Tree Sparina @ Ideal Vision Park
Tree Sparina, the phase 1 of Ideal Vision Park in by Ideal Property in Bayan Lepas, Penang. This project is strategically located along Jalan Tun Dr. Awang adopting ‘slow-city’ concept that promotes healthy living, environmentally friendly practices, preserving traditional trades and cuisine and, generally, an improved quality of life for residents.
Property Project : Tree Sparina
Location : Ideal Vision Park, Bayan Lepas, Penang
Property Type : Mixed Development
Land Tenure : Freehold
Built-up Area: 1,130 sq. ft. onwards
Developer : Ideal Property
Contact No.: +604-645 6888
Indicative Price : RM500 psf. onwards
Great. Low cost flat design wif super high dense package selling 500psf.. good luck to those who order, u will get free aeroplane sound everyday also..
If aeroplane sound is concern, then every body should abandon ship for Bayan Mutiara and QBM area properties liao, because that area directly under flight route, worsen compare to Vision Park.
Complaining aeroplane sound? Please get your facts right, bear in commercial passenger and cargo aeroplane does not fly >900 km/h which does not break speed of sound which is >1200 km/h so the noise is more towards landing and take off.
In fact, roadway noise pollution and traffic condition that really penetrate..Compare to main motorway/highway, listening to boyracer mod MyVi with 3″ exhaust tip roaring noise.. aeroplane noise isn’t that bad or perhaps i am immune to such noise?
Near terminal is not noisy…because planes already is landing strip. It is those places right under the landing and take off route are the most noisy.
The new school location for Chung Shang and Heng Ee is surprising me. The SIS International school location finally appear.
Near to airport and railway line definitely will be noisy. If you can
tolerate, don’t bullshit its not noisy. Others might not prefer such
Just to tell you, many years back houses near to such places are
cheaper. Why do you think they had to sell cheaper if noise is not
a nuisance or annoying ?
Any comment on the unit (type B) on tower 1? Will it need to worry when phase 2 under construction?
Noticed that MOT is not covered on the package. What will be impact?
Regardless of the speed of an incoming plane, it will still be noisy…. Tolerance and ignorance is a different thing…. And stop kidding yourself ok… It will still be noisy….
Released for purchased d?
Flight path, speed and distance play important role on whether it will be ok, too much, or unbearable noise level. 2km away from the runway should not be a big problem for most people.
Yes. Limited units available. You can go to Ideal sales office to check-out the showroom and booking chart.
Layout almost identical to One Imperial. I think Ideal pricing strategy is always 10% lower than SP Setia and 50% lower than Mah Sing ($500/sqft Tree Sparina vs. $550/sqft Setia Sky Vista vs. $1000/sqft The Loft. Way to go!
What the rush, you have the $$$ ? No property to buy ? 1,945 units, If
$400/sq.ft. I won’t be buying for own stay. To speculate, YES.
Do you think its like selling cakes ? Limited units available. If Penangites
are all so rich, no need to eat hokkien mee and char koay teow as an
alternative to a decent meal for lunches and dinners.
looking forward to Big price drop ….
Price from RM565k onwards, good, still ‘affordable’. Once it completed, then will set all island condo with 1000sf for RM600k onwards (RM600/sf).
It can be more than 1000psf depend on project, if South Bay, The Light or Penang World City, u still can find some water fish foreigner buy from you after completion. But if you plan to earn local guy’s money for this project, u can just forget about it, just imagine after 3 years how many projects in Relau, Sungai Ara, Bayan Baru & even Teluk Kumbar??? U think local guy will come & purchase it let say 650K-700K for 1130sf condo kia from you? Which is the minimum earning for property investment. Firstly, 650-700K budget got many choice already in nearby area, secondly, u think those factory engineer kia got this budget after 3 years? Good luck to those who so called “booked”!!!
Let’s pray to those who think “now I only pay 10K, DIBS somemore, after 3 years for sure I can sell higher” ppl, just ask yourself, how much u plan to sell after completion? Who will be the potential buyer? Supply VS demand???
3 blocks sandwich together? At night no need to waste money on Astro. Just buy a binoculars and watch ‘Big Brother:Malaysian Neighbors Arguing About Mortgage-Edition’. Zero privacy. Forget about noise and worry about curtains.
@My sweetheart
Good… people should continue to wait and then rush to buy when the prices have already appreciated…. very wise of you…
Was at Ideal office last Saturday to sign SPA for OI…saw a lot of people coming in asking about this property. Like it or not many bookings were placed before my own eyes (min 3 within the period I was there ~2 hours). Although I agree that the booking chart may not reflect the actual number of booking but this project really attracts many buyers/investors….location wise better than OI but I guess it too late for me (personally still prefers OI for the layout and the price of course as I am buying for own stay)…whether the bubble will pop or not, I don know but I’m surely not one of those hoping for it…cheers
The best time to buy property is always yesterday. Don’t complain here n there after 3 years later when the property price in penang appreciate further. Later come and tokok at here again.
Found out a lot of person because he himself is factory kia, then he thought whole Penang people are also factory kia. Wrong mindset.
First of all, i m not factory kia. Secondly i know Penang got a lot of rich guys who invest in property, but definately not for this padang tembak flat design with super high dense project. Believe it or not. Majority who c9me n book this project would b factory kia. If u think it is worth it. Just jump in.
I definitely will no go for this project, too high density and the price is not cheap, if the price is RM400/sf then maybe still can be consider. Location wise, so so only but for those work in FIZ location is ok cause near to work place. Company or developer reputation so so only. Can’t see any advantage buying this project, can anyone enlighten me with the benefit invest in this project?
