State wants proposals for theme park and golf resort in Batu Kawan

Top planners: (From left) Rosli, Lim and Deputy Chief Minister II Dr P. Ramasamy briefing the press on developments in Batu Kawan, Penang.
THE Penang Government will hold a Request For Proposal (RFP) for the purchase, lease and development of an international theme park and golf resort in Bandar Cassia, Batu Kawan.
PDC general manager Datuk Rosli Jaafar said those who submit tenders are allowed to propose other developments to ensure the viability of the overall project.
PDC has allocated 87ha for the international theme park while another 190ha is set aside for the 18-hole golf course and other developments.
“The developments should be social based and not a product they can impose a charge such as public swimming pool, outdoor amphi-theatre for performing arts or a sports complex, just to name a few.
“With the second Penang bridge due for completion at the end of the year, it is the right time to embark on the project that will benefit the region.
“This will also give a boost to the people on the mainland as well as promote the tourism sector,” Rosli said in a press conference here yesterday.
Rosli said the request for the proposal will be open from Aug 14 and the closing date is on Oct 31.
The theme park and golf course must be built and completed within four years from the date of signing the agreement for the project.
Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said the state needs to leverage on the services and manufacturing sector.
“This is especially in view that the manufacturing sector is experiencing a slow growth on the first quarter this year,” said Lim.
The manufacturing sector last year in the first quarter experienced a growth of 4.4% while it only experienced 0.3% this year.
On the other hand, the services sector fared better with a growth of 5.9% in the first quarter this year compared to 5.7% last year.
Lim added that it is important to have a balanced growth of the tourism sector not only on the island but also the mainland.
Will these boost the property prices on the mainland?
Definitely. Even before the 2nd link open, properties price in southern perai region significantly going up. The only lagging behind region is northern perai only.
wah very nice loh, stay in batu kawan, cheap properties, can play golf, got theme park, ah ean seafood everyday, sommo got bridge straight to work place! Keep it up LGE, i think this is the right direction. But ah, pls fix your one-street problem in pulau tikus asap, beh ta han liao!!!
Mainland will be develop and the island will be so called yesteryear when this few mega project is completed. Butterworth Sentral, penang bridge 2nd link, tunnel, batu kawan theme park, industrial and residential. More and more investment and opportunity will sway away from island to mainland. Time will only tell as there is very limited of land in the island and considering the cost to be develop.
why not Penang state government develop theme park in Teluk Kumbar. Penang island almost have everything, Heritate, luxury shopping malls besides the Theme Park. Teluk Kumbar still have plenty of empty places and nice seaview and natural sea shore …it should good enough to build up one Ocean park..of course, it is just my point of view…
Good one…… but if to be better than island side, need another generation. There are a lot of things that can’t be happen in years.
It is good that the state has big plans for the mainland (especially batu kawan since the 2nd link is already there) as the island becomes more and more tourist/foreigner centric. More locals will be “forced” over to mainland due to high property price on the island. So the state is fulfilling it’s duty in making mainland a better place to live in for the locals.
Island will slowly become a territory for the well-off/foreigners/tourists, allowing Gucci, Prada shops and the likes to be setup along Gurney Drive. That will provide the impetus for Penang to move on to the next level of growth, which means a new level of productivity for Penang people, and in other words, higher income level.
So in short, both island and mainland will prosper if the state plays the cards right. Last but not least, pls solve the pulau tikus one-way-street problem ASAP before the school holidays end. Don’t just station a few donkeys (MPPP penguatkuasa people) chit-chatting by the road side, send someone with brains to figure out the bottlenecks.
Pls solve the traffic congestion and widening the road around Bukit Minyak, Alma and Tambun. Since so many development came with increase of population but road still the same old and narrow. Traffics is getting worst day by day.
Batu Kawan development move slowly. All this theme park, golf resort, hypermarket and etc has be planned in Batu Kawan Master Plan many years ago.
i agree with u, road must come first. At this time only one main road to Batu Kawan even the 2nd bridge will be opened in Oktober. Where the proposed link road from Juru and Nibong Tebal at north and south Batu Kawan?
