The Rise (Chelliah Park City)
The Rise (was known as Chelliah Park City), an affordable housing scheme by Penang State Government. Zubicon Sdn Bhd has been awarded the tender to build 1,900 units of affordable housing at Jalan S.P. Chelliah in Georgetown. This housing scheme comprises units with size ranging from 700 sq.ft onwards. Here are the summary of units available for each category:
Medium Cost
1000 sq.ft.
RM 400000
80 unit
900 sq.ft.
RM 300000
165 unit
800 sq.ft.
RM 200000
885 unit
Low Medium Cost
700 sq.ft.
RM 72500
770 unit
1900 unit
Zubicon has proposed the concept of sustainable and self-contained compact development which would fit into a central business district, consisting of RM 25 million worth of public facilities that include a linear park, a 70 percent green space and the improvement of Sungai Pinang.
The public facilities include a linear park and beautification of Sungai Pinang, bus terminal, bicycle lane and pedestrian walkway and also a surau.
- Eligibility and the requirement of buying affordable housing
- Full list of affordable housing in Penang
For registration details, you may refer to
Property Name: The Rise (previously known as Chelliah Park City)
Location : Jalan S.P. Chelliah, Georgetown, Penang
Property Type : Mixed development
Built-up Area: 700 sq.ft. – 1,000 sq.ft.
Developer : Zubicon Sdn Bhd
Register your interest here
Location Map:
[streetview width=”100%” height=”250px” lat=”5.408722″ lng=”100.32451600000002″ heading=”-1.4609956598576355″ pitch=”-5.456108809134513″ zoom=”0.009999999999999898″][/streetview]
wooo… where to register???
From what I understand, when it comes to LC or LMC, you will have to submit your applications at Unit Perumahan, Komtar.
400000k now is medium cost ..sweat
this project is open to public? or need special registration?
400k medium cost?????…. how siah lor. Penang goverment think penang people all rich ah!!!
800 sq.ft worth to buy in this MC ranges, only rm250/sq.ft, the cheaper compare to 900(rm333/sq.ft.) and 1000sq.ft(rm400/sq.ft).
If looking for bigger spaces then 400k for 1000sq,ft still below current market value. Base on the picture and unit qty., 900 and 1000sq.ft should be separated block from those 700 and 800sq.ft unit.
It will be a “Muhibbah” centre. The atmosphere or environment just like
“Chowrasta Market” and in no time your property is not going to
appreciate in tandem with the market value.
Any requirement to buy this house? Like salary, only for first house? etc…..
I reply my answer:
Need to register at
All the term and condition already inside the web site.
Hmm, those houses that affected by this project also have to fork out 72500 ? or it is exchange 1 to 1 , if yes…..hohoho…..Chowraste market can happen loh
Where to register for this? Anyone knows this developer?
I don’t think we need to register at KOMTAR coz the Medium Cost is neither LC/LMC. Only the 700 sq ft is LMC.
Sorry, I should have included the registration link. Sunhill is right, you need to register at
freehold or leasehold ? It was never mentioned anywhere……
based on, one if the syarat permohonan is:
4. Pendapatan suami / isteri tidak melebihi RM 750.00 atau Pendapatan sekeluarga kurang daripada RM 1,500.00.
Household income less than Rm1.5K, how to afford RM75K – Rm400K house?
3) Pendapatan Tidak melebihi RM 2,500.00 Untuk Kos Rendah (Suami dan Isteri)
4) Pendapatan Tidak Melebihi RM 3,500.00 Untuk Kos Sederhana Rendah (Suami dan Isteri)
question, is tidak melibihi RM 3,500 untuk rumah kos serdehana rendah lahhhhhh
OMG, i hv not qualified already!!!! (T_T)
i think close already the form. so many people apply.
beside, do you see zubicon? the gangster contractor that do renovation for dpiazza is the developer.
Just call Zubicon, the office just near my office place, they said 700sq.ft is for gov apply, not from them, others yes…i think others can direct buy from them?? curious to know freehold??
Woww in small land can build 1900 units…special project.
Hong Kong already can do it with super high dense high rise, why Penang can’t?
800sf with RM200k, very attractive price, how to buy one? (any ‘kang tao’ if not meeting the requirement?)
1000sf with RM400k? I think it is no longer call affordable house, but it can be a good choice for investor.
400k with condo facilities?
1000sf with 400k is for lower level, upper level should be increase level by level, penthouse will be 500k i think.
