here, I was just made a booking during the show last week, and now awaiting the approval from the banker.
Congratulation ~!
welcome to skycube….
Anyone get S&P and loan agreements ready?
My friend got S&P & loan agreement signed at somewhere March 2014 but the loan not yet released to developer, may I know when only developer will request for money ?
I signed both on jan, called yesterday s&p stamped but loan in the middle of stamping process. But, I have been told stamping should be done by February, now look like 3 months delay.
Bro, I followed Zan Villa for the past few months. Price drop from 1.2m to <1.1m is not true. All units selling at 1.18m to 1.25m now depends on owners. There is only one unit selling 1.05m which is <1.1m as mentioned by you. But do you know why the owner want to sell so cheap ? Don't based on or iproperty price. Go to that unit and have a look. Then tell me will you buy at 1.05m or even 1m ?
I signed all on Nov-2013, i called the lawyer firm that the S&P agreement ready, but the loan agreement not yet ready. Dono why take so long?????
I don’t know how update is your info. But I book at March, signed both and downpayment at April, just receive the letter today for the balance caue my loan not 90%, and also receive the letter that they will withdraw 10% money from bank. All buyer should be receive next week. Almost 90% sold, and according to them, almost 70% with loan approval.
perhaps we should visit and see thru our own eyes before give comments and judge the unit by uncertain values and other factors. I agreed with you.
I am one of the Skycube Residence buyer here, 28th floor, any friendly neighbourhood?
just received the cc letter yesterday from Skycube to my bank, asking 10% payment for Phase 2a.
hi wayne,
so what we are going to do for phase 2a? Received the letter today morning.
Whats wrong with you EE? Childish? this is forum who open for discussion right, if you not interest to share here please walk away to think to your own way….
Nice design…..When was the target of completion?
may i know which bank u all took for housing loan? tq
your bank will release money to developer and is time to start paying loan
Any idea how much psf are they selling now??
I heard the selling point for Skycube is the Beach-inspired Swimming Pool sort like the hard rock café style? the artificial beach??
The landscape also look fascinating apart of the art- beach.. But the price also looks ” fascinating ”
If so, this may be the first condo with the “beach swimming pool’ in northern region, maybe this is the USP as mostly all the new build condos are infinity pool architecture design. I heard the pool very big also..
Tokyo traffic jam, Bangkok jam, Singapore jam, Shanghai Jam, KL jam….. all jam but property value still climbing like hell, so for those who want to avoid the jam, can consider to move to the ‘ulu’ area… no traffic jam issue, less residential, no crowd…..
HAHAHA…Well said!
Hello, I have paid the deposit and going to apply the loan now, wish me good luck and hope to be part of you guys.
which tower? facing pool?
Received call from law firm, can collect my stamped S&P and loan agreement!!
28th, facing pool and hillside, should be very nice view…
What’s the price now?
I went to see the GSD sales office, the unit design is nice but for this area selling at RM 500 psf sounds like over the price value, but I have been told the facility build area at 0.6arch, any input to share?
“this area selling at RM500 psf sounds like over price value?” you said….
well what is the current talking to sell price now for completed properties around this area?
taking design as an added value….would you buy a subsale unit from this area or would you prefer to buy skycube?
facility built up area at 0.6 arch? no idea what is it…just can do the comparison of its scale against the tower…from the brochure a gsd website
just checked..gsd still have some units left at RM 665K range+/-
after discount abt RM 480psf+/-
S&P and loan agreement ready to pick up
Received letter from GSD that 2a piling completed
I have view the demo house, may go to pay the deposit this weekend, city view, middle floor, I am impressed with the facility esp the big beach pool, but still a little bit of hesitation due to the economic as lot of news coming negatively…any comments?
@Genuine Buyer
Proceed. Won’t go wrong with GSD.
what make you said so? sound very convincible and steady, are you one of the buyer of Skycube Residence? please enlighten me..