You must be joking when u sd that that there is only one route leading to Batu Kawan, we have so many trunk road leading to Batu Kawan but i have to admit that coming to a point where it is only one road serving to Batu Kawan.
Seems like u dont keep up to date with the road widening at the roand leading to alma from B.Minyak and the permatang tinggi flyover. It has been upgraded.
**I seriously urged both of u not to mislead others by providing something irrelevant and giving a mindset that there is much development is on-goin in these area. Seriously u know nuts bout BM and parts of Batu Kawan.
Ok u tell me which road and road name to Batu Kawan at this time ?
1) Bk.Minyak (Industrial Area) to Batu Kawan
2) Simpang Ampat to Batu Kawan
3) North – South Highway (exit Batu Kawan)
Please do some homework before you gave any misleading information, thank you.
Ok from bukit minyak, simpang ampat or after u exit north-south highway which road u use to enter into the batu kawan area??
Do you need to know more bout the connectivity to Batu Kawan in the near future?
1)Juru to Penang Science Park, thru Penang Science Park it can reach Batu Kawan within 10 minutes.
2) Penang 2nd Link to Batu Kawan.
You can easily find 5 link road leading to Batu Kawan in the future. I wonder if you are from local or its someone who are trying very hard to be local.
Hi Aaron,
When you are already in Batu Kawan, how many trunk road else you need to connect to Batu Kawan, LOL. There is not much activity here, and it is still in the early stages of development unless you are to take seafood and to Pulau Aman only u come to Batu Kawan. So at the moment it is justifiable that only one main road in the whole Batu Kawan.
Nothing great is going to happen in Batu Kawan even given 10 years period.
It will just be another Bukit Kayu Hitam. It all depends on the communities
that are staying there.
Most probably another 15 to 20 yrs to see the whole development to materialise but then again only time will tell..
The second bridge will bring more traffic to this one and only road leading to Batu Kawan, should quickly construct another route at the south of Batu Kawan linking to federal road at Jawi area.
Thank you for your polite and courteous answer.
At the moment it is justifiable that only one main road (Jalan Batu Kawan) to enter the whole Batu Kawan “district”. According to plan, there is a proposed road to Juru at north Batu Kawan “district” and to Jawi at south Batu Kawan “district”, but do not know when it will be implemented.
I tot that is a new road under construction connecting the 2nd bridge to PLUS highway directly? No? Saw the new interchange under construction when traveling at the highway.
Yes main road from 2nd bridge directly to highway is under construction. This main road for pay toll.
i heard there is some proposal road like JEWAY. This proposed road name Juru Expressway directly from perai/first bridge to batu kawan/2nd bridge. But do not know what happened to the proposal
I understand these propose road you had mentioned is under state government, whereby the 2nd link project is under the federal government project. Its just that there is no allocation for the state government to go ahead with the project just yet. The connection has been on the news like 6 yrs ago but nth happen. I guess we can look for Mr.’TanKuKu’.
Mr.’TanKuKu’. Who is Mr. TanKuku?
JEWAY is built by IJM land as the condition of the reclaim land and the mega waterfront project approval. Unless Bt Kawan also have similar mega project, then it is possible. Otherwise, just wait for the Science park to connect to the Juru Autocity.
One road of Penang Science Park will connected to Jalan Kebun Baru (near Juru Heights) and directly to Juru Autocity. This proposal will probably take a long time becoz there will be more impact on traffic problems at Juru Autocity
Yea.. Progress is so slow and those proposed road is still left as proposed status. Who know when will the project will be given green light. Furthermore, only local will know about those trunk road mentioned. So, main road will always be cramp up especially after ALMA AEON completed and also ppl going to the theme park and so on. With the current speed of housing development in around this area, eventually those trunk road will be pack with cars too at the end if the widening project is not been speed up.
Yes after Abad Naluri has been terminate, most of the proposed projects and infra development is under PDC
So, when buying a property, it is better to choose a location fully developed amenities, than a location with tons of future development. I bought a semi-D in Simpang Ampat ~10 years ago, because of the news of the 2nd bridge. Luckily I din wait and sell it fast 3 years later. That time already heard of a new road from Science Park to Juru Height.