No condo facilities but “Chowrasta Market” only.
wow! if 400k without any condo facilities that is considered as high end prices?
It is really a big joke that 400k per unit or 400/sqf call as affordable house and only for those income falls below rm3500/mth. how much they have remain after the fix installment? it is not realistic at all.
a rich planner vever understand the poor’s financial condition.
Price correction coming … !
Demand in secondary property market slow in H1 (thestar)
there is also the general sentiment that the property market is due for a price correction.
THE demand in the secondary property market is expected to remain slow during the first half of this year, a reflection of last year’s trend due to Bank Negara’s responsible lending guidelines, says Property Hub Sdn Bhd resident manager Wan Choy Heng.
He says that the situation is expected to remain slow as house buyers prefer project launches that come with a developer’s interest bearing scheme (DIBS) There is also the general sentiment that the property market is due for a price correction ……
I think the 80 units of 1000sf will at higher floor. Lower floor will locate those 800sf and 900sf, will come with condo facilities. I think can’t select units, by ‘lucky draw’ to select your unit. While the 700sf will be another block with it’s own facility.
I wonder why all people bad comment on this, goverment have million houses all complaint , have LMC also comment…i think those have bad comment will scare all people from compete with this project … then those ‘people’ will have bigger change!
Why don’t you consider the 700sft unit? only RM100psft. 800sft units also cheap.
Hi Make sense, I think joanne did not say she couldn’t afford it. What she meant was why is gov subsidized apartments being sold at such high price, considering the ceiling income for this category of apartment is RM3500/mth.
In other words, if you buy a RM400k property, assuming you fork out 10% down payment, you’d have to borrow RM360k from the bank. The average mortgage payment for such loan would be RM2000/month, and that’s already more than 50% of one’s monthly income, therefore breaching BNM guideline…..:)
The price above is not confirmed one is it? I thought many units are selling at around RM100psft? Even the 800sft units are selling at RM250psft… I am sure you can’t find this price any where else nowadays. Unless you die die want the limited 1000sft units, then I have nothing to say.
Guys, correct me if I’m wrong. Isn’t the RM2500 cap for “Low Cost” and RM3500 cap for “Low Medium Cost” unit?
I read that the 700sft unit is the “Low Medium Cost”, thus RM3500 household income cap for the 72.5K unit. The rest is “Medium Cost” thus open for all?
Or am I mistaken somewhere?
I will grab one unit and rent it out, surely can rent out with very good price. Guys, please share if there is any under table deal to purchase one, up to 1000sf with RM400k also fine for me. thanks.
@KeatLa , siao bo ? if want under table pun dun say so loud here , if really have also not dare to say laa…here is public u know….careful
Haha….Walaueh, now every where got free lunch, free dinner, lucky draw, free concert, approaching GE13, should i say that a type of corruption? They can do openly…..This house purchase under table is just simple stuff la…..
Anyway, if got under table deal, please let me know, I
Hi everyon here. I am penangite whom are ooking for refinancing loan because I am currently with Standard charted bank with BLR + 1%. Applied the loan 4 yrs ago. Now in the market, the BLR with minus interest rate for the rest of tenure.
I also checked with Standard charted that the exit penalty was at 6% of the outstanding.. I was wondering is it same as other bank? Pls share your recommendation of bank loan.
Heard my friend received the approval letter from state gov for buying the house, any others here?
+1% is very high leh… I heard public bank is having blr-2.0% and cimb -2.2%. Try to do some research before you choose the bank… It’s very important and say your home loan has a fixed interest rate of 6.6% p.a., and the current interest rate for home loan refinancing is 4.4%; you’ll be paying 2.2% less interest every year for the rest of your loan period if you go with refinancing. To put things into perspective, 2.2% of RM400,000 is a staggering RM8,800. Damn lot man…
wah, BLR +1%, are you kidding me? I am so surprised to hear that. Nowadays we are all talking about -2.3 to -2.5 already lo, bro. Citibank offer -2.5 and also got RM10k cashback too, why you choose that package? I would advise to refinance, you will not regret it and save alot of $.
Wow it’s good to know about this RM 10K discount. With the money got back, can use to pay penalty charges or even lawyer fees… The only thing is I heard Citibank is kinda selective on the location when giving out loan… is it real? anyone tried before?