You’re which department in GSD? I must ask your boss to reward you.
we are more prefer to realistic and judgeable news instead of unreal and very art circulation behave… but not doubt Skycube has their own USP…but overall, pricing is the killing point two cents
@Concern buyer
It is depend on your own affordability and the unit fulfill your expectations and requirements.
the layout is nice. My unit face pool.
unit facing pool….= afternoon sun direction?
which tower? heard that tower B will get direct hit from afternoon sun
Me & my friend bought the garden unit … like the landscaping and carpark allocation
tower A. corner unit. yes, afternoon sun.
but face garden ville, morning sun.
Good to see so many discussion here in this forum. I’m Block A owner, pool view.
Loan has just disbursed by Maybank.
“overall, pricing is the killing point”…you said…
at about RM470 psf…..I agreed….but comparing sub sale of surrounding areas…..this is more easily accessed due to lower cost of entry….come to think of it….this project did in a way “hurt” the sub sale price of surrounding areas….like elit for example.
What make you said so? It’s mean generally this price range is competitive w subsales market surrounding Sg Ara? Please share your though.
it jus mean, if i were to buy subsale at that price range….i would have higher entry cost due to… fees, that would have to be fork up….but if buy Skycube directly new….all fees are “covered” by developer..
$480psf, could we get some other better area?
humph….one man meat maybe another man’s poison.
What’s the size of your unit?
Facing pool should be more than $480psf….
hv you taken a/c into the price after the special “discount”
“discount”?, if you would like to know more……refer to page #1 postings #70 ~ #80 by other forummers.
Gov already ban dibs, dev come up with special discount package. All these specual pacjage encourage speculation. Sad. Everyone is greedy. Developer do it, got buyer like it. Ultimate winner is developer. Ultimate loser is sustainability property industry.
mkt strategy? refer to page 1, posting #162
Where else can get for better place at 480 psf? please enlighten me. Thank.
Did you see I were posting a question?
I also need enlightenment!
@Grace u can check project imperial residence rm480psf under ideal developer,buy before gst
Anyone know if GST apply to subsale condo or not?
u believe it?
In this case, it is not about marketing. It is about having minimum cost for buyer to own a property. Creating a fake affordability level. Promote speculative buying.
The clothes buying example in #162 is nonsense.
Simplified example where figure are for illustration purposes:
Developer A want to sell at 600k without special package:
– The cost of owning a house up until OC is 60k (downpayment) + 40k (interest up until OC) = 100k
Developer B also want to sell at 600k but with special package. So he jack up the price to 700k with 60k rebate on downpayment and 40k ang pow for servicing interest during construction.
– The cost of owning a house up until OC is 0k.
Correction: For the second case, the cost of owning a house from developer B should be around 10k++. (because the SNP selling price is 700k, different downpayment as well as different interest amount compare to SNP selling price of 600k).
In this example developer B is achieving higher if not equal profit margin than developer A. But to buyer, the initial cost of owning a house is much lower if he choose developer B property. Good for speculator who just sell off when OC obtained.
I think many people understand this but the problem was initial upfront money was tough part.
So, many buyers have no choice but to accept the cruel fact buying it with low downpayment.
Just like developer strategies by saying condo partial furnish, ang pow discount la, absorb legal/snp fee la….actually all those freebies were already factored in.
I dont believe there’s free meal from Developer. I guess most of the developer only try to max out their profit margin. Even if 1 day they bid the land cheap, they also wont sell it cheap.
End of the day, it will be up to the buyers on which budget, location, size & etc that fit most.
Like many others, you did not fully understand the issue.
People are talking about speculation prevention, sustainable property. You have to look at the whole picture and have long sighted.
Ya, maybe i really dont!
r u jus wanna be holding the “moral” ground talking about the “right” or should hv…..while the others are not “right”,..but in the end there will be loser in the system…will it be you or the others…just wait and see.
I think a few years ago…there had been many people talked about the same things.
it to me about opportunity and the insight to be foresighted and make the correct decision when the opportunities are given….be it timing, environment or govt regulations.
(also much depends on what one is seeking thought…monies or “moral/principals/beliefs”)
in mkting it is not whether 1 is to believe or not… is what the info is making the effect onto the mass….
you mentioned it is not about marketing……but i think it is and the info is affecting the masses into believing…what you had just mentioned….minimum entry cost, promoting spec,..etc.
but fake affordability?…doesn’t bank loan DSR regulations filtered that out in some way?