I bought a unit @Residency Cendana due to this rumours, and the reason is simple on why no green light was given to the proposed road linking Penang Science Park to Juru Height. ITs because these area is still consider un-develop and not much user will be using this link to work and also not much company were operating in Penang Science Park.
If so, it will be more impractical to built an expressway similar to JEWAY from Bt Kawan to 1st bridge as mentioned by Aaron.
I bought a unit @ Juru Heights because developer brochure states that Jalan Kebun Baru will proposed 100 feet and link to Batu Kawan and also Juru Heights similar concept with Jesselton Heights Penang.
Hi Brainless, you kena con by Tambun Indah to the Max. In my opinion,Tambun Indah is one of the most lousiest developer and are the developer that provide the lowest quality and is by far the worst in town. I would classified them to the lowest graded developer if i am a customer. They have con those Juru Heights buyer by providing false and hope of a very good surrounding but it end up to be the worst. For those who dont know, Juru Heights is a nest for those foreigner who works from far a way industry company and the area is not well connected. It is very deep and further in. What turn out to be worst is that there is a planning from the Federal Government to have a Pr1ma affordable housing just next to the Juru Heights.
To be frankly, I will never ever consider any products from Tambun Indah developer after what i had seen.
They (Tambun Indah) have the on-goin Township Launches which is called Pearl CIty @ Simpang Ampat, and i seriously feel that if u could not even built a Juru Heights taman properly how could you even built a whole Township properly. The same things goes to Pearl Cty @ Simpang Ampat, i being told by my friend that Tambun Indah promised that an International School will be built in the so called Pearl City the first in Mainland, Penang. Wow, let us just see what happen. I heard that the planned for an International school has just been scrapped and give way for other development. This is yet another joke if it happens to be true that no more First International School in Mainland. Pity again to the buyer. Can the authority just do something to stop these irresponsible and unethical developer from operating untill they have done what they had promised. I just feel that the state planning failed badly when it comes to this and pity for Tambun Indah buyer.
Property buying/selling in Penang is always based on willing seller willing buyer. No developer can guarantee you success. The failure of Juru Heights is mainly due to location. You can’t stop the banglas from loitering around, as 90% of the population in that area consists of blue collar foreign workers….:) You build the same shitty thing with the same super lousy quality in PulauTikus/TTokong/TBunga, I’d bet you will have all the expat/wealthy people as neighbours, and the price just double up….:)
So take it easy with the developer, my friend….:)
You are very wrong my friend, if its due to the location then you should not brand your products the same level as Jesselton Heights, Penang as the benchmark. Why claimed it Jesselton Heights, would you say that this is not cheating. If you could not provide the best out of the area and then blame it on the location thats really lame. Irresponsible i would say, thats my point of view.
**FYI, Pulau Tikus, TTokong, Bunga and Juru Heights are two different location which u totally cannot compare. You are now comparing an establish and develop area with an undeveloped area. You have no idea what are u talking,
Ya loh, how to compare Juru Heights vs PulauTikus/TTokong/TBunga leh? Cannot mah! Totally different thing! So how to make Juru Heights the same level as Jesselton Heights leh?? ….:D
In what way did the developer brand Juru Heights same as Jesselton Heights? The only commonality between the 2 is that the short form is JH…:D
U still dont get it dont you, what i am trying to say here is that when they (Tambun Indah) sold the products to you. They promise you this and that but then again when its completed everything is gone and when u go to them, they might just inform you that everything is only in the proposal and not real thing. SO what do you think, will a reputable developer like IJM risk their reputation by promising something that they cant. The answer is no, coz this is unethical i would sd but its very different with Tambun Indah. They just got a way like that.
Its not that the Juru Heights asking for a luxurious house or anything, they just wan a better environment and free from all those unhealthy activities. Do u understand what a CSR(Corporate Social Responsibility mean, A company’s sense of responsibility towards the community and environment (both ecological and social) in which it operates.
Please think back if Juru Heights (same location, same type and same no. of unit) is built by other developers, foreigner issue will still happen even from a reputable developer!