Where is the project having RM400/sf nowaday? I also looking for those pricing
For invest, it may happen as what you mention, but if for own stay, then it will another story. Just my 2 cent
Type A 1300sf layout is nice. Just 1 room (store room/ tea corner/ study room) lack compared to smaller units (type B & C 1130sf). Suit for small family who want a bigger space.
Type C 1130sf is having the most rooms, but the master bedroom is very small. Suit to bigger family and looking for cheaper unit.
Type B 1130sf is some how between type A & C. Less room (bigger master bedroom) and smaller unit (cheaper).
Tower 1 & 3 still ok with 8 units per floor, but Tower 2 is having 10 units per floor.
No layout on the podium so can’t comment much.
For the condo alone, I personally still prefer OI.
For own stay, ok, if u got such budget but u still want to jump in this super high dense and padang tembak flat design then i have nothing to say. Just look around nearby projects and compare. Just my 3cents
Padang tembak design..this one i absolutely agree. Really lookalike ayeritam, pdg tembak,paya terubong lmc outlook.
All are corner units design with spacious balcony and extra lanai. Your take and comparison with padang tembak flat really makes you look stupid and untrustworthy. My 2 cent.
Ppl r talking about the outlook design instead of interior. Common sense, everyone understand except u dumpass
Stupid monkey called other “dumpass”? Check your eyes, the outlook not flat flat one.
This is perception problem. If it is built by IJM in Tanjung Bunga area, even same outlook design, nobody will call it Padang Tembak. Same to aeroplan noise, nobody will say better dont buy QBM or Bayan Mutiara property even their are directly under flight landing route, but Vision Park 2 KMs away from landing strip, they can huhahuha claiming cant withstand the noise.
See, perception make people blind, subjective and become ignorance.
just came back from their office, each phase condos will be different type, now is phase1 (500++ units), and will be launched phase by phase starting from the army camp there all the way to the airport roundabout. Location wise not bad, not only located beside Jln Tun Dr Awang and access to airport round about, it can also connect directly to Jln Sg Tiram 1 then to Jln Sultan Azlan Shah. International School is at the land beside airport roundabout, and new Heng Eee primary and scecondary school are at the back of phase1 only. The sales person said this is the only phase that does not have shoplot attached to it, other phase will have shoplot at the ground floor like elite height. there will be one hotel (she said 4 star) further down that will be built something like airport hotel as now nearby the airport does not have hotel.
What do you meant by different type ? Definitely it will be will be launched
phase by phase. The perspective view are the same for every block.
if you go to their showroom and look at the Vision Park whole master plan landscape, they have the condo blocks layout for each phase (phase 1 to phase 6), all those blocks layout and shapes are different so the unit design will be different in each phase. i have taken a photo of the whole master plan for this project but don’t know how to upload the photo here.
Sorry to say but the design/facade/outlook of the building really look like LMC flat.
Needless to say, the density of project is sky high = 19xx units which is said could be the “highest density” ever in Penang. Just imagine 19xx units x 3 people in a family = 6k people staying in the building.
You’ll be able to foreseen the massive units renting out for foreigners(factory workers), 1 unit with multiple foreigners and so on, it would be a Mess at that time.
Please la.
1900 units for whole Vision Park projects. Vision Park is a property projects stretching from army camp until airport roundabout. Will you call QBM or Bayan Mutiara as Padang Tembak because that area also total up >few K of condo units?
i am doubt you know how big the whole area from the army camp all the way to the airport roundabout, you should go the site to take a look then you will know whether 1900 units in that whole area is high density or vice-versa
Phase 1 consists 1,945 units.
1 tower consists 600+ units? Sure bo?
This is absolutely wrong info, I asked the staff there a few times, phase 1 only 500++ units. It is a simple math, phase 1 has 3 blocks, per block is around 20 floors for occupation (exclude car park and facilities), one floor is 8 units (except block 2 has 10 units per floor). 3 x8 x 20 = 480 units plus the block 2 extra 40 units, total is around 520 units plus and minus.. If phase 1 is 1945 units then they need to build a 80 floors high per block here..LOL…
If I understand correctly that Phase 1 should have 548 units (3 towers). Total 1945 units will be cummulative from Phase 1 till 5. Long area from army camp until airport.
No idea will it be noisy when army trainning on shooting since Phase 1 will be nearest the army camp.
This is common sense. But still got people so ignorance enough to believe 3 blocks condo that with minimum size 1130sq per unit still can have total 1945 units.
Goreng, Goreng property!!
Almost all my friends in factory buy 1 condo in Penang for investment!!!
Every one wants to earn RM100K easily!! I also Goreng
Too many success stories, too good to miss.
The more, the merrier. By Friday, should be all sold out.
Should thanks the young couples/engineers married and then, hurry to buy condo.
This group generously gives us RM100K profit!!! Hehehe
No buyer, no people Goreng
i am still thinking want to buy or not as all the good units have sold out , 90% finished, only left those big units and face the west …and the agent told me tomorrow they are going to open to public and advertise in newspaper
when i was there last weekend, i can see a lot of couple that have kids book the unit, i think the Heng Ee primary school and secondary school that will be built near the phase 1 will be the draw factor here that explain why it attracts so many family with young children book the unit as in the south west area , that will be the first well known 國民型 setup there
3 x8 x 20 = 480 units. I block = 160 units. Is every unit has a build up
area of 2,000 sq.ft. ?
My friends , 5 of us went for lunch.Then, just stop by to see
End up, all booked 1 unit.