There is no enough car park later… See la what will be happend later… All car need to park at outside… Second, is the maintenance fees…. I don’t so all residences will be friendly and cooperation to pay the each month once… You really facing a lot of problem later… stay tuned…
Of course it is real la, go check for yourself. All banks are selective in giving out loans, they cannot just give anyone one the street right? Or else no need to do business lo.. haha. But so far 3 of my buddies of different location applied at Citibank also get. So I think not too hard.
If you dont know if you are eligible or not, you can check using the online application? Heard that they call in 24 hours.
But if you are the lazy sort of person, like me, just meet with their consultant at the bank, only takes 10 minutes to know accept or not.
Which bank is the panel for this one coz most of the time if the bank is the panel, they can waive the legal fees
Just got this good news that the Citibank promo for free legal fee and RM10k cashback is back now.. it’s until June 28th.
fill up the form here to check for eligibility
I heard it’s only up to RM 10K for the cash back and it does not mention about the coverage for the legal fees lo…
The RM 10K is better than nothing right?? And it’s the bank giving to you instead of the other way round… Which other bank that give you bank money? For the legal fees, I’m not so sure too… If you’re really interested why not give them a call to clarify it? Do update us please.
If can tolerate and dun mind driving a second hand car like kelisa .. normal city degree holder worker, husband and wife should be no problem to affort 400k house.
I guess the guidelines for the 400k unit should be offer to first home buyer only or combine income <8k which which will make more sense.
This project under PDC, salary RM3500 below u only can buy 700sqft but if ur salary more than RM3500 u must buy 800sqft and above.. They open for registration on CNY at PDC bayan baru n also at Komtar infront of KFC.. Now already close.
Main con is Zubicon……. Hmmm
400K medium cost? LOL
RM400k only 80 units out of 1900. Some people may want to stay there for whatever reason and are willing to pay a bit more to secure the location. Perfectly reasonable.
Any update on the progress of approval to the potential buyers? My friend called, seems no progress. After election, seems everything slowing down….need to wait for another 4 to 5 years?
Abo then? Maybe wait 3yrs…they need to materialized the project before 5yrs.
Where to check the application status?
the registration closed already somewhere in february or march this year, until now no news at all, the location there still full of tress and bushes, nothing being done.
saw from news that this project will starts early next year.
400K for medium cost and salary < RM3.5K? My salary above RM3.5K and I only barely can afford the rm300k homes..
i already and i already wait few year already also can’t get any house
They need to settle kancil car park first lah!….:)
Dont worry sure will be launched before next GE, i get to know all this affordable home can be easily approved if you know those internal ppls in this dept. My frens applied for more than two
years still no news but those not entitle for this unit can get approval easilty. Need the related party to check to ensure those first time buyer are given this affirdable unitsD
is it freehold or lease hold?
can anyone share developer contact?
For those who bought D’Piazza first hand, they must be very familiar with Zubicon. For other who do not know, Zubicon is simply a company (or rather a few folks sitting near the ground floor) that forced the owners to buy sand, bricks and cements if the owners do not let them carry out the renovation.
Is there any updates on this project?? I already submit my application before last GE but until now still no updates. I tried to call PDC and they said this is not they incharge and ask me to call Zubicon directly. I call Zubicon for so many times but nobody pick up my call at all :~(
When are they going to offer?
Next GE if not now.
I Have register to the e-rumah, but how i select this project? Any ideas to get it?@Ken (Admin)
i got the project ready from state government .piling just started it seems , any idea good to buy at this location? seems like it is lease hold ..but centre of town .good location ..
Hi @saravanan, I got the offer too, yea, location wise is good
BTW, I couldn’t find more information about this project…e.g. floor plan et cetera…any idea what is the next step?The only 2 options on Erumah are 1. Kembali or 2. Tolak Tawaran
hi@ mrpotato we have to wait for the letter from state government ..once got the letter we have to start loan application. they will send letter it seems ,we have to wait till they send letter
okay, will wait for the official letter.. which unit do you get? I get 800 sq ft…
Hi @saravanan, thanks for your reply
@MrPotato yes i got the 800 sq ft too. Lets wait for the letter ya..How i can private message you so that we can exchange some latest information?
Hi Sara & Potato … i got the SP Chelliah 800sg ft as well !! I called the developer Zubicon , They said the House Layout Haven’t print yet & we need to wait for the letter frm Erumah !!
About the location pretty good at heart of city but only thing makes me worried is 47 storey near the Sg Pinang !!! hmmm… such a high storey ??