How’s the sales of The skycube as per today?
jus countered…units without stickers on the charts
all in (including pent houses and low floor units)
about 40 units per tower without stickers
This consider good response?
No wonder almost every month also got booth in Queensbay.
A garden unit buyer – i just hope the swimming pool and landscape is comparable to Quayside
One of the blooming places and soon to be the “in” location prior to limited land. If the development manages this project well, skycube and other projects in surrounding area will definitely gain status. Overall, the project by GSD Land seems promising, let’s see the project Summerton and decide for ourself.
are you the buyer of GSD project?
location? there is a TNB building coming up beside the current “old” folks home….there is a sign board erected at the current “old and bumpy” small road. hope fully it is not a BIG one.
there are now land clearing activities behind the current GSD office…..hopefully they dun’t build something tall that can obstruct the hill view.
I have been told the pool view unit is nicer then the city view, any input to share?
yes, was told too…the skyline view is morning sun facing….google mapped the place….most probably the view from the living room would be seeing, Sierra Residences and Garden Ville. there is a small windows…i think it is unit 3 & 4 on from tower B is not obstructed by these 2 high rises. currently the pool view which is afternoon sun ….got no obstruction…but now there is land clearing activities in front of it….
I am, any insights that I should know of?
I believe some projects are necessary, the land clearing activities should be for the upcoming Venti project? Correct me if I’m mistaken. Or perhaps widening, repairing roads for future usage.@buyer88
can this crowded area becomes the next paya terubong?
Huuumph..Venti project is in between Skycube and the “new” road in front of the current GSD office….the land clearing activities is behind the office after the current “old and bumpy” road. IF one know the place….travelling from the relau, passing the “old folks home”..just after the sharp bend…on the right is a sign board proposing a new TNB station….then beside that the land fencing up and clearing activities…without sign board yet…up till the current cluster of older single story terrace houses
depending on how one see it….if comparing the number of units…i think yes about similar (just agar- agar only not calculated)…if comparing the number of higher costed condos….Relau wins….number of swimming pools..Relau wins…number of schools (including proposed) in the surroundings…Relau wins again…
EcoWorld and Mah Sing have huge projects in Paya Terubong. What is your concern?
For this relau area, we still have empty land for EcoWorld and Mah Sing to develop?
Venti project from which developer? High rise or landed? Anymore info to share?
I thought you look down on Paya Terubong. No?
What good about Relau or Paya Terubong? Full of house, condo and flat?
be in the business of selling cooking gases?
Full house no good?
When over crowded no good.
Staying in condo itself already crowded. Now have to be surrounded by many other condos. Faint.
You better hope that this area won’t be dominated by foreigner.
Also crowded area hard to manage. Now look ok, later susah to say.
Relau more crowded, sg ara not much, this place sure boom with SP Setia project surrounding
are you also implying the properties at the northern part of Penang? Tanjung Tokong, Tanjung Bungah, areas around Tourist hotels belts? All are also surrounded by condos. How is the situation of the properties there? “Faint”? . Yes…on the pricing of the properties
I am more worried when no crowd at all. Vandalism target.
it already happens…..Relau is well known for foreigners for the past 10 years or more. Didn’t you notice them on the way to to work?
although the area is crowded but at least Skycube is low density, that’s one of the reason why i like it.
400units consider low den? what make you said so?
400 unit nowaday is low den oredi compare to 892unit of Clovers Project. LOL
Venti is a project by GSD Land, landed property project which haven’t launch. Basically Skycube Residence will be surrounded by landed properties.
so the conclusion is Skycube can be consider due to the high den, location, surround by landed properties, high price, new development?
Venti had been launched. i would not label it as “surrounded”…because it is only on 1 side. have you calculated the number of Venti units allocated around Skycube? Go Find out 1st.
please about Venti..Thanks.