Sure appreciate after OC. Money money, easy money
scroll up to the top of this thread and look at the floor plan that was posted by the admin that you will know the sq ft and layout or you can go to their show room to see the layout and design
How much was the booking fee?
I guess the selling point is near to good school – Heng Ee and international school?
I see a lot of naive engineer kia… earn 100k? U think this is 2nd DPiazza? Bare in mind DPiazza entry cost is only 240K for 1300sf.
Hahaha.. finally dumbass agreed with the outlook d…
U can just ban ban tan lah… that time u just see u got how many competitors first lah…
Why not try look for other project in Sungai Ara such as Orchard Ville, Reflection, Merriden and Clovers? It’s much worth as compared to this project.
Nice try.
You bought early in those project, expect us to buy from your Goreng ?
We don’t know how to Goreng this one ar? Early bird, 1st phase
how much is the booking fee?
Of course, have to wait la. 3-4 years la
Of course, got competitors la, if no competitor , profit only RM100K meh?
You really tot there is only one “Tao” here meh? How come you so stupid one? Hahaha.
Since u hav so much bad comments to tis project, wat are those good project in yr mind?
He think that outside still have developer selling their project under market price, with iconic style outlook, nice location! Now land is running out in island and that the reason price getting higher compare year to year. I am interest to see what new project he can provide! Lol!
Good question. Let me put some money into your pocket. I am mainly invest in Tanjong Tokong area now. Of course entry cost would be much more higher than this, however u have to look at the potential buyer in future. Who going to buy from u in future? Penang rich guys? Rich foreigner? Or engineer kia? Think urself.
No need to ask what new project. U can just buy this one since u still New as your name. Future when your headhit the wall then u will become oldbuyer.. hahaha..
I just know that every project sure have pro n con. No doubt that this not be the best but also ppl bought this. Since you have more experience, why not just share your recommend project?
That’s right. It is not so good we discuss other project in this topic. I agree we should list down all the pro n con about this project n review it.
What’s the pros on this project?
Seems like you are an experienced investor, mind to share which TanjungTokong project so that we might gain some useful tips from you…
Just wondering why are you comment in this half a million apartment, isn’t it your interest is on those mid-high end market TanjungTokong area…why bother about this ..
just my humble 2 cent opinion, near schools, near airport (might be con also), nice landed property opposite, near main road, easier accessibility compare to Relau & Sungai Ara……. But still I will not go for it –> cons
As I mentioned, it is not so good we discuss other project in this topic, u shud know since not so much new projects there. Btw, I just kepo here only 😛
Ten years ago, I bought one semi D in Farlim RM 450k, my friend said I m glia.Later I bought another 3 storey terrace house at Bukit Gambir with RM620k, my friend said bubble will come, dun buy.2009, I bought DST at Setia Vista with only rm 640,, my friend keep on saying bubble is coming.2010, I bought one unit condo at Air Itam with 320k, my friend said I m gila bcoz I need to sell at least 480k then I can get earn 100k. Last year I sold all these project and get 2 mil profit. Now I won’t to buy this project, my friend still said that wait for sometime, bubble is coming. I m lost.
@Alex KK
Congrats bro, my situation same as u, I bought a small 3 stores terrace at Jelutong all my relative says bad location don’t buy, too exp now after 5 yrs my terrace can easily fetch rm1m. N I already switch it to a RM2m house bcos my so called over priced property help me pay off rm1m.
For those waiting for bubble you can continue.
I want to buy this project , but my friend said bubble sure will come soon.If now I buy with RM 600k, after three years I need to sell at RM 700+, nobody will buy from me.
@Alex KK
@How Siau
dont tell grandmother stories here … we know both of u are hardcore speculators …
parasites who dont do any real work … good only at makan , minum , kentut … lol ..
My own story. 3 years ago I bought currently LMC apartment for own stay. 680sqft RM110k with one car park. Now, its subsale value is RM200k. I am glad I bought it, instead of listen to people 3 years ago that bubble is coming. Else, I will join bubble believer groups now.
I hv my own job. I work fr 8 to 6 everyday. I dun hv that kind of mind to show off to others. I just want to use my money and earn for future. If I keep my money in the bank, I earn nothing and lost very second.If I hurt anybody, I will say SORRY.@Ken
Haha at least I’m capable rather than u knowing how to curse people because u envy, pity poor people like u
Tanjung tokong area might have subsale value but it will too far for those work in ftz. Time traveling just same as stay mainland. Don’t you think that?
Hello peers out there, what do you look for when you buy a new unit, for example this Tree Sparina?
Sun? View? Unit numbering? Which floor? Near elevator? Layout? Location? Congestion?
All of above?
Because personally I thought about all these. I welcome any comments. Thank you.
I have to agree with monkeyman. I bought brezza back in 2007 for rm500k now it is rm900k. I bought fettes residence for rm900k and sold it for rm1.35mill. I bought quayside for rm920k now I got one offer for rm1.4 mill. if I cash out now it is rm1.6mill net profit. …..just over 5 years. Tg tokong certainly worth investing. I bought a landed bungalow at tg bumgah for rm 1.1 mill back in 2009. now it is rm 2.7 mill…….
Anyone thought of what is the current psqf for D’piazza (fair price).
Do you agree that Tree Sparina same range as D’piazza?
I don’t see why t. tokong come into the picture. You are introducing BMW for those only afford Toyota/ Honda.
Those making handsome profit in t. tokong, any reason for you to look south? If this is a piece of rubbish, why waste your million dollars time to comment here?
Obviously, this is an attractive project that draw the attention of the t. tokong property tycoon, by reading on what they write. The hidden intention, still unknown.