Hi @saravanan and @MrSolid
Happy to hear that we are ‘on the same boat’!I have the same concern too…47 storey…but i guess those 800sq ft will be in the same building together with 900 and 1000 sq ft (just my guess)…whereas 700 sq ft one will occupy 2 blocks, each block has 37 floor as per Erumah…
saravanan, I cannot seem to find the private message option as well…lets wait for the letter from Erumah, in the meantime I’ll hang around here for awhile
hi @MrSolid and @MrPotato Yes that is my concern here 47 storey pretty high density..Anyway i dont think so we can able to choose the floor as it will be based on ballot. Its pretty hard to get a house in heart of town and island now for cheaper price..Just hope for the best
Keep finger crossed all will turn out good 
I get offer too, but RM400k for 1000sqft!
I wonder why 800sqft is only RM200k, add 200sqft, add RM200k???!!!
Is this make sense??
@leeden As far as i know RM400K different block and the amenities wont be shared with 800 or 700 square feet..You guys will be a separate amenities if i’m not mistaken.
Hi Mr Potato & Sara,
Yes.. U r rite !! We cant choose the floor /hse Num based on Ballot acc. Zubicon but i quess maybe we can exchange during the ballot day as per mutual understanding(MAYBE ONLY) . Since, it going b 3 yrs project so we shud keep in touch freq bcoz a lot of information can be share & gain wic benefit to all .. So , Lets more ppl in then mayb we can create a group or Watsapp or something in order exchange information & the progress !!
Mr . Leeden ,
I asked the same question why 800sgft rm250persgft but 1000sgft -rm400persgft and they said the 1000sgft are separate single block with only few units at each floor and got shops &etc at ground floor & diff entrance ( i think so !!! )
For 800 & 900 sgft are same building with sharing condo facilities . whereas , 700sgft are 2 block no condo facilites..
Hi housebuyer, would you mind to share the info that you know?
From Erumah, it only states :
1. 700 Sq Ft – 2 blocks, 37 floor, 770 units
2. 800 Sq Ft – 1 block, 47 floor, 883 units
3. 1000 Sq Ft – 275 units
Thanks in advance.
Oh like that ah, how to know more info? Can you share?
Wow!thanks for sharing, very much appreciated.
Happy to see that there are more people commenting here, and yes, MrSolid is right, sharing is win-win situation!Lets hope state sends us the letter asap so that we can take the next steps.
Hi Mr.Solid, thanks for your info. By the way, is this Leasehold land?
Hi @MrSolid @MrPotato
Yes agreed . We should create a group to discuss about the latest information so that everyone is up to date whats happening. Anyway please keep me posted once you you all received the letter .
883 units come with 1 car park? i was wondering how the block would be with 883 units…Its gonna be many units in one floor.. The building would be sky crapper if 47 floor. I just hope it doesn’t look like Macalum low cost or BJ court
hi all… how about we create a FB group to share all the information?
anyone can be the group admin?
Bro.. good Idea but let more people in 1st …
Hello future Neighbours! I got a 800sqft unit here too!!
Hello guys,
Status Dalam proses tawaran (berjaya) means i sure got letter coming d?
Can’t wait..
Wah…got a few ppl get dy…very good very good…can consider use lowyat…roundtable discussion…i just suggest only…see how u guys think
any one get the offer letter from government?
Haven’t got the letter yet..Perhaps next week..
Nope, haven’t received. Checking mailbox everyday, haha!
hi everyone ….i gt 400k unit last friday …but till nw havent receive da the letter …..
Checking my letter box every single day and greetings to all my future neighbours 😉
Yea lets do a FB groupchat, agree!!
I also get the 800sqf 200k also waiting letter on it and hi to all my future neighbours.
Yesterday went to Zubicon developer asked, they confirmed that there will be separate stand-alone tower with 1000sqft units, thus total units is only 275 units! And got condominium facilities as well, such as swimming pool, gym…….seems not bad huh~~~
Means 400k will be with condo facilities? Sounds good and fair. I got 400k unit too. Any1 creating fb group? Here is the project design video
The related facilities that will be built in this project include facilities and communal infrastructure ie pavilion, linear park, community park, riverfront point, market street, big tree skyway, bus terminal, taxi hub, Chelliah Square, 33kV Pusat Pencawang Utama PPU (Main Distribution Sub Station), civic center, surau, upgrading of existing Jalan S.P. Chelliah and building additional car parks for low medium cost (LMC) affordable homes, which in total will cost an additional RM 29 million. This development shall comply with the Green Building Index (GBI) of Gold Class and shall consist of seventy percent (70%) green area of the entire development.