Finally, someone who understands basic logic and plain english….:)
Letz use IJM, Permatang Santuary for eg.. Permatang Santuary place used to chicken farm (untill today) and foreinger loittering area and what it is now today, the project is not even completed yet. U both are funny, will IJM project become like Juru Heights??? Fellow Penangpropertytalk forumer, i may need your comment.
Yes even built by Mah Sing, SP Setia, IJM or Airmas also foreigner issue will still happen at Juru Heights but i believe this reputable developer will find a solution and solve the problem immediately. Good developers are able to control and solve the problems. Lousy developer will not take a solution.
One more thing, Taman Cendana Juru developed by PLB Homes even is not a great developer but still can control their taman. So where is Tambun Indah class?
I fully agree with greener and condomana. Nothing to do with developer. “i build, I sell according to guidelines”. End of story.
If owners of projects from reputable developer wishes to rent out their units to foreigners, what can the developer do? What can JMB do? So long it is lawful then nobody can do anything.
Anyway, this CSR thing.. Since when they are practiced?
Avoid most development from mainland if what you have a choice. CSR is not just about ensuring the success of your new township… in the end, It all boils down to profit… There’s a price to be paid for premium location where you can possible avoid all this argument… mainland is so far too fragmented to start with.
Why Taman around Juru Heights not faced same problems? Good developer will ensure their Taman maintained and good condition even after the sale.
I take an example Taman Merbau Indah Phase 2 (non gated) develop by Ocean Max. First year after sale they provide safety arrangements control service free for 1 year. After 1 year resident community will take over the service. This developer objective is to ensure the quality of living even after the sale.
I as buyer of course I would feel Tambun Indah is irresponsible developer for this case. I have some question to developer :
1. Is it true there is a proposed 100 feet road link from Juru Heights to Batu Kawan?
2. Why use Jesselton Heights name and why after sale not become like Jesselton Heights?
3. Is there any unsold 2 storey terrace units and has agreement with some company to be use as a hostel worker?
Okay, no more and I quit my comments on this issue. Thank you
Finally greener, condomana and HUAT have the same thinking which can move you guys together. You guys are someone who is still living in the older days. Everyone talking about go green and future but then again you guys will still stuck in the 90’s. People like you guys will never move forward but just look backward and blaming the buyer for something they cannot foresee. Funny, CSR is very important for developer in order to maintain their good reputation. Please google and see what Tambun Indah do as a CSR but yet again they cant even look into their project, i suggest they should just quit these charity work but help out the Juru Heights folks first. One simple word just in case you dont know greener, condomana & Huat, “Charity Begins at Home”.
yes for info Taman Tunku, Seberang Jaya is CSR project under state government and partnership with developer Tambun Indah, IJM, New Bob, Sunway dan Air Mas Century. I think TAmbun Indah should look and solve the Juru Heights issues first! Your own child unmanageable but you want acting to take care of other children. very clever play…
No. 1 above is not sure but manipulated by developer
No.2 above is the biggest cheat by developer to increase sales. Frankly I never seen a housing project using other project name for selling except for the purpose of deceiving buyers. This tactic will give the impression for buyers that this area will be peace as Jesselton Heights Penang. Unfortunately the comparison that have been made are not true but for me the condition of Juru Heights is worse than some low-cost housing area
“Fellow Penangpropertytalk forumer, i may need your comment”
After comment, i kena group with others on the “same side” and kena tembak.
But I will respect your opinion instead as everyone else deserve to have their own thoughts.
Yes they build and sell according to guidelines but does this mean you can not help? At least help and try to solve. If you want to be branded developer, you need to have the expertise to help and solve the problem even no longer under your supervision. I believe if Juru Heights was built by another branded developer, they would try to help to solve the problem and Juru Heights condition will not so bad like now. Believe it!
Out of the curiousity, how can branded developer actually help?
Please, this is a general question to all.
My take is that those units who rented out to foreigners are legitimate and lawful.
In addition, if a group of banglas of 500people just love to linger around that area, I’d say they are not doing anything wrong for just lepak-ing, chit chat and hang out.
So how exactly any other developer can help in this specific case?