@Land Expert
D’ Piazza is bad in many aspects, but superb in location. This project is better in many aspects, but poorer in location.
@Land Expert
D Pizza built quality is so so, good for first time buyer. Pro of Pizza is buy low couple years ago, sell high methodology…TreeSparina is better than Piazza.
Tree Sparina is a plan on paper only now.
Better ? Because the sales person told you?
My English teacher told me hor:
1 bird in hand is better than hundred birds promised in the future leh…. No?
@Land Expert
D pizza not only bad in built quality, the price is almost stagnant where you can easily find 1100 sq ft for 450k negotiable. Those D Pizza first time buyer already make profit and move out to a better house…Buying for own stay, not many will pick subsale D pizza unless one craze for this ideal location.
I can see that someone taste sour grapes..not sure what’s the reason. Like or hate it, it is your money. Why wasting time to comment if this is bad, dont have to bash. There are people from neighbouring states, Perak, Kedah or even farer move to Penang island, they settled down, secure a job, looking for an ideal house where mainland is not their prioriy because of traveling. The high entry cost of TanjungTokong may put them off hence there is still market for properties between 500-700k.
On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog. So…please bash with facts and figures.
I also don’t know why this Tree Sparina so fast sold out. Must be the location and schools.
Why so emo?
Because of envy ?
I still keep the original D Piazza selling brochure, that time people said developer don’t know from where.
My colleuges said in Chinese ” good thing, not cheap, cheap thing, not good”
To put thing into perspective , will you buy a double storey house in Balik Pulau now? Only RM550K? I mean seriously , would you dare to take that risk?
Of course no la, this la, that la.
Exactly , the D Piazza initial buyers took the risk.
Please, no name calling. Dogs are good pets, don’t bother with property Goreng
Do you know 3 blocks- all 1300 sq feet apartment
No fancy studio, one room apartment , various types of sizes for certain glamour condo.
So, like my floor, all neighbors are family with school going kids. That kind of conducive good environment . You don’t see a foreign man staying alone in a 1300sq feet.
Ok, talk about facts. We have active JMC, not true early buyers sell out. Get your facts right!
This kind of genuine family condo, big, good location, really hard to find.New condo now, mix with studios, small unit- so, all types of people with different character staying
You have revealed yourself that you bought D Piazza. 😉
Why need to envy, i just speak from end user perspective, mindset and come across many projects..discussing about pro and cons..Look at Zan Pavillion, 2k sq ft with an attractive price tag but what happened.
IDEAL must have their own selling point by putting this 500 per sq ft. Put aside harsh comments, this Tree Sparina not too shabby, location wise is strategic moreover it is convenient although i do not buy their LMC idea, clone from OneWorld perhaps(paya terubong, ayeritam farlim lookalike)
I believe everyone here just hope to grab a “cheap, good, big” property. I am no difference, just 2 cents worth.
Quality?when you have money , RM80-RM100K, you can get 5 stars hotel quality.
Location, you cannot change. You have pick wrongly on D Piazza.
Environment, conducive for family la. I have observed the lift always with school going children with parents. May be, due to uniform 1300sq feet in that block, so, mostly family la. The land lord said will not sell, he said even if got money to buy expensive condo, can not guarantee , good environment.
Entrance / external not grand la, but you do not invite friends for house warming every day, right? Personally , I think not important lo.
Thank you for clarification, but that doesn’t help much…..i believe many are silently watching this property talk forum… With so many choices nowadays, everyone is seeking high and low for their best house.
Somebody want facts, ok i give u. Now u buy 1300sf for 650k, after 3 years u want to get 100k min profit, u plan to sell 750k, just look around how many projects will be completed in these area Bayan Baru, Relau, Sungai Ara & Teluk Kumbar? Example: Platinum 3 1300sf selling 600k, ppl already can earn >100k & buyer will don’t mind to go up hill abit to save 150k. How about Golden Triangle? Other nearby new projects? Ppl entry cost r way lower than u, what selling points u have to compete with them? Only near school or airport? Don’t make me laugh. Unless u r near Penang top shopping center. Still those stubborn donkey will go for it, i just say good luck to them & lets see..
How much D piazza transacted now? Around 500psf also?
Yes with reno & furnish.. easily u can save at least 80k if u buy new one..
D Piazza is very good on location with free hold title.
Dpiazza facilities and maintenance fees compared to Tree Sparina? I heard Dpiazza layout is not that good with poor finishing. Any comments on that?
It’s SUITABLE location for those working in B. Baru and cannot be considered
very good location. This area is too congested and near to mosque,
supermarkets, stadium, market, shop houses, 4 digits outlets and banks.
A very good location will be where it attracts millionaires to stay.
I am also the same as KOK, i personally buy one unit subsale at end of 2009 and i never regret from it since.
although there are some problem initially like piping problem and lift breakdown issue but with active JMB, all those are past.
now i can even earn 100k+ if i sale the unit now, but issue is i love to live here with a lots genuine house owner rather than foreigner.
Yes, you make sense. Buy now 650k how could you sell 750k 3 years down the road…True, very true.
Not everyone mindset is to “Goreng”, buy and dispose off. Rather than getting old units with no so good quality hence i think TreeSparina has it owns selling point…Why not grab a new unit, current subsales in secondary market is slower than active primary markets nowadays.
Don’t get me wrong, this is my personal view…i don’t buy any properties names above, .. neither.
Just a passerby…too many apartments land in Penang island, getting a landed from subsales market is much better.