Congrats to those who get this project offer
Hi Future Neighbour,
Nice to know you all.Anticipating for the letter too.
So sp chelliah Do nt have the 900sf for 300k ?
Everyone here cn add me 0194333411 kenny in whatsapp enable me to create a group chat tru whatsapp
How about 900sf? Going to be same block with 1000sf?
Nope, 900 sqft will be same block with 800sqft.
Cn eveyone pls add me im whatsapp so that we cn share da latest info…0194333411 kenny
Mr Sara, Potato and leeden,
plz join watsapp group 0194333411 kenny.. For future neighbours welcome to this group to keep and share info up to date…
Anyone receive the letter so far?
No yet ..
wonder why there isn’t much info or update for this project, seems like TRI Pinnacle and Ramah Pavilion already sent out letter
Hi may know the original price come with one car park already? Then we pay extra to get second car park? still not get letter yet…
Mr.Potato ,
Ya.. U r rite !! seems like this project moving a bit slow compare to the rest but as i knw SP Chelliah was 1st affordable project in island approved my state Gov yet still haven’t received much info !!
Watsoever , hope this project will complete within 3 years !!
yes pretty slow. I’m calling them daily to get the information. Oh Tri Pinnacle already sent out the letter too..?? I called the Komtar and they are midst of preparing the letter now. Since 800 ++ application , its gonna take pretty long to prepare the letter .. Be patient guys.Ramah Pavilion as i know most of the applicant rejected the offer as it is in rural area and the developer are private developer ..Hence it moving pretty fast compared Chelliah Park city. Chelliah park city is by state government and the contractor is Zubicon. Thus, its pretty slow compared to other projects.. I hope the project will complete in 3 years time too..Hope no any problem in between..
@ck, sorry I am not sure about the car park
@Mr. Solid & @saravanan,
From the link steven shared:
4. Development Schedule
The entire development of affordable housing on the land must be fully completed within four (4) years by November 2017.
So the ETA is Nov 2017, less than 3 years from now, keep our fingers crossed
Ya… i went to Zubicon today to checkout the latest info and saw the layout ” As usual Normal Apartment Layout” and for 800sgft no balcony but 900 & 1000sgft do f balcony !! The corner unit of each floor will be 900sgft with balcony wic same block with 800sgft !!! ….
No balcony
i want balcony to see the view of the town ..sad thing!! sob sob
I can’t imagine living in a apartment without a balcony. Sometimes I need fresh air and I don’t want to sit in a park (and opening a window doesn’t get this feeling of wind) so a balcony is the only solution.
It’s a must have for me. It’s where I always go every morning when I wake up to get fresh view of the skyline, feel the cool breeze, do a bit of stretching, and more. what a sad thing
Its true …. balcony symbol of modern apartment style but in return you need to pay RM 100k more !! The rest of house layout almost the same for 800sgft & 900sgft !!
I am an advocate of affordable homes for the middle class, and will fully support their entitlement for a quality home in their homeland. But we have to be consciously aware of the fine line between basic entitlement vs modern luxuries that you have to work for, failing which our society will fall into the trap of complacency and laziness.
Finger ,
I believe the house with price of RM200k ^ consider not a middle class range but falls under affordable home range . The Buyers just feels that home with balcony gives more modern lifestyle feel but not a luxuries .
Anyway ,
Since you’re advocate of middle class home please explain about the process of purchasing the unit such as S&P agreement, Legal Fee & any other charges since most of them are First Time Buyer so we are not aware of the procedures !!
Just to clarify, when I said I am an advocate, I did not mean I am a conveyancing lawyer. I actually meant I am a strong supporter of affordable homes for the middle income.
However, whether I am a lawyer or not, I strongly encourage you to seek FIRST HAND information from authorized state housing agencies in Komtar, rather than hear-saying over the internet.
I understand your feeling as a first time home buyer. The feeling of heavy responsibilities, mortgage payments for the many years to come, and the various uncertainties ahead. But trust me, once you have gone over it and got over the fear of the first encounter, it would be super easy the next time, to the extend that you just can’t wait to buy your next property.
Hi, Anyone know 800 & 900 sgft Unit got condominium facilities such as swimming pool, gym?
Finger ,
Ok.. Anyway, Thanks for ur Information !!