Typo erro, I meant could you please share about Venti …
check out the GSD website?
it has layout plan and others…
Stay possitive abd good thing will come to you.. akways think bad and you got nothing.. i can assure you 5 years later you will regreat.. you may repeat the same mistake if you didnr change your mindset.. im 31 this year.. got 3properties and 1 shoplot.. i wont say im successor but i tried and wanted to b.. no one know about the future.. at least u know ur current situation
Do u mind to share how much total property debt u have now? All of them u service yourself or with others like wife or fren?
Owing many properties it doesn’t mean you are consider success in fact it reflecting the burden you are carrring heavy weight debt unless you are telling me the loan is completely settled or the total properties rental are feeding you instead you serve the loan..
well said “Tutu”.
Of course, Venti has 20 unit. What I meant is surrounding are filled with many completed landed house
It depends on your perception, everyone has their own.
Agreed. As long as it is manageable everything gonna b alright. I started by 20k buying my first property Basewater back to year 2008. Second property Summer place year 2009. Third 2010 The Peak and this is the 4th one this year. All by my own..
31 quite young.. im proud of you.. risk taker. Wait no more. Continue invest good property. Sell them off when u think is right time. You should b millionaire. Basewater, summerplace and the peak now very expensive.
Why care about how much ppl owe? take me for example, I owe 1 millionaire, but my properties market price are 3 millionaires. And for those who tiap tiap hari pray property price will drop 50%, you can sit tight and keep waiting. In terms of holding power, i m using full flexi mortgage loan package; i can withdraw cash anytime i want to. i m not here to show off, when ppl give u piece of advise, think of it positively lar..
Another bullshiter.
Nothing right or wrong. I juz want to change my life. So i try my best to invest and take risk. Btw i hav pay off basewater and summerplace. I will continue to invest and hope i can retire earlier. Im sorry if i say anything wrong here. My intention jz to hope we all stay positive always.
and the bullshit continue hah…..
Good luck to you.. hope u success too.. dmust b reason the behavior like tis. Try to stay open. Tomolo is bright. I respect ur feedback but try to b constructive. Suggest to attend diddiculty intetaction one day course. Make ur life better.
talking to bullshiter don’t need to be nice.
Support u…No risk no gain…Hope I can be like you when I am 31. ^^
Like him kuat bullshiting?
How the fxxx do u know he is bullshitting. U think everyone is a loser like u??
really stupid moron.. deserve to be houseless.
How you know i am houseless? Read properly what he says, then you will know he is bullshitting.
Why the fxxk you wanna bother whether people are sharing their real experience or bullshitting? You are ruining this forum, you are the only bullshitter here, pls cherish your own time and leave us peace, thanks for your cooperation.
Every owner also same. unreasonably defensive.
bullshit about good thing of their property buying is ok.
say negative point even it is truth is not ok or loser.
Invest in this area is going to be hard. Too many condo. Furthermore, this project is late comer compare to others. Going to face huge price pressure from those earlier condo in this area. Fierce competition going to come from one imperial and imperial residence which has so many units with lower entry price. Rent out does not help either. With 2500k++ instalment, rental can’t cover.
I foresee end up renting to factory worker or bangla.
For short term investment, don’t see can earn a lot.
sungai ara gt factory? y I always saw many bangla around setia pearl island there?
Sungai ara don’t have. But south west area is FIZ. Anyway bangla and indon at relau is more towards construction worker. Not factory worker. Since construction is still on-going for at least another 10+ years in this area, i don’t see they will go away soon. If their number increases, got potential influx into these so called high end condo in this area.
Haha…no need to argue lah. For RM500-600k, should seriously consider Batu Kawan landed. There will be new launching coming soon starting end of the year, very nice landed homes with huge future potential. No need to waste your time here……:)
You will have ikea, ikano, luxury outlets, university, country club, theme park etc in Batu Kawan. It will be a “happy” place to live in. “Happy” as in less debt more fun.
at times, it is not abt pricing that made sole purchase decisions. other considerations includes familiarity about the area, nearer to place of work, children schooling, parent leaving nearby, friends and others. there is no right or wrong about the decision others made. But if want to “flip” then the consideration may differ.
Agree. I heard ongoing project like sierra residence is 300k ++ only. They have huge advantage on entry price. How to fight? Need to wait all of them get flushed out from the market first.