Location, no doubt. do OneWorldI,OneWorldII,Mahsuri apartment,PDC 5 storey apartment,Arenabayanbaru,ElitHeights,ThePromenade,OliveTreeResidences, and etc..
Your dpiazza layout and finishing ok? Maintenance fees?
the layout is very subjective, someone might like it someone might not like it.
Maintenance fee + sinking fund was about RM195 for 1300 like mine unit.
It is up to you how you want to hack and deco your unit.
From the condos I experienced, D’ Piazza is not a the same level with other condo. For D’ Piazza owners, good that you like it but you will understand what I mean if you have chance to move to other resort type condo in future. but no doubt, the location is good for Bayan Lepas factory employees.
Btw, I am ex D’ Piazza owner.
My view is that whatever and whichever property you buy, it will appreciate in time. The question is as to the amount of appreciation, and that would depend on various factors, eg. market demand, economic, etc. As we all know, land is scarce in Penang, hence owning a property is no longer like last time. And also due to increased population. Those who have bought property previously are considered very lucky as the prices of property is never going to decrease and will only increase.
According to the D Piazza promotion brochure, which is orange colour, there are proposed LRT station , yes, you read correct, LRT station and many , many other facilities .
But, at RM240K, 1300 Sq feet, well, cannot complain much la.
I don’t think your experience of Resort Style condo cost that little, right? At least half a million, right?
I still keep that old brochure with me, i want to show to my grand children in future, that,ah gong can buy a 1300sq feet condo with so little . Just like, my ah gong told me 5cent can eat wantan mee.
So profitable. Good job.
So do u consider tree sparina as resort type condo?
Ok. Simple question, do u know why subsales slow? Genuine buyer not able to buy due to the cost was way too high. Y primary market still active? U think genuine buyer buying? Again dun make me laugh. Those who booked the unit wif the mind set of i just pay downpayment later i can get loan from bank after completion i sell off. U still no idea % are real buyer for own stay to booked this project..
Expert, where you get to know the subsales is slow? Any data to prove and show? What is mean by genuine buyer? Why want to sell to Genuine buyer? Sell to stupid buyer and rich ppl la, easily get deal and sell at high price ma. haha… so simple theory u dunno? hehe…..
Wow, so many negative comments again; btw, which property launched previously and sold out didn’t have similar kind of negative comments? But, still sold out; haha, this condo will still the same, negative comments here, but diam diam go and buy! Why? Demand is still there! Penang property is still cheap! We are still far behind those property that need 2 to 3 generation to pay back the bank loan like Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul, etc.
Other thing expensive, you can cut your budget and not spend. But house, no matter how expensive, you need one, as long as bank approve your loan, you can buy!
Parents give you deposit, then husband & wife share the loan repayment, can buy already what?? This is current trend, some more abang adik or kakak now also share share buy house….To all youngster there, Don’t hesitate to ask money from your parent (or grandparent) to buy house! Better buy now while it is still cheap, else, you need your kids to continue pay the loan in future, lagi teruk.
I guess you have no idea the next generation, young buyers…be it married couple or MBA. Just see yourself they are willing to grab NEW unit although higher price tag with the help of stretching longer loan tenure..40years. They ain’t interested in so called LMC lookalike, poor quality unit or getting from subsales. Am I making sense why active primary market with this explanation, slow subsales?
Young people are chasing for quality lifestyle recent years, enslaving parents.
Yes, tendency of paying 10% downpayment without long term loan repayment planning..gradually shifting towards this trend,just pay minor amount, DIBS till completion…
..they are greater risk taker. I bet you don’t understand because the older we grow, the more we scare..
Don’t make yourself looks like a fool. Genuine buyer not able to buy nothing gotta do with is their money. In my sales perspective, I don’t care who are genuine buyer, as long as he/she pays me, no bad debts. they are genuine buyer in dictionary.
No pain no gain, wait till the day everything collapse, bubble as you wish long long time and you have time to Laugh…laugh out loud like nobody business..
Just back from Hong Kong, saw Penang property advertisement on their newspaper, and the Hongkees said “your Penang house really really cheap ar”….
U know why D piazza sub sales is slow? There r not many unit available in the market. In fact, I stay happily @ my 1300sft unit and rented out my 1100 sft unit. I don think I want to sell off any of my unit as of now. The potential for d Piazza is very great from first launching till now.
What is the potential of D piazza in your thought?
I also still keep the brochure. In fact, I still keep many project’s brochure during that same period of time. I was among the first in the temporary sales office, and bought it without looking at the actual spec, because I knew the location itself is already a good selling point.
At that time, a resort concept condo is only about RM30~50psf more expensive that D’Piazza. Event Baystar only 400K+ if I remember correctly.
As I said earlier, no doubt the location is superb. And that’s all.
If you read my earlier comment, can’t draw any conclusion at the moment until the podium layout and details facilities available. But if you look at the unit layout and the floor plan itself, sorry to say that TS is distance away if you want to compare with DP.
Any recommendation to buy completed condo that comes with better spec and location than Tree Sparina but still within reasonable price?
@Ah Dog
obviously you are hardcore speculator / goreng kaki addict … makan, minum & kentut only .. real parasite
@Darling Baby
Ops, sorry, you might be one of the loser in property investment. Or, you’re a very kind of person that doing lot of charity, and don’t want to see house price going up and so many poor ppl have no place to live. Amitabah, god bless…donate some money to build some LMC then.
It can be even slower….in Bayan Baru area, completed have D-Pizza, One World, Mayang Mall, and completed in 3 yrs time:- The Arena, Elite Avenue, The Golden Triangle, SPICE, and many more to come…knowing D’Pizza is now a very well known and famous Ghost-Town, how many more will come?