Hi Leeden,
Have you ask them is it a commercial unit? I think this is very important since there are shop lots on the ground floor.
Is anyone created the group in fb? Kindly share out the page so that we can join in.
I got 1000sf with RM400,000 but I just wonder whether it is a commercial unit or residence unit?
js received da letter from da state government. Anyone here gt da letter too???
Just received the letter from gov. I got 900sf with RM 300,000.00.
Hi, can upload the letter? This is because i have not received the letter yet. Check from Komtar, i get the 800sf
@ WEI11 , pls add me in whatsapp 0194333411 Kenny …so we can share info
@ LIM …here canot update photo….pls add me in whatsapp as we nw already have 10 peoples in this group, i can show u the letter i gt ….
any 800sf owner already get the letter?
Kenny,add me into group pls.
Just received the letter from gov. I got 900sf with RM 300,000.00.
Can this project revive Penang Time Squares? So close.
Has anyone received a letter from the developer with more information regarding the project?
I know people are starting to receive letter from the government, but i see from other projects’ pages, the developer will also send letter. So wondering if true.
No way and will make things worse for Penang Time Squares.
Kenny, ard add to you. Pls approve
Nvm, developer says in process to send out the letters. Brochures currently in printing.
My friend already got her letter for 400k.
ckckck, I still haven’t get mine too…… mine was 800sqft as yours
According to Zubicon, We need to pay 10% downpayment and Sign SnP then only can apply for EPF withdraw.. Why not just pay a booking fee few thousand and apply EPF to pay the balance sum .. Affordable House Ramah Pavallion only need to 5% and can apply EPF … This is affordable hse so shud be flexible !! Those get RM 400k need to have cash around 40-50k !!! Wow ….
Hi all,
Did any body recieve letter for 200k 800sq ft letter from komtar?
Any facility for 80p sq ft. Please reply.
Thank you
Hi all,
Did any body recieve letter for 200k 800sq ft letter from komtar?
Any facility for 800 sq ft. Please reply.
Thank you
Does the zubicon developer reliable? Afraid they run away half way
Is freehold or leasehold? I check info from web is leasehold.. free S&P and legal fees ?
It is Leasehold, confirm…no free things…
HI, did anybody received the letter for 800sq RM200k?
I am still waiting for my letter, every day i check on my letter box. i’ve got 800sqft. Check on e rumah website since last dec show in the process of offer.
Anyone of u know what we needed to do after we receive the offer letter?
I check with zubicon developer they say 680 sq ft diffrent entrance and ( maintenance fees for 800sq ft is 160rm and 900 and 800 sq ft same floor they build 47 floor for 800sq ft and 900sq ft and same entrance but no gym facility only have swimming pool. Last 1000 sq ft have swimming pool, balcony, gym and separate entrance.
800 sq ft have no balcony and have swimming pool which share with 900 sq ft.
900 sq ft have balcony and swimming pool
1000 sq ft have swimming pool and gym and balcony
Very high floor they build for 800 and 900 sq ft which is 47 floor. Damm afraid. Share half 800 and half 900 i think 800 sq ft below floor and 900 sq ft might be up floor.
For 72k separate entrance( no facility)
For 400k separate entrace ( swimming pool, gym, balcony)
For 200k and 300k same block which is 47 floor they build.share entrace ( swimming pool share with 300k apartment and for 300k have balcony. No balcony for 200k pls take note
I havent recieve any letter for 200k.
MR PENANG GUY, kindly add me in whatsapp…we have a group which nearly 20 ppls nw…we share all update n info der.
0194333411 kenny
Its leasehold or freehold
Can add me into the group as well? 012 5764952
I got the 800sqft one.
Buh pian.. Town area& land limited. Our goverment won’t be so good..give us freehold.
Hi, can add me to the group?
@KB info fr developer, 400k is under residential rate.
Called them n found out that there will be 11 LIFT/ELEVATOR in 200K/300K block….Keep repeating myself abt the 11 LIFT and the same answer “YES”… 1st floor till 10th floor will be parking lot, 11th floor will be facilities, 12th floor till 47th floor will be residence… To Purchase extra carpark will be RM27 500 (included GST)… Maintenance fee will be RM160 below (not comfirm yet).
please add me…I have the RM200K unit…my number 01116192038…thx
can u please add me in the group 012-5223090
can u please add me in the group, 010-3702613
Hi all,
I got both letter from State Government (Bahagian Perumahan) and Zubicon. Loan application submitted, now pending for loan approval.