Any law in malaysia specify such peaceful “picnic” condition is not allowed if they are not malaysian but carries legal work permit to work in Malaysia?
Seriously, appreciate your advice with proper facts. Not opinion please.
General answer is see how nearby Taman handle this issue. Taman Cendana also has a lot of foreigners walking around, chit chat etc but still peaceful and under control. On paper Tambun Indah standard more than PLB HOmes (TAman Cendana). i heard all the nearby developer has a good relationship with the residents association except Juru Heights
Should we know Juru Heights is the first “HIGH END” project in Penang become foreigners placement (correct me if im wrong).
I heard majority foreign workers here are from Sony Electronic Perai industry. Try to imagine the distance between Sony Perai and Juru Heights, between this distance there are several Taman more closer to Sony Perai like Bayu Mutiara, Taman Cendana, Taman Manis, Taman Seri Delima and others but why Juru Heights?
Mind sharing how do nearby Taman handle such issue?
Did they enforce any law to “halau” owners which rented out their units legally to foreigners?
If they do, does this so call “law” an actual law roll out by the country or simple a regulation churn out by JMB which doesnt mean anything if brought up to the court in case of legitimacy battle between said owner and JMB?
Look, i am not a lawyer. But if there is no law saying that residents of any project can constitute a new regulations within a residential area to prevent rental to foreigners by owners and which I must stress again this regulation has to be approved and recognised, then nothing anyone can do to these owners who rent out their landed to 20 banglas for profit. It is totally legal. With 10 landed units rented out, You’ll have 200 banglas. Enough to brand a new making of next Juru Heights?
So What good is a branded developer in this situation?
Please, anyone, do share if you know of such regulation which residents can use to prevent a next “Juru Heights” effectively with proper law enforcement. Otherwise, you’ll see “juru heights” mushroom further, be it landed or condo.
By the way, these foreigners (which I assume has legal documents to step into Malaysia) has rights to stay wherever they want. Just like all of us when we are outside of Malaysia. I never heard of overseas residential places which discriminates placement of foreigners among their local residents in a residential area (at least not yet) by law. If there is, perhaps there is a plain justifiable reason why such ruling existed within that neighbourhood.
there is no guideline to prevent foreigners live there. As the word of the developer if you dont like or u cant live, u can migrate. The best thing is do research & survey before u buy property.
No need to research & survey, any development by Tambun Indah will be the last choice because the record is not good for last project. I rather trust the government project.
You have a a mentality of get lost if you dont like, one arrogant brat. We are talking about how to solve this issue, if a developer can help to clean up the river why not setting a simple guideline since it is their duty to maintain the standard of living of their project. You just dont know what are u talking about. It is as simple as 123, after u eat dont u wanna wipe your mouth with a tissue or u just leave it this way. LOLX…
try to think for a moment, in the case of Juru Heights issue which party should be more responsible?? The main Juru Heights issue is foreiners and house rented to foreigners. This is more on social issues not building, land or road issue. If any of the SOCIAL issues that arise after the sale, it is the responsibility of residents or community not developer. Juru Heights community should work hard to address this issue ..
That is why I kept asking if there is a law pertaining to this issue which helps residents to overcome this matter? But such ruling would mean malaysia is undermining foreigners of free movement and could backfire malaysians at overseas altogether. All in all, everyone plays a part but the alleged statement that developer is the root cause is not entirely acceptable in my opinion.
no guidelines to prevent. what can be done is to improve the community and discuss the situation. If there is any nuisance from foreign rental homes, the community can direct make a complaint to the MPSP and MPSP will issue a notice. What is important is cooperation among residents!
40 foreign workers having a party in one house. Is that nuisance?
what is the difference if 40 LOCAL people having a party in one house or ur neighbor make ‘kenduri’. for me no problem if there is no element of nuisance such as noise or any obstruction whether local or not. For me this is more a matter of perception coz they are foreign workers.
For social issues in Juru Heights, I think 70% is go for resident community not developer. I have a sister living in Juru Heights non gated. She said the problem here is the cooperation between the resident. some resident dont want involve in community, some dont care about other people problem maybe because the unit is not adjacent to foreigners