It can be even slower….in Bayan Baru area, completed have D-Pizza, One World, Mayang Mall, and completed in 3 yrs time:- The Arena, Elite Avenue, The Golden Triangle, SPICE, and many more to come…knowing D’Pizza is now a very well known and famous Empty-Town, how many more will come?
@Ah Dog
Penang LMC overflow already, many Penang kia especially young generation dont want LMC, feel it is cheap style, so end up many LMC become foreign worker nest.
Agree, well said, you can read their mind. In fact, there are still many sub200k, 300k apartments hanging around in Pg island.
D Piazza in nice location. After Elite, Arena and properties around build up. D Piazza price potential to grow.
My opinion,
With total units of 1,945.
For example, 1500 people bought for investment. After completion O.C. and everyone is selling it. Those who should have bought houses already bought, what is your Target market?
Where got?
The investor will become the resident them self..
I know someone around me is buying.. the reason of buying is for own stay.. they are ftz worker.. the reason of buying.
Budget : Around or below 500k (this may exceed another 50k but since DIBS.. still can tolerate)
Location: Must be within 10 minutes driving from factory.
Size: Must at least 3 room, > 1000 sf
Must be freehold
Prefer new project, dun like those old second house.
Need to be first hand buyer as they really only have 10% deposit. if buy from subsale, they need to prep about 20% downpayment (including a lot misc fees, as all this will be free if buy new project)
Easy to buy… (haha.. this they are complaining.. they say a lot project that launch not even can choose unit already book or reserved.. this project still got unit left for them to choose, so “no fish prawn also can”, so they choose this.
So , this is the pity condition for worker in ftz zone.. sometimes.. not even we can choose so much.. is the market trend is something wrong.. and for those going to married in couple of years.. a house is a must and must act fast. may be some people say there will be correct etc.. but no one knows when.. or it is just soften or really big correction.. can’t delay too much..
Any new project that suits conditiona above will be always sapu by person.
I agree with you. Although i heard some people still saying Dpizza issue.. but dunno why.. as long as u put the advertisement of sell in mudah.. very fast agent will come to you. They still say limited supply for selling. So good or bad.. people still take it. May be those born in 198x generation really huge amt.
this thread seems like becoming a Dpiazza thread, can we come back to Tree Sparina discussion, anyone managed to book a unit ? how’s the sale right now ?
what are the pros and cons in this project ? RM 500 psf for this area , is it worth it ?
This mindset not only happens to so called factory worker, it happens to most young generation of so called middle class. “Middle class” mah, of course cannot stay in cheap low class LMC. Then, Chinese mindset is must own a house to get married. Tanjung Tokong million property not afford to buy, landed property cannot get, so this so called “still affordable condo within 2 persons commitment” become the hot purchase lor. Booked first, paid 10% (some even less with discount, wait three years to save more money), then OC, time to get married and move in.
Talking about lifestyle hor… dun make me laugh at u like a frog in the well. I think u never have a chance to came across KL property, u will know wat I mean if u own some new condo there. With all in one commercial & facilities, young generation can just enjoy or shopping without coming out from their compound, thats called future trend n lifestyle. TreeSparina design n layout definately is NOT target for lifestyle. Majority would b FTZ worker family. Again, if subsale 750k. 10%+reno furnish 175k cash(parent subsidy?). Well, if 40 years loan 3k per month. How much u think fresh engineer salary in top mnc company? 3k? ×2 with husband or wife 6k gross before TAX. Remember Penang is different from Sg or HK. Unless u tell me after 3 years MNC fresh engineer salary is 6k or u expect after 3 years 1900 manager level ftz family will move to TS.
U want data? I got 6 property agents. These 4 months they are very slow especially for above 500K property in these nearby FTZ area. Maybe u might say election lah bla bla bla. Lets see. Their peak performance was that time when property price still below 500k which is like selling cake in these area. Btw, no offense. I guees u r not a rich guy so u really no idea how they think, again let me put some money into ur pocket.. Rich guy will choose tanjong tokong or gurney or some project with all the rich guy there. I tell u TS is definately NOT. Understand small kid?
Lol.. i think u have some answer in ur mind.. 500psf? If those naive ppl say it is worth. Developer will just laugh at u because they sell u future 3 years price now
How much is tanjong tokong or gurney rich guy paying for condo there now? Prices for expensive condo tends to fluctuate more than mid range right?
Yes, 200-300k profit is not a problem for flipping. But of coz entry cost is higher & it is very much depend on your holding power when uncertainties happen…
If u not rush for stay u may just wait for 3 years.. Those ppl want to rush now let them rush..
Can share 200-300k profit roughly in how many years? If entry cost is >1M, the ROI might not be that attractive compared to lower entry cost projects in growing area at the south.
Any reason why must wait another 3 years?
If I don’t buy now, it might be even more expensive after 3 years. By the time I might be forced to buy at Butterworth.
Butterworth also very expensive nowadays, expect rm600k and above for new properties.
Referring to <1mil projects, easy money upon completion, many rich guys waiting to grab your unit & don't mind to top up more VS south now entry cost 500-600K, expected 100K tough competition profile upon completion, many units waiting for calculative engineer to squeeze your price. Your choice.
If you plan to buy condo in these nearby area –> Wait (Read all my comments above if you want to know). If you plan to buy landed property in these nearby area –> Don’t think, just BUY!
Do you notice Butterworth, BM condo also sky high price already? Then you have no choice but move to Kulim in future.. lol..