Please add be to the group 010-2588993
Hi All,
Congrats to those received the letter. I’m the least fortunate 1
Not sure im been disqualified for the 1000sqf application due to already owning a LMC apartment or just not the lucky 1 in the balloting despite meeting other stated criteria.
Any advise? Thanks
please help to add me to the group. 0149522868.
Pls add me in the group 012-5812903. Thanks
Kindly add me in the group as well. 0164547525
Thx a lot
For those who wanna join da group pls add me (whatsapp 0194333411 kenny)
tell me ur name and the square feet u gt ….tq
As at now, we already have 40++ ppls in group…whatsapp only allow 100ppls in a group chat
Can someone please illustrate the whole process of buying affordable home?
After we received the letter, what is the next step? paying booking fee/downpayment? -> obtain loan?->balloting on house unit?->if not happy can reject?
Dont know anything abt the procedure but Yes we can reject if we want to.
As I read from some forums buying govt projects (LC/LMC/AH), we are bound by contract (or govt bond) that prevents buyers from selling within 1 or 2 yrs of purchase. What is the exact period? Does it include affordable homes too?
Hi future neighbour,
Please add be to the group 0125126100 .
Thank you very much!
Hi, future neighbour. pls add me in the group, 012-5126100.
Pls don’t fall in their trap. They can’t even explain clearly and they don’t understand the question when you ask. The low cost house blocking the 800/900 sqft units view. Moreover its looks congested. Even same goes to 1000 sqft. The land is very small and they building such high rise building. Besides this developer last time know as a contractor. A lot people know them as gangster contractor. So in this case sure they good to before buy house, once buy house any problem in future sure they show their gangsterism. People already buy this house then good luck. If not yet then think before you buy.
Hi, future neighbour. Pls add me in the group, 016-4962737 Nick Ong
I get 400k unit with 1000 sq ft. Has submitted loan application and pending loan approval.
Who are those bankers? Which bank is good?
I heard from someone that he is paying someone $2k to help him get a unit.
Can add me in group as well ? 0172055900. Tq
Why I already apply so long no reply? Anyone know what can I do? I last time got apply for RM200000.
I was told Rm200k unit already fully sold out earlier.
Hi All,
Where is the exact location, is it beside the condo The Sandilands?
Will this area smelly due to the dirty river?
No, it’s not near to The Sandilands. For your curiosity Summer Place is
also situated along this river. Do you think this river is dirty ?
This river is no dirty, is extremely dirty…
got a bit smell only..
h all,
i got 800sqt, my loan application had approved. The developer said the arrangement for signing S&P is around end of march or april (two months from now), means that the arrangement to draw the lot unit will be around that time, subject to the number of applicant who had submitted the loan approval letter.
that was fast. which bank did you choose? do you mind telling me ur rate?
my condo in summer place… no smell at all….
additional car park charged Rm27,500 is very very expensive for affordable house project scheme
by Penang state government. All the purchasers should requested the state government to reduce the price before purchase the additiional car park.
I feel that the reasonable price should be RM18,000.
All the purchasers please feed back
Hi Sharon,
Did you buy extra car park?
If no smell then probably is a good buy since the location is quite strategic, agree?
I also heard that Government is trying very hard to clean up the river, is it still in progress?
hi I’m married but my husband from singapore, a Singaporean. So can I apply the house, I’m a Malaysian. ? His working in singapore .
sungai pinang has already been upgraded to safe level, i dont remember the grading and numbering, i forgot… and this happened few years ago already… but i dont know how they have been maintaining it… last time they claimed the grade now is from dead river i think grade 6 to now grade 3 swimmable….
Swimmable??!! lol…what a joke!
This is really a good news for us, i hope the government still keeping up the good work and continue to upgrade the level just like what Singapore did.
Imagine if Sg Pinang upgrade to a clean and clear river then probably The Rise is a good place to stay.
Hope more people can share in here, thanks.
Hi future neighbor, my loan also approved already. I heard the extra car park is subject to approval from PG gov. The bank and Zubicon can’t guarantee the availability of the extra car park. Beside this, the extra car park will be under another set of loan (not included in the house loan).
nt yt gt any good news for sp chelliah..sad
Do you guys think is a smart choice to buy Chelliah? since is leasehold
location wise is good compare others.
Other than location, i cant think of any other reason