Im proud owner buying for own stay. More n more projects coming in this area and im confident this area will boom.. consider selling 5 years later n may b move to batu kawan. Not worry abt able to sell it later as no one will know what will happen 5 years from now.
For own stay should be fine. Short term invest is tough.
Does anyone realize that GSD added an extra facility: Sauna into the list? Any confirmation from GSD?
just wanted to seek information from current residences around GSD projects in Relau (Skycube, Sierra or Garden ville)…is there any loud speaker sound from nearby surau? I think the nearest one is at Seri Pahlawan…am I right? do they have loud speaker blasted in the early morning? Sorry…this is not abt race or politic…just wanted a peaceful sleep.
Yup.. We need peaceful rest as well if bought over it.. Anyone can enlighten both of us
This is a good news! But will they remove or replace this facility but redraw out the existing facility ?
over 500k, u have to pay 3% 600k=18k, u need to prepare 20k for MOT before OC
Significant amount of cash to fork out later. When skycube was launched, i have been considering whether to go for this one or landed property in mainland. At last i chosed landed property in mainland. It is a guarded scheme, so no MOT.
You are comparing between apple with others ..
How’s the occupancy as per today? Still road show every weekend ?
got roadshow every weekend meh….would like to bring my family to there for some fun….
counted last week….about 20% per tower still “no stickers” if minus those about 10% for the penthouses and very low floors units….guess there are about 10% left per tower.
btw,…adding to my earlier post….the nearest ‘surau” (proposed) is opposite at the Setia Pinnacle…saw it at its layout plan.
mostly skyline view (morning sun facing units) are still avail when compared to the afternoon sun, pool facing units
last week a lawyer told me,….it is based on the valuation at that time….all in is about roughly 25K…..he said jokingly…sell it before MOT lah..then no need to pay.
It’s means the Surau is Just around the corner nearby the skycube
not really, it is just another property investment/buying choices. different strategy apply to different people. for me, i already have condo in island, i think it is good to diversify my portfolio. i have confident in landed property in right mainland location.
It’s means the Surau is Just around the corner nearby the skycube
just wondering will Surau has loudspeaker blasting everyday? never lived near one before
Your are wrong pls go to check it out
Checked GSD website, they added sauna without removing any facility.
hmm….how many will use sauna. I personally don’t use it. I am worry the more facility the higher maintenance fees/burden.
You are absolutely right. A lot of these condo facilities are normally not used at all, and then left dilapidated, becoming an eye-sore.
I also concern more on maintenance fee than extra facility, just wanna share what I saw from GSD website.
Guarded no mot, gng yes.
“mot”…u r right…gng
Anyone hav comment on the 15floor unit?with extra 300sf so
Called balcony which can see the garden on 14th floor?
is there a “utilities room” or water pump room 14 or 15 floor?
can someone check it out if happens to be at GSD office and feedback?
Seriously?i thought going to pay booking on this Saturday for a unit on 15th floor.
Pls advise me!
Any input from the buyer about the beach pool design? I have been told is surround by the real sand beside the pool.
So what is the actual selling price now? There is a rebate on going and developer is offering the so called rebate commission, apparently this is similar w the DIBD it just different with the repayment method? Anyone can share your two cents
looking at the picture (at the top of this site)….it looks like got sand on 1 side of the pool….but things can change before, during and after construction….btw, what input from buyer that you wanted to seek?
after rebate, ranged about RM 570K to RM 620K…for the “normal” units.
This price range is very reasonable and relatively moderate, should address as lower price category but luxury condo facility
The market is getting very scary. Nothing can move ta all. I hope there won’t be psychological breakdown. Pls help to keep the price up guys! Hold on to your unit if you can’t sell at the price that you want.
What you mean by getting scary ? Please be more specify, thanks
I think he mean property market going to crash, downtime is approaching, all property price collapse…etc, all negative talk will deliver and disclose then ..
I m
We are totally agreed and support your statement .. We hope no one going to spoilt the price value by lowering to the bottom just want to withdraw the heavy burden
I tot the market is now in recovery stage. Bad time has passed. Next year will be a better year. Let see.