RM500psf is it worth? The answer is simple, it is worth! Why? Because this is the current market price, and will further up till RM600psf after 3 to 4 years. Let’s see, it will sold out very fast, let’s see, no matter how you say, how you calculate in rocket science method, it is still worth for now, all buyers set the price, it is worth’ as they are buying [while at this time, other a bit high class projects like Pinacle, the Loft, Raffle Tower, etc. are selling RM600 till RM900psf]
Expensive? You all buyers already proved to developer the price can be up again!! Look at Ideal’s Fiera Vista RM350psf sold out so soon (while all claim expensive), One Imperial RM400 (again, all said expensive) and sold out, now, Vison Park RM500psf….again, you say expensive but ppl still buying.
If, Fiera Vista and One Imperial expensive and sale no good, they will keep on marketing both of them, and not able to launch this new one…..during chinese new year, you say Gong Xi Fa Chai; when developer launch new project, you say ‘Expensive Arrrr’; it became tradition already la……
@Ah Dog
My Pinnacle unit around RM460/sqft. Dont’s simply quote here.
Some 2cents on a rational analyses. …try get to know some friends from singapore, hongkong and china to share their story. They are the shadow of us in next 20years (assume msia not bankrupt yet).Most of the young buyer basically cannot afford if base on salary. But anyhow, they still need to crack their head to buy. WHY ? Because history tells property seldom drop . YES ! eventually one day it will drop …. BUT will it be next 3years ? 5years ? Or 10year …how much extend will it drop? Economy crisis not going to happen so soon.but saturation property might happen. Lets assume 1000sq@$500K property drop 100K in next 5years…it still relatively expensive at 1000sq@$400K, rite for a medium class worker ? So,does this drop actually make any different ? Answer is NOOO…..Don’t tell me you think it will drop to 1000sq@$250K, rite ? Be realistic. So, the question is …is it worth to gamble just for the sake of saving $100K ( additional installment $500/month) ?
Any project at Tanjung Tokong or Gurney in that price range with easy money upon completion?
I will give all of you a simple reason why you should invest in Tg tokong.
Simply because E&O owns the largest land bank in Penang!
When i say large it means 790 acres of undeveloped land that will be reclaimed soon.
What does that mean?
The current size of Seri Tg Pinang by E&O stands at 250 acres. So 790 acres!!!! that is 3 times the size of the current township where Straits Quay stands.
So when you do investment right, you have to look for catalyst that will push prices of properties higher. In this case, it is the 790 acres land bank!
I recently (Dec 2012) bought the Marinox at RM550/sft at Tg Tokong. It is now going for RM650/sft and they haven’t even started construction yet! Upon completion i am looking at RM700-750/sft. Since everything Quayside at Seri Tg Pinang is going for more than RM1200/sft
Simple logic and calculations right?
I bought my Bayswater with ~RM250psf; but N-years back. I am saying current market price, don’t tell history here! If we still can get RM460psf, let us know, we will not buy, as this project price is stagnant! Probably after completion, you still can quote RM460psf!
i dont care u bought your bayswater Rm1 or rm250. U r saying “projects like Pinacle, the Loft, Raffle Tower, etc. are selling RM600 till RM900psf”.. so dont simply bark!
The people is the reason the property price go up so fast, it really depend on the demand. If the developer not able to sell the project in few years time, I can confirm the property price will drop but because of human and authority selfishness, the property price keep go up. It will be a trend which burden all people. Lets the market adjust back itself, to those who think still affordable just buy it, for those who think not affordable you will not buy. The property price will raise till the unaffordable range increase and that is the time property price drop. Just wait patiently, it will sure happen.
Absolutely agreed. But for those kia su ppl they will never understand. They just think aiyo if now 650k i not buy future i need to pay 1mil to buy it… so funny & naive when i look at those ppl…..
Your 460psf is 2 or 1 carpark price?
Property prices correction perhaps.
However, you have to ask yourself this question again: The land bank available in prime locations in Penang are all gone.
Like you said: Location, location and location.
Demographic of buyers matters. Rich has the holding power.
Banks are also tightening loans. I have a few friends got their loan rejected or they were offered only 70%.
So developers are smart. For example for the next phase of STP2 at Tg Tokong, the developers decided that they are not going to target the local market anymore. Since prices per square foot has already reached RM1500/sft at Seri Tg Pinang condos. They decided to push it higher and target the rich foreigners instead.
Do you all realize that E&O is the one raising the price benchmark in Penang since 2005. People still keep on buying. Especially the hardcore E&O fans that consist of the elite group of people.
Haha, unknown, you’re totally unknown, just chat with my freind in SP Setia and know the price, if your Pinnacle with RM460psf, then probably you’re buying Peanut or you calculate wrongly. You’re pushing so hard here to tell people Pinnacle is low price! Anyway, SP Setia property is not a low cost things.
I agree with the bank tightening loans….E&O might be the one raising the price benchmark in Penang but I think it was IJM who started all these trends in the first place…RM5K to own a property and pay nothing until completion, remember?
After that, came all the big guns like Mah Sing, which u wouldn’t heard any of their projects in Penang before all these happened
This project? I dont see any Pros at all
Design = Low Cost Design
Density = Low Cost Density
What else do you expect from this Project? Look at their completed Sathu or whatever Residence- They name it, how weak is the subsale market that they couldn’t even subsale more than 10 units after Completion (based on Agent’s info)
With 19xx units ? Atleast 1k PLUS going to throw out the units and lets
“Ban ban wait 10 years see your Sub-sale units can throw out or not”
Or end up like Paya Terubong Flats, (Subsale no people buy, cannot tahan Interest, then rent for Factory Foreigners, 1 Unit RM2,000 – RM2,500 to cover installment first, but 1 house 8-10 Foreign workers.
This is the future. IF it is going to be 700k in the future, then I will circulate the whole Place and see who is the person that “Cannot tahan most” to sell at 600k, then whole building price will drop to 600k and stay stagnant there, because why? NO DEMAND.
Counting from Relau until SG ara until Bayan Lepas/Bayan Baru, more than 4k-5k new Condo/Apartment coming up, Where can you get the secondary market for 700k house? Even for Senior Engineer or Factory Managers, are they going to risk to take the Tidal Wave? All those Factories are mainly Foreign Factories, Suka Suka retrench, suka suka degrade position and etc
What sell to Senior Engineer/factory manager after OC?
THEY are the one who are buying now for investments…….all senyap senyap, stay one, buy one for investment …
So, the critical question now, sell to who?
May be, the expatriates get bored with sea view in Tanjung Bungah and feel like staying near to PISA, cannot meh?
Yamashita-san, u really make me lol… Ur example is like Malaysian stay bored in this country d, wanna migrate to Bangladesh…. Waahahahahaha!!!
Tao, I dunno u r which Tao, that dumbass Tao or smart Tao, anyway u r making sense now..
Yeah.. If not mistaken, I remember last year I check the price is >500psf after rebate…
Obviously, someone missed the boat is only rm4xx after rebate…
Talk for so much also useless. It is still selling like hotcake before official launch. Who will caring what you all talking about bcoz the money is from their pocket. Ppl may like to buy for own stay bcoz nearby Heng Ee and International school there. Any wrong with that? For those never been visit their show unit I am encourage to go see with your own eye. It’s pretty impressive. But i am poor guy not able to buy for own stay. Thus I am hav to drive long distance and suffering for traffic jam everyday.
dun worry, u can continue play need for speed, this is NOT my cup of tea anyway..
To put salt on an open wound, rub it on…feel it.. .dont be suprise, it is less than rm460 after rebate. Warm welcome awaits us to be there early, that project received overwhelming respond.
Do you only understand dog words?
@Ah Dog
Do you only understand dog words?
Again, for investment point of view, same word let’s see.. It totally not meet the investment rule of thumb Tripple A, understand? Game boy..
Even it is RM400 or lesser I won’t buy it too.
For investment/own stay is not an ideal choice
1) High Density
2) When is your turn to dispose your units when there are so many investors so-called already “Earn money”?
3) So many choices in Sg/Ara -> Relau->Bayan Lepas->Bayan Baru, if I were to choose, this is definitely not an option and will not gain “Opportunity Cost”
Own Stay
1) High Density
2) Layout no good
3) Too long to wait until completion (I rather buy Setia Pinacle/Reflection) even better
Anyway, this is just initial phase, with RM500psf, second phase maybe RM550psf, third phase….RM600psf. Simple math.
Where is the dumbass Tao now???
Stupid monkey, how can “dumpass” Tao help you?
U r the smartest Tao here i think. Keep up the ” good work”. The property “talk” needs people like you. But dun repeat your 19xx again and again la, it makes you looks desperate.
The developer will still happy in selling this hot cake project, unimpacted by all the sentiment showing here. Even those saying expensive, but they still buy Good Luck! At least, property on Penang Island will never drop in price! This is the fact, it is just keep on increasing depend on how fast the overall development on this island. One day, if MRT become reality on this small island, a theme park, and more amenities….guess what, the price will drop??? There are more to come, Penang Island is still not really developed yet!
This projects will shoot up to rm1000/sqf, wheather u like it or not, developer will push for the price and same goes to sub sale. Property market winner always developer and rich people, thr wage earner like monkeyman and the rest are faithed to be slaugther by them. Rm1000/sqf still dont afford to buy then wait for rm2000/sqf in future. All is about affordability of ur financial not about how fast u grab the unit.
Yeah …. this project really look like a low medium cost building. I will not feel proud to stay here. RM500 per sq, sorry, a NO for me.
praying for price drop … !
@AH Dog
Keep on praying … and by the way, also pray for world to end as well…
When will this project “shoot” to rm 1000 psf?
common sense will tell until phase 5 it will reach 1000sqf if every phase increased by rm100/sqf , the developer is one pushing up the price to new height not the purchaser
@ Crime
I like your optimism….RM1000/sq ft
Hahahahaha….in this market anything can happen.
Michael it is not optimism it is common sense la
@AH Dog
If not were you, your kids will willing to pay RM1000psf for this project in future for living.
Sorry, your praying won’t come true, as the property price in Malaysia is still consider low compare to other country, and yet, we have MM2H to encourage the foreigner to buy house here where it is very affordable for them, Penang is termed one of the suitable retirement place, see the influx of foreigner coming to Penang
While low medium cost or low cost will still in high demand, as we’re moving to form a new nation called Banglasia, they need LMC to stay.
Hello guys, I was wondering what will be built on the parcel of empty land beside Tower 3 of Tree Sparina?
Any idea?
Latest info is a mosque for 2,500 worshippers
According to MPPP there is no large place for worship nearby so that seems to be the plan…not sure .. please check with authorities
@Ryan Ong
May I kindly know where did you get that information from? You personally asked MPPP about it?
Please check with MPPP yourself…Look for the planning and development unit and ask the person in charge… this is the info I got
where is this piece of empty land beside tower 3, it near the army camp there ?
It is right beside Tower 3. If you’re coming from army camp, it is right before Tree Sparina’s site.
If you take a look at the brochure of Tree Sparina/google maps, you can see the empty land.